America’s Road To Fame

Chapter 64: Daigo empowerment

The result of the conversation with Yang Zhiyuan was still very good. During this conversation, the two talked about a lot of things, and Yang Zhiyuan's views on Chen William also changed a lot.

Maybe because they are both Chinese, it is easier for the two sides to get closer. At least when they finally left, the two of them exchanged contact information and will meet again when they meet.

After William Chen was free, he saw Ivanta. At this time, Ivanta was getting together with the ladies. Everyone was not sure what they were talking about, but they looked very happy.

It seems that Ivanta also enjoyed such a scene very much, and also established a good relationship with those ladies.

These women are all wives of Silicon Valley bigwigs, and naturally they will not be ordinary people. We can see an interesting phenomenon, that is, although we often hear scandals between young rich people in Silicon Valley and female stars, there are not many young rich people who will actually marry those stars in the end.

Even if they finally entered the marriage, when their marriage ended in breakdown, there were few news that a female star could share too much property from the rich.

This is also very normal. In the United States, there will always be a whole team around the rich to serve them. To put it bluntly, the interests of these teams are actually tied to the interests of the rich.

Therefore, for those rich people's marriages, without their own consideration, his team will consciously formulate a series of pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements for them to ensure that his property will not suffer heavy losses due to the divorce and division of one day.

Therefore, we can see that the wealthy spouses who have been exposed to a large amount of property divided due to divorce are often married when the other party has not yet started. It is very rare that after becoming a rich man, a huge amount of property is divided away after getting married again.

Like the most famous example: Wendi Deng and Murdoch. She also got two properties and a small amount of cash after the divorce, worth less than $100 million, or less than 1% of Murdoch's total assets.

And the reason why Deng Wendi was able to continue to share the huge fortune of 4 billion US dollars was only because that part of the property was inherited by her two children, and did not belong to her completely.

Thinking of this, William Chen finally realized the mistakes he made in his previous life.

That is, he paid too much attention to the relationship with his partner, and did not take precautions from the system. If the relationship between two people is not as strong as they imagined, once they backlash, they will suffer great losses, and even make themselves stand on the cliff.

Just like in his previous life, like many Chinese men, he entrusted most of his assets to his wife for management, while he only spent most of his energy on making money. Therefore, when the other party has dissent, it is easy to take away most of his assets.

This is the limitation that is easy for people who get a class jump from the bottom because of opportunities, because the education received from childhood is fundamentally different between ordinary people and those at the top of the pyramid.

In the United States, no rich man will completely hand over his assets to his partner. Even among ordinary people, such a situation rarely occurs.

William Chen has been looking for a way to make Paris and Ivanta live in peace. At this time, he suddenly thought of a point of view he had heard before:

Ordinary men don't like women who love money. They hope that the other party is with them because of their feelings. Most of the reason is that they can't give much money, but only affection.

On the other hand, rich men are on the contrary. They hope that women like money, because if they can exchange money for each other, it is the easiest way for them. It's just feelings, they can't give too much.

In the above two situations just now, the relationship between the sexes mentioned is not that kind of pure relationship. If it is other women, for Chen William, it is natural as long as they give benefits, but for women he cares about, like Paris and Ivanta, feelings are a must, but in addition to feelings, there are also The mutual interests need to be brought together in order to form the strongest relationship.

At this moment, Chen William suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment, as if he was enlightened. He had a very clear idea of ​​how his relationship with those partners would be handled in the future.

"Why are you sitting here by yourself, William, come over and let's chat."

At this time, Reed Hastings came to William Chen's side and said so to him, and took him to the side.

"Have a glass of wine, William." As he spoke, Hastings picked up a glass of champagne on the table, ready to hand it to William Chen.

"No need, Mr. Hastings." William Chen raised his wrist and showed him the alcohol-free badge on his bracelet: "I've quit drinking, let's drink a glass of water."

"Oh? So the legend is true, William, you really persevered." Hastings said with a smile: "That's not bad, self-discipline is a very precious quality."

"Change is difficult, but change is often necessary." William Chen took a sip of water and said, "Just like Netflix at the beginning, it has already gained an advantage in the video rental business, but it still focuses on its strategy. Moving to streaming, a lot of people didn't like it at the time, but now it seems very sensible, doesn't it?"

"Yes, William, you are right. It seems that it is very wise for me to agree to your investment. You can understand me. I hate those short-sighted people who only see the stock price in front of me." Reed Ha Stings, said with some gritted teeth:

"Unfortunately, there are always some idiots who will mix with our shareholders. For me, Netflix's future development is still the most important thing. If sacrificing short-term profits can make Netflix develop better in the future, then I'll just do it without hesitation. But those idiots don't see that and they should all be cleared out."

"I agree with you, Mr. Hastings. You can believe that as long as your decision is beneficial to those future developments, I will always be on your side." William Chen and Hastings touched glasses , the two smiled at each other.

Next, Hastings excitedly told Chen William some of his plans for the future of the company. While Chen William listened, he silently compared the development route of Netflix in his previous life in his memory, and finally felt relieved. Come on, it seems that here at Netflix, the trajectory has not changed much.

Therefore, William Chen will give some small opinions from time to time along with Hastings' ideas, which makes Hastings' impression of William Chen better, and thinks that he can really understand his own strategic planning People, in the end, will refer to William Chen as his confidant.

When the reception was over, William Chen and Ivanta said goodbye to the Hastings together. After returning to the car, what made William Chen rather depressed was that Ivanta, who had just smiled, returned to a cold expression after sitting in the car.

When William Chen was in the back seat with her and wanted to hold her hand, he was ruthlessly thrown away by Ivanta.

Chen William naturally wouldn't give up so He continued to reach out and hold Ivanta's hand. After struggling a little this time, Ivanta didn't shake him away resolutely, but didn't give him a good face, and turned to the other side, looking out the car window.

Chen William just put it away as soon as he saw it, and held her hand like this until he reached the door of the hotel.

After getting off the car, William Chen took Ivanta's hand and walked in. After reaching the presidential suite on the top floor, Ivanta suddenly stopped at the door of the room.

"What's the matter, come in, Ivanta." William Chen opened the door and said.

And what he met was the half-smiley expression on Ivanta's face: "William, do you want to sleep with me?"

Uh, eldest sister, do you want to be so fierce? You will make me very shy... Are you testing me? Well, it must be.

After this moment of mental activity, Chen William had a charming smile on his face, and said to Ivanta gently: "I just want to have a good chat with you, Ivanta, I haven't seen you for so long, very Miss you."

"Is that so? Forget it, I'm going back to my room."

When William Chen saw her talking, there was a trace of disappointment on his face? Could it be that I thought too much at first, Ivanta really wanted to...

At this moment, William Chen only felt remorse, is this rare opportunity about to be missed?

Just when he wanted to change his words, he saw Ivanta snorted and said to William Chen seriously: "William, when will you be able to make a choice, especially when the relationship with Paris returns to normal, don't say goodbye. Yeah. Besides, I'm not convenient today."

I went, I was still being tricked by her. William Chen just watched Ivanta leave and went back to the room depressed.

It's hard to do!

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