America’s Big Hero

Chapter 9 What is a professional copycat!

With a serious face, Xiao En weighed out 10 grams of the four synthetic pigments, then used a straw to draw 100ml of distilled water to reconcile, and placed them in different flasks. They should not be bad at all, so that it is convenient to record the experimental data later.

After blending, according to the color tone of the Jinhua wine, Sean started to adjust with the cocoa color as the base color.

There is a row of ten test tubes on the table, and 5 milliliters of cocoa coloring is dripped into each test tube.

After accurate measurement, Sean used the other three color flasks to extract pigments, dropped them into ten test tubes according to different proportions, and recorded the amounts in the book.

After everything has been reconciled, take out the 45.5-degree base liquor made with alcohol and add 50ml to each flask.

Take the mixed pigment from the previous test tube and drop it into the wine flask, then stir with a glass rod to observe the color.

If it is close, it will be left, and if it is not close, all the wine liquid and pigment formula will pass.

In fact, this is a process of constant trial and error, and the only thing that can speed up the efficiency is Sean's accumulated experience in the 'cottage'.

Three pigment formulas were selected in the first competition, and the three formulas were refined again, and one was refined into five parts.

Then use fifteen pigment formulas to adjust with the basic liquor, and repeat it over and over again...

Yuri and Saul helped wash the test tubes and flasks by themselves, and kept pouring out all the used liquor by themselves, and replaced them with new ones.

After more than eight hours of trial and error, and staying up until midnight, I finally refined the coloring formula thoroughly, and the color-colored wine was exactly the same as the original V.S.O.P. Camus.

At least, with the naked eye, a magnifying glass, lighting, and blotting paper, you can't detect any difference.

Put the liquor in the bottle, if you don't take a sip, you won't see any difference on the outside.

Saul and Urelle cried and howled in the house for a long time. They participated in the whole process and understood how difficult it was.

"The rest is the adjustment of the fragrance." Sean stretched a big lazy waist, the bones on his body creaked, and he was really exhausted after bending over for 10 hours, "It can't be done. It's here."

"Keep going, work hard, I don't feel tired at all when I think of twenty or even thirty times the profit, I can still work for a few more days and nights!" Yuri raised his biceps and gestured one time.

"Get lost!" Sean glared viciously, "The coloring is simple, only four kinds of blends, do you fucking know how many kinds of food flavors there are?"

"Thousands of kinds!!!"

"If you want to choose different flavors, you need to match them. Do you know how many trials are needed!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and clean up all the experimental equipment."

In the evening, Sean strongly stopped Saul from continuing to look for a "tight fit", and tomorrow the test task will be even heavier.

In the face of money, women also have to give way, especially when I just saw Sean use alcohol, distilled water, and pigments to make wine with the same color.

The big business, the big business that is more profitable than pan-drug completely shocked the two of them.

The next day, the August issue.

Sean ordered a few large pizzas and led Saul into the crude laboratory.

On the issue of flavor blending, Sean actually exaggerated a little bit. There are thousands of flavors, but they can really be used in brandy blending. According to different brands and different fragrance types, there are actually only seven or eight kinds.

In order to confirm the aroma of this wine, Xiao En has not eaten any spicy and other irritating food since yesterday, and only drank water in the morning, so as not to let any peculiar smell irritate his taste buds.

Put the golden flower cognac at the best temperature, pour it into the cup, smell it first, then taste it.

Sommelier is actually an extremely professional profession, especially a wine sommelier who is required not to drink any wine or eat any spicy food in his life.

In the process of wine tasting, you must spit it out after tasting, and then rinse your mouth repeatedly with water.

Sean is definitely not that professional, but, in order to produce better boutique products, Sean still tries to follow this rule in the configuration process.

Jinhua Cognac is a winery that has been passed down for more than 100 years. It has its own story and history. Jinhua's cognac has a light woody taste and a strong floral fragrance.

The aroma contains mocha, violet and orange peel.

Determine the fragrance type, and then choose the essence, which is the most difficult and complicated link, the ratio!

"'Aroma' is actually very magical. A slight change in the amount can lead to different effects. This is also the most difficult part of making a boutique copycat wine." Sean spit it out for the third time After rinsing his mouth, he said to Sol, "Like 'fart', pickled cabbage fart, carrot fart, it stinks."

"Don't tell me fart has something to do with fragrance!" Sol rolled his eyes, when did this guy become so eloquent.

"Bingo!" Sean stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers. "In the stench of farts, there is a substance called 'indole', which is one of the raw materials for making perfume. A small amount of indole will have a refreshing floral fragrance!"

"Collect the indole in the butt, mix it with a certain amount of water, and it will become a perfume that makes women madly obsessed!"

"Of course, men like it too."

Ugh, Sol didn't know what sounded, his face was ugly, and he felt a little nauseous.

As he said that, Xiao En picked out several flavors, which is a kind of delicate work at this time. One gram of flavor can be used to mix hundreds of catties of wine, but it is impossible to use hundreds of catties of wine every time in the experiment .

Therefore, at this time, it must be accurate to the milligram, which is one thousandth of a gram.

The experimental equipment here is not that precise. Of course, Sean has rich experience and has his own solutions.

First, one gram of each flavor is weighed out, and then 1000ml of liquor is used for blending, and then the blended and diluted liquor is used as the raw material to make a second blend with the base liquor.

The experimental data here should be well remembered. When several flavors are mixed in the wine, different changes will occur, which is very complicated.

And all of this depends on Sean to taste a little bit with his mouth.

When Yuri came over after finishing the work in the gang, what he saw was Sean who kept rinsing his mouth.

It looked extremely painful.

"How's it going?" Yuri asked eagerly, catching a gap between what Xiao En heard.

"Morning." Shawn shook his head and put down the distilled water, looked at the two of them and said, "This job will take another seven or eight days, so there's no rush."

"Time waits for no one to make a fortune. We need to make better use of our time. You can't be idle these days."

"What do you want me to do?" Yuri asked.

"Assembling manpower, there will be packaging, transportation, sales and many other links in the future. I need people." Sean looked at You Rui and said, "My own people!"

"Haha, Jonas and the others will be very happy to hear the news." Yuri immediately understood what it meant, and said with a big smile.

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