American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 74 Welcome Party

What catches the eye is the blue sky, green lawn, tall palm trees, if not for the yellow walls and red tiles standing in front of the line of sight, the Stanford University buildings with distinctive style, and the parents and freshmen passing by from time to time to remind themselves Being in college, Tommy Hawke has the feeling of being on a tropical island vacation.

"Remember to tell Tony that the car he sent me lost its power when it arrived in Glendale, Los Angeles. It was a kind student parent who helped me tow it to Stanford. He needs to continue his car repair skills. .” Tommy Hawk stood in front of the phone booth and was talking with his father on the phone:

"Where is the roommate girl? I live in the dormitory assigned to me by the school, not in a brothel, dad, that's it, I'm going to start a rigorous school life, I will call you again when I have time, I love you all."

Hanging up the phone, Tommy walked towards the Hope student apartment behind him with his suitcase. According to the introduction of the instructor, he lives in the E-66 dormitory, which is a double room. The roommate is Jason White, and it has been completed. The report is considered to be the first freshman to arrive.

It seems that most of the freshmen here in the Hppe apartment have not yet arrived, and there are not many students coming in and out. Tommy walked to the door of his dormitory room according to the house number, and opened the door with the key he received.

Then I saw a tall white young man facing away from himself, facing a magazine or pictorial spread out on the desk.

Hearing the sound of the door, the young man turned his head and glanced at Tommy, and said affectionately, "Tommy Hawk? I'm Jason, Jason White, Greenville, Mississippi."

It's just that although he greeted Tommy affectionately, he didn't intend to stop.

"Hello, roommate, I'm Tommy Hawke from Warwick, Rhode Island. To be honest, I didn't expect to be honest with you so soon." Tommy pushed the suitcase towards his bed and mouthed Li laughed.

After Jason finished the action, he dealt with the scene: "Things are not as you imagined, I was just preparing for the fraternity recruiting."

Tommy took out the cigarette case and handed it to the other party. Jason didn't hesitate, took it and put it in his mouth deftly.

"I've never heard that freshmen have to empty the tadpoles themselves when recruiting new students in the fraternity, but I've heard that many freshmen fantasize about saying goodbye to virgins at the recruiting night party." Tommy lit a cigarette and said with a smile.

"First-generation college student?" Hearing Tommy's words, Jason looked at Tommy and laughed.

Tommy nodded: "Is it so obvious?"

"Of course, I'm the third Stanford student in the White family. Before me, an uncle and a cousin both studied here and joined a fraternity. Once my cousin leaked his experience during the assessment period, he I should have kept it a secret, but I accidentally said it out while drunk, so I know some secrets, for example, when I join a fraternity, I may be asked to complete five times in ten minutes." Jason sat back on his bed and pointed Naked women's magazine on the desk: "So, do you need me to lend you the magazine so you can exercise in advance?"

Tommy turned around and opened his backpack, took out a bottle of vodka and threw it to Jason: "I think it's more reliable to drink more alcohol. Two drinks will make you unconscious, but you won't get girls' favor at parties."

"You got the wine? How fucking cool! The freshmen bought the wine at school?" Jason looked at the vodka in his hand in surprise, and said, "It seems that this bottle of wine has made the status of the E-66 dormitory clear at a glance. You are Boss."

Tommy sat on the bed and said with a smile: "I bought it when I passed by Nevada, where you can buy alcohol at the age of 18. I drove to report by myself, so I bought some along the way."

"Wow." Jason got up and walked to the desk, picked up the globe on it, and looked at the map of the United States: "You drove all the way from the east coast to here, and crossed the United States?"

"Yes." Tommy lazily fell on the bed after tidying up the bed: "As a roommate, I think a sincere conversation should start on the first day. In this way, if you find that your interests and hobbies are different, you can change your roommate in advance. So as not to be upset with each other."

"This proposal is very good. The purpose of coming to college is to study, of course, but... this is so fucking hypocritical. Well, it's mainly because of the hot girls. I didn't come to California to study for the hot girls in California, but to die alone in the palace of knowledge. ?” Jason wanted to pretend to be serious, but he quickly gave up and said frankly.

Tommy Hawk nodded: "Very well, I am also for women."

"Shouldn't your weekly goal be to sleep with more than five girls?" Jason put down the globe, walked to his bed and lay down.

Tommy looked sideways at his roommate and said with a smile, "It's almost the same. After studying, he will smoke and drink alcohol, but he doesn't touch hemp and poison."

"Very good, this shows that our interests and goals are exactly the same. I'm fine. As long as you don't insist on changing roommates because of my five-finger movement just now, I think we can become great friends." Jason held the vodka in his hand He said, "Should I take you to the library, visit the flea market, and buy textbooks? Let me give you some exclusive secrets about me? For example, which courses are easy to pass? This is news that ordinary freshmen will never get."

Tommy nodded his head: "Of course, in exchange, I can tell you something I heard. The instructor said that there are many welcome parties in the department during the first week of school, and there just happens to be one tonight. Do you want to meet the adults?" Party? I heard that Stanford University’s party is famously hi.”

Hearing Tommy talking about adult parties, Jason laughed knowingly: "Of course, let's go, let's get the textbooks for you first, and then go to see the world of adults at night, Boss."


Seven o'clock in the evening, Stanford University's computer science department.

"Is this the f*cking party of the adults you're talking about having fun? Roommates?" For this party, he shaved off his beard, combed his hair with pomade, put on a suit, and embraced the bottle Vodka's Jason looked at the party scene with a dull expression, and asked Tommy, who was also a little dazed, "Are you sure you didn't take me to the wrong venue?"

In the venue in front of the two of them, there were indeed dozens of college students gathered, decorated with welcome balloons of various colors, and the large "WELCOMES YOU" banner hanging above the venue and the emblem of the Department of Computer Science reminded all visitors that this is indeed a welcome party. of the venue.

A group of nerd-looking men and women are playing brick-breaking competitions against the computers placed on the scene. From time to time, some people cheered, and a arena for robot battles was opened separately next to them. The two groups controlled their own robots to fight each other on the field. Fighting, there are various free juices and snacks next to them.

Jason turned his head and looked at Tommy: "I now suspect that our interests and goals are not only inconsistent, but even our understanding abilities are completely different. Are you sure this is called hi? To be honest, I'm already thinking about changing roommates, and I suggest that the teacher put You are sent to the Center for the Mentally Handicapped at Stanford University."

"I just heard that it was high, but obviously the instructor said high, not the high I thought." Tommy said in a weak tone: "I am also a victim, Jason."

Jason nodded: "Okay, let's unify the definition of an adult party again. First of all, a girl in cool clothes."

"Secondly, unlimited drinks." Tommy said.

Jason said dejectedly: "Very well, I am very happy that the two of us still maintain our original intention of going to college. What should we do next? As far as I know, the recruiting parties of major fraternities will start after all freshmen have completed their reports at the earliest. It will be held, and it seems that the only option left is for the two of us to go back to the dormitory and drink the bottle of wine by ourselves."

"The weekend of the first week of school is when those fraternities hold recruiting activities. It's only Monday, which means we have five days to have some fun." Tommy thought about it and said to Jason.

Jason looked at Tommy, then at himself: "What kind of fun? Let's go back to the dormitory to read magazines, and then spend four days filling up this wine bottle? Obviously, the welcome party held by the school is such a virtue, no need to stop Expect anything."

"You know the fraternity situation at Stanford University?" Tommy looked at Jason.

Jason nodded: "Of course, the seventeen fraternities and the thirteen sororities are well aware of all of them, but in advance, I don't know about the activities of those societies that are kept secret from non-members."

"Very good, you are in charge of compiling the secret information you have into the freshman handbook, and I will be responsible for promoting it to those freshmen who are about to join the fraternity, and then earn money to invite girls to accompany us to the adult party." Tommy turned around Walked out of the venue:

"We may not be the two with the best academic performance among the freshmen, but we must be the first two to attract beautiful women."

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