"You mean, you can travel to parallel universes!"

Even with Charles's self-cultivation, he is a little out of sorts at this moment. His mental activity is extremely active.

Parallel Universe...That is a view that only exists in theory and has not yet been confirmed.

But now, from a boy under 18 years old...The man said it so plainly.

Combined with Nolin's complete rejection of his ideas just now, he couldn't help but guess that Nolin had been to other similar parallel universes and seen the future of mutants?

Thinking of this, even though Charles had countless theories that he could blurt out, he had no idea of ​​defense at this moment.

Charles looked a little depressed, not even daring to face reality,"What did you see?"

"I saw a world that was almost exactly the same as ours! There is also Xavier's School for the Gifted, Professor Charles, Jean, Scott, Ororo, and of course Magneto."

"However, unlike our current universe, they are located further back in time, probably more than ten years later."

"Also in New York..."

Norlin paused.

Hearing this, Charles had a bad premonition,"Then what?"

"Then? There was no such thing, because New York at that time was already in ruins!"

"The entire world is under the threat of a robot called the Sentinel"

"It was developed by humans as a weapon specifically against mutants. It can detect mutant genes in the human body and then eliminate them!"

"There are countless of them and they are consumables! And they are so powerful that more than 90% of mutants are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered in front of them!"

"Xavier School is in ruins, and many people I know have become corpses. There is no safe place in that world. There are wars and death everywhere."

"I saw you, and very, very few people. There were once so many mutants, but at that time there were less than ten people left, and then I saw them dying with my own eyes!"

"Magneto is dead, Clarice is dead, Colossus is dead, Bobby is dead..."

"There is no winner in this battle, because there is a problem with the Sentinel's judgment process, and more than half of the human race has been purged, but the mutants have an even worse ending!"


"At the last moment, Katie and a man named Logan reversed the future through consciousness transmission."


Charles heard it quite thrillingly. Although he did not probe Nolin's brain to confirm the authenticity, he could confirm through facial expression and tone analysis that the other party did not lie.

However, the authenticity is still open to question.

But in any case, this matter Everything must be taken seriously, it is related to the survival of mutants, and it is still more than ten years in the future.

Logically speaking, since that day will come, there should be some signs now.

For example, the sentry robot, this is real exists!

And Logan...He knows the other person!

With Nolin's age and background, he was unable to recognize the other party.

Nolin also said some other things that Nolin should not know.

Once he thought about it deeply, Charles could no longer imagine what would happen next. Do mutants really have no future? Where is the future? but,

"Fortunately, the future was reversed in the end, and our universe was still saved!"

"Maybe my philosophy is really wrong, but besides taking this road, which other way can we take? Subvert humanity?"

While Charles was thankful, he was also at a loss.

He never thought about killing humans and letting mutants become masters.

His experience and his life determined that he would not go down this extreme path.

Charles believed that as long as he worked hard, , we can definitely make ordinary people and mutants live in harmony.

Because everyone has love in their hearts.

On the other hand, Charles has a very special feeling, and there is a subconscious force stopping him.

It seems that even if he decides to be like his old buddy Eric It is impossible to unite to kill all mankind.

It is a very special feeling. It seems that as long as he does this, he will die!

The earth is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

After all, except for mutants , he also knows that there are other non-mutants who also have superpowers. Although they are few, they are very powerful!


To Charles's expectation, Nolin shook his head again.

"Could it be..."

The bad premonition became stronger, and Charles' expression became more solemn.

"professor! What happened?"

At this time, Jean Gray suddenly broke in.

As a telepathic person, Jean was very sensitive to mental fluctuations.

Just now, Charles's spirit was extremely active, ups and downs, and there was a feeling that his ability was out of control. After realizing that something happened to Charles, she immediately rushed Come over, but it seems that she just made a mistake?

Although it is strange, Charles's solemn look at this moment really makes Qin particularly concerned. This is the first time she has seen the professor so serious, even...Confused?

Is this still the knowledgeable professor in her memory who was very calm no matter what the situation?

And that boy...Nolin.

Jean knew each other and even taught each other lessons.

Every time during class, she couldn't help but look at each other a few more times.

Nolin seems to have a special charm that makes people fascinated and unable to extricate themselves.

She even wanted to get close to the other party, but due to their identities, she kept holding back.

Unknowingly, Qin's affection for Nolin was almost full.

"Sorry, professor, did I disturb you?"

"It's okay, you have the right to know about this, so just listen together. After Charles asked Qin to come over, he asked Nolin gently:"Can we continue?""


Nolin first showed a lethal smile to Qin, which was a sure-fire move that made Kara sink twice.

Although Qin has powerful telepathy and a fragment of the Phoenix Force, she still has no immunity.

Want to If it weren't for Charles, she would be willing to stay with Nolin for a while, just to see more of that smile and smell more of that intoxicating atmosphere.

Around Nolin, they could all feel the warmth from the heart. Joy.

But this joy soon dissipated with Nolin's narration.

What appeared in front of Charles and Qin was the extremely desperate future.

The end of the mutants - the death of Logan the Twilight Wolf!

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