All Worlds Madhouse

Chapter 79 New World?

It was another morning like this. The sun just broke through the curtains and shone on Ziliang's face, and he woke up as if by conditioned reflex.

He hates this setting of humans, that is, they have to sleep every day. As soon as it is almost time, your body starts to push you to the bed mercilessly, but your mind is still as stubborn as a donkey. He shouted desperately: "I won't sleep! Even if you turn off the lights and lie on the bed and close your eyes, I will never sleep!"

That's it, the brain and body have a quarrel every night, over and over again, never ending.

Just like those two bastards, Joey Sr. and Hannibal.

Yesterday, they started shouting again. As for the reason, it was still because of "food" and "feed". Although those things were just two different names for the same thing in Ziliang's eyes, these two idiots would always argue for hours over this little thing.

Hannibal believes that no matter how great Pego was once, he is now a pig, so he should eat something pigs eat, such as the leftovers.

Joey, on the other hand, argued hard, always emphasizing that this kind of rhetoric was discriminatory against pigs, and also against himself, because in his pig farm, Pego always had much better food than he did, and, Old Joey always stayed in Hannibal's kitchen from time to time, asking him to cook a "super royal, exquisite and sumptuous feed feast" for Pego.

Yes, that's what old Joey called what he wanted, and Hannibal slapped his head in embarrassment when he heard these words.

Hey, anyway, this kind of troublesome thing happens every day. Now that Ziliang sees Harley Quinn, she feels as holy as a little fairy. At least she has nothing but to talk to herself about "little pudding" every day. "In addition to the story, it will not make too much noise.

What? You ask, since you already have a psychiatrist, why doesn't Ziliang let Hannibal treat his insomnia?

Tsk tsk, listen to what stupid things you said. Ziliang asked Hannibal to provide him with psychological counseling? Even if the dinner that day is not "stir-fried sublime liver", do you believe that Hannibal can also specially prepare a plate of high-quality black plum sauce with sublime eyeballs as a dessert after dinner?

In short, compared to this quiet, peaceful world without noise and crime, Ziliang felt that his hospital was just like a gathering place for gangsters.

Oh, by the way, there are not even gangsters in this world

It has been two weeks since he came to this world, and Ziliang's evaluation of this world is very good.

In fact, it is indeed good. As I said just now, this is a truly harmonious society, and even the harmonious ones are a bit unreal.

This time his hospital is located on a commercial street in a bustling metropolis, and his office window faces a pedestrian crosswalk.

Ziliang dared to "eat Hannibal's cooking once" as a bet. In the past half month, he had not seen any car running a red light, no one not walking on the crosswalk, no one spitting, Even in the trash cans on the side of the road, no one threw the garbage in the wrong category!

There were no fights, no quarrels, no one had tattoos on the street, no one dyed their hair. Two fierce-looking men accidentally bumped into each other while walking, and then they apologized to each other quickly.

If Gotham City is a city of sin, then this plane seems to be standing in the completely opposite direction to Gotham. This moment made Ziliang wonder if something went wrong and brought him to a perfect plane without sin.

And all this changed one afternoon.

I don’t know if it’s destiny, but the third-rate characters in each story have some common characteristics, such as being bald.

On this day, another balding middle-aged man opened the door of Ziliang Hospital. And this uncle was also the first person to enter the hospital since Ziliang arrived here.

He is in his forties, carrying a briefcase, and looks like a typical office worker. According to common sense, most of these people should have a chubby figure, a greasy face, and a pair of small eyes. It’s just that I have lost my energy due to the pressure of work and life day after day.

But this man is different. His business suit is very clean, and underneath the suit is a very well-proportioned figure. It looks like he works out every day, and there doesn't seem to be that kind of look in his eyes. At least that's how it looked, with a sense of decadence that he had long since lost hope in life. In short, this appearance made him look indescribably weird.

He walked into Ziliang's office politely.

The next second, he was stunned for a moment. As for the reason, it was most likely because he didn't expect Ziliang's office to be in such a mess. But soon, he hid his emotions.

"Hello doctor." He greeted him very politely and bowed slightly.

Well, although respecting doctors should be a normal thing according to social status, it seems a bit unreasonable to see a street gangster like Ziliang wearing a white coat showing respect.

"Uh hello" Ziliang responded.

The uncle glanced at the dirty chair opposite Ziliang, still maintaining a polite expression, and sat on it.

"What's wrong?" Ziliang asked, and as he spoke, he lit a cigarette again and again.

The man watched Ziliang smoking for a short period of silence.

"It's like this, doctor, I've been eating a little bit abnormally lately."

"Oh, for example?"

"It's just that I think I ate a little too much," the man said, seeming a little anxious.

Ziliang frowned. In fact, under normal circumstances, he would have lazily left this kind of patient to Harley Quinn to deal with. However, there was obviously a strange atmosphere about this patient.

"Eat a lot? Then you can eat less." Ziliang responded.

The uncle immediately shook his head: "I think you didn't understand what I meant. In fact, I have eaten very little, but I feel that I am still gaining weight. Compared with last month, I have gained 5 pounds. !”

As he spoke, there was an unhidden fear in his tone.

"Isn't it normal to gain weight in middle age? Many men will gain weight at this age. This is a normal physiological phenomenon. You have nothing to worry about." Ziliang said, then frowned.

Because he could clearly see the uncle's body, which was already shaking uncontrollably out of fear.

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