All Worlds Madhouse

Chapter 53 The New Psychologist

"You can't always be immersed in memories." Jack said: "My former psychiatrist turned out to be a terrible criminal. I know this is difficult for you to accept, but the fact is the fact after all. You have to cheer up. I need you. ."

Yes, Jack needs himself. Because with his help, Jack can catch the most cunning criminals in the shortest time. He has become accustomed to using himself as a weapon.

Of course Will knew this, but he didn't reject it.

Will is a solitary person. Geniuses with special abilities like him usually have some social barriers, so Will has almost no friends. He lives alone, has a few stray dogs as companions, and has no hobbies. , without ideals, the only thing he can do is to give lectures at the university. His lectures are very good, but as long as after class, no student is willing to stay in his classroom for even a while.

Lonely. This word has followed Will for the first half of his life.

So when Jack discovered his ability to "substitute" beyond ordinary people, Will was even a little grateful to him. After all, he could be needed and contribute to society. Will enjoyed this feeling very much.

However, this also comes at a cost.

That is, he often falls into the mentality of the murderer of the case and cannot extricate himself.

His "substitution" ability looks like a kind of reasoning, but it is actually fundamentally different. Because reasoning focuses on "observation" and "reverse inference", Will's "sense of substitution" is a kind of blind thinking.

He doesn't need much reasoning, let alone much evidence. His idea is not "The person who did this is the murderer!" but "If I were the murderer, what would I do?"

For example, if you were a genius in "inference and deduction" and were given a picture and told that this girl was dead, what would you see?

"This girl is only 16 years old, but she has already started perming her hair and wearing smoky makeup. Her social circle is probably a group of young girls. One side of her lipstick is a bit light. She has been using this side to smoke. Her clothes are expensive, but her taste is very average. , her parents give her a lot of money, but have no time to discipline her, and she may even live alone for a long time. This kind of girl will most likely have several boyfriends. She has a slender figure and beautiful back curves, so she is big Most of them are done from the rear, anyway, that’s pretty much what ‘reasoning’ feels like. Right!”

And if Will saw this photo, what conclusion would he draw?

You don't even believe it.

He would say directly: "The murderer likes her skin, especially the one on her neck. It's very delicate, but he doesn't just like it, he's jealous!"

Don't worry about how he knew this. Anyway, he knew this when he saw the beautiful white skin in the photo and the deep cut on his neck, and then he would tell the police, Go directly to the deceased's circle of friends and find someone who wears a scarf all year round, or has suffered from skin diseases, or has a history of burns. It is probably a girl. Don't worry about whether there is any evidence, just arrest him first. Anyway, you are considered a minor. You can also interrogate her for 6 hours. I'm sure you'll get something out of it!

This is what makes Will different from ordinary people. This ability cannot be acquired through training.

And this ability often makes him enter a fantasy world, unable to extricate himself.

Jack also noticed this, so he was very worried that one day, his handy weapon, Will, would suffer from some kind of mental illness due to lingering between fantasy and reality for a long time, so he thoughtfully Will found a psychological counselor——Hannibal!

Well, this behavior was indeed out of good intentions. After all, Hannibal was the most famous psychiatrist at the time. Moreover, he is also a gentle and personable gentleman.

If you have never met him, you will never understand the sense of security and charisma he brings to people.

He is extremely cultured, pays attention to etiquette, and hates rudeness. He studied many languages ​​and had an extraordinary memory. Can distinguish the smallest surprises between perfumes. He also has a lot of knowledge about wine, and his favorite wine is Yganburgh wine. He would deliver a bottle to a friend on his birthday, and the year of the reserve coincided with the birthday. He loves musical instruments and music. He collects a late 18th century Flemish clavichord. He is good at playing Mozart's "Sonata in B Flat Major" and also likes painting.

All in all, he seems like a perfect person. Of course, no one is perfect, so in addition to these advantages, he also has some small flaws.

For example, he eats people.

The cannibalism here is not the kind of barbaric behavior of eating hair and drinking blood. He will remove the most satisfying organ from the person he kills, such as the heart, liver and kidneys, and then carefully seal it up until he enjoys it. of cooking.

Not only does he eat it himself, he also likes to make it into various delicious foods and serve it on the table to entertain his friends.

At that time, because of Will's relationship, he also had many friends in the Crime Investigation Bureau, and he even often participated in crime scene investigations. Therefore, almost everyone who investigated the "Ogre Case" at that time had been to Han. A guest at Nibal's house.

When he thought about this, Jack twisted uncomfortably.

"It seems that there have been more and more troublesome cases recently. A new 'cannibalism case' appeared just a few days ago, followed immediately by a criminal who chopped up the body and fed it to pigs. I'm very worried about you! Detective Jack looked at Will and said, "So, I found another psychological counselor for you!"

Will shook his head: "I don't need a psychological counselor."

"No, you need to" Jack's attitude seemed firm.

Will was silent. He knew what Jack was worried about. He was worried that he would lose control again. Half a year ago, when Hannibal was his psychiatrist, he seemed to be subtly affecting his thinking. The side effects of his ability to "substitute" were maximized. At one point, he could no longer tell whether he was "Will" or a criminal who had been "substituted".

Losing myself that time almost led to a big mistake.

Although Hannibal has been brought to justice now, and Will has never visited him, who knows whether Will will lose himself again during a "crime scene profile".

Therefore, there must be a psychiatrist by his side to keep an eye on this time bomb at all times.

"Don't worry! The person I'm looking for this time is a new person. He has just arrived in this city not long ago and is not familiar with everything here, so he just acts as an alarm clock by your side and occasionally gives you advice. It is impossible to affect your thinking. The most important thing is that you will never find any trace of Hannibal in him. I think after a while, he may make you forget about Hannibal. This is That’s why I picked him.”

Jack said with a smile!

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