All-Professional Master of Darkness

Chapter 334 Ruhadi is desperate

"Damn it, tell me how come the Divine Grace and Gross stayed in this place for three years?"

Luhadi smashed a short, ugly demon boy with a hammer, and the smelly blood splashed all over him. A large group of demon children were surrounded by darkness and fled in all directions, disappearing in the blink of an eye. But in less than ten seconds, they appeared from all directions again, trapping the group of them again.

Everyone is frustrated. These short demon boys are comparable to the original fallen demons. They are weak, timid, and like to stay in groups. After encountering a strong enemy, they will disperse in a rush, and then come around again in fear. They are simply a replica of the Sinking Demon. Several days have passed since we entered this underground city, but we have only penetrated less than 300 meters. This is all thanks to these little devil children.

It can't be killed, it can't be driven away, it sticks to you like a piece of brown sugar, and even if it doesn't kill you, it will disgust you to death.

"Ruhadi, this is not the way to go." One of the bald monks who looked like a leader frowned.

This time, all five rebel leaders, including Ruhadi, came here. They are extremely jealous of the secret that Lan Wu and Gross have become more powerful here. So no one was willing to miss this opportunity. Just two people killed more than a hundred professionals with high strength. Such strength is enough to make people forget the risk of death.

"We have to rush out, otherwise we won't have enough medicine to get back alive." Luhadi was also very annoyed.

After betraying New Tristram, although the rebels also have many pharmacists, the only entrance is currently in the hands of Akala and other title successors. Without enough raw materials, even a god-level pharmacist cannot conjure a potion. This time they spent a lot of money. The twenty-five people who sneaked into the catacombs all brought sufficient medicines and other supplies.

Unfortunately, by the time they found the entrance, eight people had been lost. The remaining seventeen people also wasted almost 20% of the medicine because Virgil and Kasha led the search. After entering this dungeon for a few days, the endless variety of demons and undead creatures they had never seen before consumed them by almost 40%. There are not many potions left now.

No one opposed Ruhadi's proposal. Everyone wants to go back alive. Even if it fell into Kasha's hands, it would at least be better than falling into the hands of these demon boys who were so weak that even a commoner could kick one of them to death.

"Charge!" Luhadi saw that everyone had reached a consensus and was the first to rush out.

Others followed, but they no longer cared about taking the opportunity to stumble others. It is important to preserve combat power now, and there is no time to take the opportunity to weaken the combat power of other leaders.

Just after he broke out of the hiding place, Luhadi swung his giant hammer, scaring the demon boys into screaming and running away. At this moment, a scavenger suddenly jumped out of the room next to him.

This demonic creature, which was about the size of a dog, was quite powerful. It knocked down Luhadi who was rushing at the front. Seeing that there was an advantage to be taken advantage of, the demon boys gathered around again, chirping.

"Damn it, hurry up and get rid of these bugs!" Luhadi held the giant hammer with both hands to resist the bite of the scavenger. But the rancid smell from the scavenger's mouth made him so sick that he wanted to die immediately.

The others who followed closely waved their weapons, driving the timid demon children away in all directions. At this time, a crusader flail hit the scavenger's waist and immediately cut it into two pieces. The rancid blood covered Ruhadi's head, face, and body.

"Hurry up and find their secret." Luhadi's whole body was filled with a disgusting rancid smell, and his face was naturally ugly. But it's not convenient to get angry, after all, they are trying to save themselves. After saying the next word, he shook off the half of the scavenger corpse stuck on the handle of the giant hammer and strode forward.

This kind of scavenger actually poses no threat. In addition to its great strength, once it bites something, it will not let go until death. If you are bitten, you will unfortunately lose a piece of meat. As the name suggests, the stuff in the scavenger's mouth is not a good thing. Wounds can become infected easily and the body can be poisoned.

The group of people moved forward with difficulty. Not only do you have to endure the harassment from the demon boy, but you also have to be wary of scavengers that may jump out of nearby buildings or ruins at any time. After only one street, three unlucky people had already been bitten off a piece of meat by scavengers, and had to cut off a larger area of ​​​​meat to avoid bacterial poisoning and infection. Others didn't benefit either. Although the demon boy's attack power is not high, it cannot withstand large numbers of people. Along the way, everyone suffered injuries of varying severity.

Ruhadi was puzzled by this. It is difficult for seventeen of them to gain a foothold in the city. But Lanwu and Gross stayed here for three full years. Even if he beats him to death, he is unwilling to admit that so many of his people are inferior to Lan Wu and the others. It hurts my self-esteem so much.

"Ruhadi, we have to think of something." The other leader roared in anger. Two of those three unfortunates were his. He didn't think anything of it at first, but now that he couldn't get rid of those annoying demon boys and scavengers, he was already anxious.

"Rush over. Only by rushing over can we get rid of these damn guys." Ruhadi stubbornly swung his giant hammer to clear the way forward. He firmly believed that there was some kind of invisible line here. As long as you cross the limit, you can completely get rid of these demon children and scavengers and encounter other demons. In his opinion, Lan Wu and Gross must have discovered this method. He would rather face more powerful demons than continue to deal with these demon children.

"But..." The leader shouted out of confidence. Just as he screamed, he was stopped by another leader next to him.

The entrance to the dungeon was discovered by Ruhadi, and he must have mastered some of the secrets of the dungeon. The only option now is to trust his judgment. Otherwise, no one would want to go back and face the demon children who had tortured them for several days.

That feeling is too painful.

Ruhadi's judgment was not wrong. When a group of people rushed out of the street, the demon children and scavengers behind them immediately stopped in fear, as if there was an invisible line of death in front of them, and they did not dare to cross the thunder pond.

"Did you see it? I was right!" Luhadi screamed hysterically as he was harassed by the demon children. At the same time, he rudely raised his middle finger towards the demon children who looked frightened but were reluctant to leave. He was really tortured to the point of going crazy these days.

"Damn it, what are those things?" A rebel leader suddenly pointed in terror at the empty street ahead and screamed.

Others looked up. Only to find that some translucent things floated out from the buildings or ruins on both sides of the street.


Luhadi and others' scalps suddenly became numb. Now they would rather face those demon children than face this kind of ghost. But the dense number of demon children behind them prevented them from even thinking about going there.

It was not a group of demon children, but a hill composed of demon children.

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