All Heavens Unlimited Base

Chapter 556 Doomsday in Lightning (Part 2)

556. Doomsday in Lightning (Part 2)

"Today! Now! Our last chance!"

"Someone asked me, why did I attack the ruined city?!"

"Someone also asked me, why do I need to use 40,000 troops to attack a mere small city?!"

"Now! The answer is right in front of us!!"

"The bandit leader of the ruined city—Chun Yuyan has mastered the mysterious human cloning technology! They plotted against our Torch City a long time ago!"

"They use unknown technology to replace our relatives and friends with clones! And we get along day and night, and we don't even feel it!!"

"Think about the series of sabotage incidents that happened in Torch City before! In order to protect you and not cause panic, I suppressed these incidents! But this does not mean that these incidents do not exist!"

"You can ask! You can understand! Understand the fear of the person involved! The owner of the food processing factory has always been kind and loyal to his family, but suddenly one day, he dumped Tiberium mines into the granary! Then we dissected The body was discovered, he is a clone!"

"Think about what his wife and children would think? The husband I get along with day and night is actually a clone? A clone who may serve the ruined city at any time, betray his own life, and betray everyone around him!!"

"Think about it again, if something like this happened to you, what would you think?"

"Why do I need to use 40,000 troops? Because I know that I am no match for Chun Yuyan! Even if there are 40,000 people, they can't beat the ruined city with a population of only a few thousand, just because of his elusive clone!"

"But I have to fight! Because I'm afraid! Because I'm afraid that one day I will wake up and everyone around me will be a clone!!"

"Now, I know, I did lose. I don't know how much of the 40,000 army is left! The 12th Armored Division lost contact, the 2nd Infantry Division lost contact, and even the main force of our 1st Infantry Division was beaten. Scatter! But I still have to move forward! I still have to fight back!"

"Because if I don't fight back, the next person to be cloned may be me! Maybe you! Every one of you!"

"So even if it's just me! I want to fight back!"

"In order to fight against Chunyuyan, I have already lost one eye! Now I don't mind losing another one!"

"Those who are bloody! Those who don't want to become clones! Follow me! Fight back!!"

"Ion Storm is our last chance! Ruin City's planes and power armor are unusable! Their teleportation technology is also unusable! This is our only chance!"

"Now! Come with us! For our right to live!!"

Lu Weiwei roared at the top of his lungs. His voice, which was originally as ugly as a drake, was torn apart like this, making it even more hoarse, like a broken gong.

Ni Dong stood beside him with a solemn expression.

In front of them, more than 2,000 soldiers stood quietly. This was the last force after the defeat of the First Infantry Division.

They stood in front of Lu Weiwei without saying a word, even though the rain was pouring down, even though the lightning was rumbling, they did not move at all.

Lu Weiwei said everything he could say, and with his embellishments, this speech deeply shocked everyone present. What he didn't know was that the content he added to incite people based on the limited information actually really spoke about the horrors of synths.

The saddest thing is that you think you are bragging and exaggerating, but in fact, this is just the basic operation of others.

But this also made the atmosphere look tragic at this moment.

Lu Weiwei suddenly opened his eyes, and in his right eye, there was a red crystal inlaid! Even in the dark night, this red crystal is extremely conspicuous. Although the crystal didn't shine, but for some reason, everyone present could see it.

But his left eye was a hollow hole, which looked a little scary.

The moment he opened his eyes, everyone felt this scorching breath, as if the chill brought by the downpour had been dispelled.

Wisps of flame-like breath seeped out from Lu Weiwei's right eye, and he raised his hand, and the long sword that had been carried behind his back flew out of nowhere and landed in his hand.

The long sword is composed of countless machines. When Lu Weiwei pressed the button, the machine immediately began to deform and unfold, and finally changed from a long sword about one meter long to a mechanical giant sword two to three meters long and more than half a meter wide!

"Advance! The target... the ruined city! I'll be the first one!" After Lu Weiwei finished speaking, he ignored the soldiers and rushed to the distance by himself.

In the darkness brought by the ion storm, the ruined city of the blackout was shrouded in dark clouds, except for the large black shadow, nothing else could be seen.

Like a dark mountain...

Ni Dong followed immediately, and his thick wrist armor hidden under his clothes unfolded, revealing the mechanical structure inside. He is also a semi-mechanical reformer!

A gust of high-pressure gas spewed out from his hands and feet, driving him forward at a rapid speed, which was not slow at all compared to Lu Weiwei.

"The speech just now was your most powerful and domineering speech since I met you." Ni Dong said, wanting to ease the tragic atmosphere.

"Duan Heshan is right." Lu Weiwei answered irrelevantly, "I saw talent in him. No one taught him, but he can draw conclusions that are closest to the facts based on his own observation and reasoning. He has a long-term vision and looks at Things are never limited to a certain part, but look at the overall situation.”

"That's why you gave him another DUST?"

"No, I just did it randomly before, because I can find him at any time and get the DUST back. But now, the development of the battle situation has confirmed his judgment, so that DUST is the reward he deserves, and it is also the reward I planted. Seed."

"What seed?"

"Hmph! Since I can't defeat Chunyuyan, then create someone who can defeat him!" Lu Weiwei's mouth showed a hint of ferocity.


More than 2,000 people marched on the road in the rain. They found some vehicles that could be found, and then sent the wounded to the vehicle first, and moved towards the ruined city.

Along the way, many people joined the team. Half an hour later, the number of people in the team had increased to 3,000.

They may have rejoined the team because of the surge of blood, but after listening to Lu Weiwei's speech, they really understood the importance of this battle - if they don't fight, maybe even their own lives will be deprived!

There will be a clone who is exactly like me to replace me, to live my own life, to be with my wife and girlfriend! This is something more terrifying than death!

Now these remnants of Torch City's defeated generals, with angry flames in their eyes, they have become a real mourner!

As the saying goes, the mourning army must win, and now...

Torch City will win!


The ruined city was getting closer and closer, and fallen Torch City soldiers and destroyed vehicles could be seen everywhere along the way.

The remnants of Torch City clenched their assault rifles, ready to go into battle.

Sudden! Crimson laser beams appeared in front of them, shining on several Torch City soldiers in an instant! With screams, several soldiers fell to the ground without a sound.

Immediately afterwards, more laser beams and bullets were fired, and several soldiers fell down.

The opponent actually shot in the dark, and the accuracy rate was extremely high!

The soldiers of Torch City immediately looked for a place to hide, and several flares were fired into the air, illuminating the place like daylight.

Only then did the soldiers see that in front of them were robots! Lots of bots!

Not only that, but the roar of engines came from the sky.

Crack, lightning!

Lu Weiwei raised his head, and with the light of lightning, he saw dozens of Wasp fighters swooping down!

Whoosh, whoosh~~~~~ Dozens of rockets fell from the sky and exploded among the soldiers in Torch City!

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