All Heavens Unlimited Base

Chapter 542 Three Ways of Defeat (Part 1)

542、Three-way defeat (Part 1)

boom! boom! boom! Missiles that missed the target kept exploding around the two quantum-class tank robots, and only a few missiles could hit them, but the armor of this robot was unexpectedly thick, and the structure was also very strong. One or two missile attacks could not penetrate their armor at all. .

Don't look at the robots in "Radiation", many pipes and cables are exposed on the surface of the power armor, which looks like a mechanical punk, but in fact the manufacturing process in this world can be said to be very advanced. After sixty years of war and 200 years of apocalypse, the world builds industrial products that are tough.

Just like a robot like Liberty Self-Respect who receives a nuclear bomb in the face, even if it is directly hit by a few missiles, the quantum-level tank robot is still fine. Don't ask, asking is black technology.

The first wave of attacks was ineffective, and the team of stealth tanks suddenly panicked. Their formation began to scatter, and they scattered in different directions with their own minds.

And at this moment, the tank robot also started to fight back! Six miniature missiles were fired one after another from the missile launcher on the back of the robot, and the laser Gatling mounted on the left arm of the robot and the Tesla machine gun mounted on the right arm also fired at the same time!

The crimson laser beam and balls of electric balls flew towards the invisible tank in an instant! The lasers are okay, but the electric balls fired by those Tesla machine guns are terrible! This kind of electric ball contains a strong current, which can cause fatal damage to electronic equipment. What's even more frightening is that this kind of electric ball will continue to jump between different targets until the energy is completely consumed!

Along with the quantum tank robot, there are also a large number of iron guard robots. Their body size is smaller than tank robots, but their firepower is still powerful. Gatling machine gun on the left arm, rocket launcher on the right arm, and two triple-mounted small grenade launchers on the back. Unlike the tank robot that assumes the role of assault, the iron guard robot pays more attention to fire suppression.

boom! boom! boom! For a while the stealth tank unit was surrounded by explosions and lasers! The commander desperately commanded the communication at the top of his lungs, desperately calling for help, howling blood from his throat, but it still didn't help. The electromagnetic environment in this area has been completely destroyed by the Tesla machine gun of the tank robot, and most of the electronic equipment has failed, let alone communication. If you can turn on the radio, it is considered a good workmanship.

Fortunately, this side is not far from the mine, and the fierce exchange of fire immediately attracted the attention of the Sixth Armored Regiment assembled in the mine behind.

"Regimental Commander! There was a fierce exchange of fire ahead. It is inferred that the stealth tank unit was blocked! The communication was completely cut off, and we don't know the specific situation!" In the command vehicle, the communication soldier turned his head and said loudly.

"Abandoning the fixed defense system in the mining area, do they want to fight us in the urban area instead? Is it the power armor from the intelligence?" The regiment leader pondered for a while, then waved his hand decisively, and said decisively: "The whole army assaults! Support the Stealth Tank Unit!!"

Rumbling~~~~ The engines of the tanks and armored vehicles roared at the same time. Hundreds of tanks left the mining area under the protection of the armored vehicles and began to advance along the road.

However, at the same time when they first started their assault and the formation was stretched, a sudden change occurred!

boom! ! Suddenly, a large bulge appeared on the ground in the middle of the mining area, and then a terrifying low howl came from the ground! Before the tank drivers could react, a terrifying huge monster emerged from the ground!

The appearance of this monster is extremely terrifying. It is more than eight meters long and over three meters tall, with four feet on the ground, like a huge toad. However, the whole body is covered with crystalline Tiberium crystals, the crocodile-like giant mouth is completely horny, and there is a group of green light clusters constantly condensing inside!

And there are dozens of long tentacles growing on the monster's body, and the tip of the tentacles is also a piece of green crystal, which is also shining with ominous light.

It's a tracker! rhubarb!

But now its appearance is completely different from when Chunyuyan brought it over. The tracker was not a very stable T-virus B.O.W. When Chunyuyan brought it over, it had undergone two mutations beyond recognition. After coming to the world of "Command and Conquer", it was eroded by Tiberium mines, and further mutations occurred. Later, under the prompt of the system, Chun Yuyan implanted the newly developed NE-β parasite into the tracker, and this stimulated the tracker to undergo more mutations.

The current tracker has become a mutant creature that neither Chun Yuyan nor Wang Jinsong can explain! This made Chun Yuyan afraid to use it many times, because he didn't know if it could be controlled, so most of the time, the tracker Rhubarb just hid underground in the mining area, constantly absorbing Tiberium.

And now, the rhubarb coming out from behind the Sixth Armored Regiment has become their worst nightmare!

Whoosh~~~ At the same time as the rhubarb drilled out, a large number of Tiberium crystal fragments were shot out from the several protrusions behind him! The fragments slammed into the tank like shells and shattered against the tank's thick armor. However, the trucks that transport supplies and the infantry fighting vehicles that assist in combat are not so lucky. Their weak armor can't resist the Tiberium crystals fired at high speed!

Bang! ! A truck was shot through by crystal shards, the entire body twisted and deformed, and then shattered! The attacked vehicle scrambled to fight back, but the crystal shards launched by Rhubarb continued like raindrops, and two more BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles were destroyed.

There's even a tick tank that survived being hit by a high-velocity piece of debris hitting the engine vent! Fragile grids are pierced by crystals, which then drill into the engine and smash the expensive engine to pieces! The entire tank immediately lost all power, and it was paralyzed on the ground with a sudden tilt.

But the driver inside could only watch all this in horror, they couldn't even run out to escape! Because here is the Tiberium mining area! If you walk into the mining area without protective means, you will die very ugly! At least it is much more miserable than being killed by a bullet.

At this time, the energy in Rhubarb's huge mouth has also accumulated to the extreme! Suddenly, "Roar~~~~~!!!!" Rhubarb let out a terrible roar! A thick green beam of light spewed out from its mouth!

This is not a real beam of light, but more like an energy jet, which also contains a large amount of highly toxic pus mixed with T virus and Tiberium! The jet swept over the three tick tanks, and all three tanks were paralyzed almost at the same time! The armor was burned red by the high temperature of the energy, and the pus containing multiple components corroded the armor and completely destroyed all the electronic systems of the tank!

The Sixth Armored Regiment has fallen into complete chaos! Not for anything else, just because their commander's command car was the first car killed after being drilled out by Da Huang! !

The team leader never imagined that he should be the safest in the end, but he was instantly killed by the tracker!

The tank troops in the chaos still maintained a certain ability to respond, some tanks began to turn around, and turned their turrets to shoot at Rhubarb.

boom! boom! Rhubarb, who had been hit by a few shells, howled a few times, turned around and ran towards the depths of the mining area. And how could the armored regiment whose regiment leader was killed be able to let go, many tanks rushed up immediately.

For a while, some tanks were chasing rhubarb, some tanks regrouped under the orders of middle-level officers, and some tanks wanted to support the stealth tank troops. Their formation was more chaotic.

At this time, the roar of the engine came from the sky!

Only five MI-24 Hind gunships entered the battlefield under the escort of several AV-49 Wasp fighters. The chaotic armored regiment could not organize effective anti-aircraft firepower at all.

The Wasp fighter jets swooped down immediately, shooting bursts of fire at the units that were firing at the sky! boom! boom! ! An armored vehicle equipped with quadruple 20mm caliber antiaircraft guns was blown to pieces by the rockets of the Wasp fighter plane, and a truck carrying ammunition was also affected by the explosion.

Boom~~~~! ! ! A violent explosion resounded through the sky! !

Then, the Hind gunship began to lower its altitude, the huge hatch opened, and then... a large number of terrifying robots jumped out of it! !

These terrorist robots are all equipped with a small parachute, which unfolds against the wind to slow down the falling speed of the terrorist robots and then falls off by itself. Terrorist robots descended from the sky one after another, bringing real terror to the Sixth Armored Regiment! !

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