All Heavens Unlimited Base

Chapter 539 world on fire

539、I ​​don't want to set the world on fire

【I don't want to set the world on fire...】

When he heard this song, Li Mingguo felt a wave behind him, and then he saw an unbelievable scene!

Several soldiers hanging behind suddenly opened fire! Fire at your own people in front of you! !

Da da da! Da da da! ! They shot indiscriminately, knocking down more than a dozen soldiers in front of them immediately! Some soldiers who reacted hurriedly fired back, but these soldiers who suddenly rebelled did not change their faces, and dodged behind the bunker very calmly, and then one of them took out the PRG-7 bazooka that was issued to them before!

Li Mingguo was almost dumbfounded by this scene. He rolled and scrambled on the ground, and then there was a bang! The rocket exploded not far behind him, and he was immediately blown away by the shock wave of the explosion!

【I just want to start, A flame in your heart...】

"Li Mingguo! Run!!!" The voice of the old squad leader seemed to be heard from a distance. Li Mingguo turned his head, only to see that he and a few comrades were shooting behind him while retreating.

Li Mingguo hurriedly wanted to get up from the ground, but he had just climbed halfway, and his legs gave way and fell down again. At this moment, he suddenly saw a white light flashing around him, only to see a person wearing power armor appear out of nowhere! !

He hurriedly rolled on the spot with his head in his arms, rolling towards the ruins beside him. The power armor over there has been shooting violently in the direction of the old squad leader. The old squad leader hid quickly and lay down on the ground the moment he saw the power armor appear. Tring fell to the ground.

"Dagang! Qiangzi!" Li Mingguo yelled when he saw his comrade who was knocked down.

Fortunately, the battlefield was now full of gunshots and explosions, and his cries were not noticed by the power armor. All I saw was that the power armor walked up to the previously knocked down power armors, squatted down and grabbed those power armors, another white light flashed, and all the power armors disappeared!

【In my heart I have but one desire...】

The music continued, as if it was intertwined with the battlefield.

Li Mingguo looked at the empty place in front of him in a daze, and couldn't believe that there were still a few people wearing power armor there before, both dead and alive.

The gunshots from other parts of the battlefield are still ringing, but they have gradually faded away, and occasionally white lights can be seen flashing by.

What are they doing? Collect the body? What technology is this white light? teleport? send?

【And that one is you No other will do...】

But... the music is still there... Li Mingguo's mind cleared up a bit. He looked around, only to see an old-fashioned radio dropped on the ground at some point, playing this song repeatedly.

Suddenly, the white light lit up again, and then a mechanical spider appeared in front of him! !

Seeing the appearance of this mechanical spider, Li Mingguo's heart tightened suddenly! Before the war, their officers issued an atlas, which highlighted this mechanical spider. And pointed out that these are called terrorist robots, they move fast and specialize in hunting tanks, they can drill a hole in the tank's site, and then kill all the crew members!

Moreover, as mentioned in the manual, the disadvantage of the terrorist robot is that it has almost no armor protection, and ordinary individual light weapons can easily destroy it. And the manual also requires every soldier, as long as he sees a terrorist robot appearing on the battlefield, he should give priority to killing it!

But now Li Mingguo's heart is full of fear! ! Because the scary robot in front of him was different from the one he had seen in the manual! There is an extra card slot on the back of this terrifying robot, and a bomb is fixed on it! !

This bomb is not big, only 30cm long and 20cm wide. It looks a bit fat, and the way the terrorist robot wobbles with this bomb on its back is a bit funny. However, Li Mingguo couldn't laugh, because what frightened him was a mark on the bomb—the mark of the nuclear bomb! !

【I've lost all ambition for worldly acclaim, I just want to be the one you love...】

"Nuclear...nuclear..." Li Mingguo felt that his breathing was stagnant, no matter how hard he breathed, he couldn't take in any air, and there were unpleasant sounds from his throat.

And he saw that there was a timer on the nuclear bomb, and the countdown on it... 20 seconds left! !

"Ah...ah!! No...don't...ah..." Li Mingguo yelled incoherently, and he turned and ran away in despair.

Although he also knew that if this was really a nuclear bomb, no matter how he ran, he would not be able to survive. No, even if it is an ordinary bomb, it is absolutely impossible for him to run to a safe place within 20 seconds! But... the other party directly teleported over with the teleportation technology, and also used the bomb carried by the terrorist robot. Is it an ordinary bomb?

run! ! Run like hell!

Li Mingguo didn't know where the strength came from, so he ran away from the bomb. He just wanted to get away from here, the farther the better!

The exposed steel bars in the ruins scratched his flesh, and the broken concrete blocks punctured the soles of his feet, but he didn't realize it, just running desperately, desperately running! In front of him was a building that was more than half destroyed by the blast, and he resolutely got into it. Even if those broken concrete walls could provide him with a little bit of shelter, he would hide behind them for the one in a billion, or nonexistent chance of survival!

Sudden! His feet were empty, and his whole body sank suddenly! Moreover, the pit seemed to be very deep. He kept rolling down, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, but he didn't stop at all, and he kept rolling down.

Boom~~~~~~~~~Om... At the moment of the explosion, Li Mingguo only felt a roar in his ears, and then he didn't know anything.

【And with your admission that you feel the same, I'll have reached the goal I'm dreaming of...】

This melodious old song was still echoing, Li Mingguo opened his eyes with difficulty, and found that he was in a square air-raid shelter with dust everywhere. Next to it was a row of small gantry frames more than 2 meters high, with two small hooks on it. This height reminded him of the two holes on the shoulders of those steel armors, which seemed to be used to hang this kind of armor?

Only then did he feel pain like burning all over his body. He raised his hand and found that the skin on his hand had begun to fester, and yellow-green pus was continuously flowing down from the cracked skin.

There was a sudden tumbling in his stomach, and then he vomited out with a wow, and the smelly vomit splashed all over his body.

He didn't need to think about it, and he knew that he was injured, and it was a fatal injury! He ran around in the air-raid shelter in despair, maybe his unnatural luck played a role, he actually found a medicine box on the wall!

Li Mingguo struggled to crawl over, opened the medicine box, took out all the medicine bottles inside, and swallowed all the pills in the small bottles, no matter what they were. Then he gritted his teeth and poured a bottle of alcohol on himself!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", the heart-piercing pain made him let out a scream. He yelled and bumped around in the air-raid shelter, trying to find the exit.

【I don't want to set the world on fire...】

With a bang, in the midst of the ruins, a bombed-out door crashed down, and Li Mingguo stumbled out.

However, what caught his eyes was the scorched black patches!

The scorched tank wreckage, the scorched ruins, the scorched ground...and...the charred if a fire swept through the whole world in an instant, everything was scorched!

He still remembered the scene of the previous battle, the gray concrete, the red and black painted tanks, the bright red blood, and the bright flames. But now, all this has disappeared, leaving only a piece of charred wreckage!

He still remembered the half-collapsed building he ran past just now, but now this large area has become a huge crater, and thick smoke is still rising from it.

Li Mingguo walked on the scorched ruins in a daze, and the places he passed were in a mess. Countless charred and mutilated corpses fell to the ground, some corpses were even burnt into skeletons!

There were bursts of burning sensations coming from his body again, but he hadn't noticed it at all, because the hell-like scene in front of him had already made him lose his soul.

He followed his memory and walked in a daze. When he turned around a collapsed building, he suddenly froze. Because he saw a gun...

【I just want to start, A flame in your heart...】

Li Mingguo recognized this gun because the butt of this gun had been modified to become shorter and wider. He knew that this was the gun of his old squad leader, because the old squad leader kept saying that his shoulders could not bear the recoil of this new type of M-16 MK. Modified.

But now, the gun has been scorched black, twisted, and its parts are falling apart, but he still recognizes it.

However, because of the ruins of the collapsed building, all the things inside were buried underneath. Li Mingguo didn't know where the strength came from, and ran over like crazy to search among the still hot rubble.


He found a charred hand protruding from the ruins.

Although he didn't know who this hand belonged to, the moment he saw it, all the strength in Li Mingguo's body seemed to be pulled away, and he knelt down powerlessly on the ground.

【I don't wanna set the world on fire, honey...】

Bang~~~~~ A dazzling light flashed by, but fortunately it was blocked by some messy buildings, but this light still illuminated everything like the sun.

In the distance, a mushroom cloud suddenly rose into the sky, and Li Mingguo realized that this was the direction of his large army. Before he could react further, the second and third mushroom clouds rose up one after another.

He finally understood what happened...

Tactical Nuclear Strike!

It's the kind of terrifying robot that was teleported here with a nuclear bomb on its back! !

If it is really teleportation, then he can't imagine what his troops will look like!

【I love ya too muc, I just wanna start a big big flame...】

As soon as this melody is heard, the old song that is a product of the last century is still playing, like a rusty saw, cutting Li Mingguo's physical and mental wounds one by one.

He looked at the dark cloud-covered sky in despair, and let out a heart-piercing howl, "Wow!!!!!!"

Thank you for the 1,000 starting coins rewarded by the God of Science! ! Thank you for the 500 starting coins rewarded by the assimilation fighters! !

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