After thinking and hesitating for two months, I finally made a decision. I will stop updating the book "The Unlimited Base of the Heavens" after completing this plot. In other words, stop after finishing playing Torch City. As for the chapter on the expedition to Texas and the snatching of Tacitus, I will decide whether to write it or not depending on the situation.

Because in fact, until now, the book "Infinite Base" has more than 1.3 million words. But I really can't stand the level shown. Compared with "The Mechanic", the regression can be said to be all-round.

This book was actually very bumpy from the beginning, and the original version couldn't grasp the rhythm, so no one cared about it. Later, the first 30 chapters were rewritten to make this book have the capital to continue writing.

In fact, I am very satisfied with the "Resident Evil" chapter of this book, both in terms of characterization and plot setting are relatively good. The chapters of "Radiation 4" are actually above the passing line.

But the real problem is the "Command and Conquer" chapter, which is the main content.

Basically, in the chapters of "Command and Conquer", the characters are written with no characteristics and no personality. Yiyi was almost written as a robot, and Lin Huo, as a mage, turned out to be a slave. The other characters, including Luo Cheng, Wang Jinsong, and Lu Weiwei, did not show their personalities, and they were all tool people. The only outstanding one is Duan Heshan, who is still a villain.

Compared with the distinctive characters such as Christina, Shi Mingdong, Jane, and Zhang Ruijun in "The Mechanic", I can't even find the bright spots of the characters in "Infinite Base".

Moreover, there are also problems with the plot layout of this chapter. The plot advances too slowly, there are too few descriptions of Nod and GDI, and the protagonist does not fully participate in it, as if he is an outsider. The result is that I go here and there, but I still fail to grasp the key points.

This result really disappointed me because I didn't think my level should be like this. After the baptism and training of nearly 6 million words in "The Mechanic", I handed over such an answer sheet, not to mention whether I am sorry to the readers, I am even sorry to myself.

What makes me especially uncomfortable is a group of readers and friends who are supporting me through "Infinite Base". But the more this happened, the more panic I felt. Because sometimes I don't know whether people are supporting me or supporting this book.

I really don’t want to have a precedent for eunuchs. It’s been a year since this book was written on and off, and it makes me feel unwilling to give up like this. But I can only make this decision, because I don't even have the confidence to say that this book will be better in the future.

So, in the end, I can only say sorry to the friends who have been supporting me, sincerely sorry. The level of this book is not good enough for your support, and my regression is not good for your support.

Next, after this book comes to an end, I will answer all your questions about the plot and setting, and friends who have questions about the development of the plot and the basic setting will be able to get answers.

Then I will make another revision to "The Mechanic" to see if it can be unblocked. If it doesn't work, I need to settle down and reflect on it, and then continue to create with my heart and write a new work.

Thank you for your support... I am sorry for you...

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