All Heavens Unlimited Base

Chapter 525: Insect Net

525: Insect net

The huge convoys drove out from the farms in the north of Torch City, the barracks in the west and east of the city, like giant steel dragons. Among the other subordinate towns around, the guards also rushed out, heading straight for the ruined city!

The giant dragons gathered supplies for a short time at the logistics base on the south side of Torch City, and then went straight to the ruined city 200 kilometers away according to the battle plan!

The tick tank was driving at high speed on the road. The black body and the turret equipped with six-barreled machine guns and 90mm electric heat guns shone coldly in the morning light. And the number of tanks alone has reached hundreds, and they are constantly on the road, and the roar of the engine is endless.

With a fully covered cockpit and equipped with two quadruple rocket launchers, the attack motorcycle passed the tick tanks at super high speed. The dust rose from under the bulletproof tires of the motorcycle, and accompanied by The driving of the motorcycle pulled out more than ten meters in the rear.

Trucks full of soldiers followed closely behind the tanks, loaded with heavily armed Brotherhood of Nod soldiers, loaded and ready for battle. On the full-coverage helmet, only the T-shaped red eyepiece can be seen, and their expressions are completely invisible. From a distance, they seem to be a group of demon warriors.

The slow-moving Devil's Tongue tank was at the rear of the queue. It was more than 3 meters high, 4 meters wide, and 7 or 8 meters long. Even the ground trembled when it passed by. Not to mention the countless barbs gleaming with cold light on the upper and lower roller drilling rigs in front of the tank! Just like the name, this is a demonic tank!

In the logistics base in the south of Torch City, led by Lu Weiwei, Marlowe, and Ni Dong in uniform, more than a dozen senior officers including three division commanders, plus dozens of staff officers stood solemnly in the command center , looking at the holographic projection of the battlefield in the middle.

On the holographic projection of the battlefield, the red arrow representing their own army was extremely thick, like an unstoppable punch, slowly smashing towards the ruined city 200 kilometers away!

A senior staff officer stood up, clicked on the map, and a small screen immediately appeared next to it, displaying a large amount of data. Then he gave a military salute to Lu Weiwei and began to explain.

"Sirs, our army has invested a total of two infantry divisions and one armored division in this military operation. There are a total of 39,700 combat personnel, 485 tick tanks, 110 M2-F light tanks, and 330 armored personnel carriers. There are a total of 200 special tanks and armored vehicles, 200 self-propelled guns with a caliber of 210mm and a caliber of 155mm. In addition, there are 140 Harpy helicopters. It can be said that all the armored combat units of Torch City are here.”

Lu Weiwei nodded slightly.

The senior staff officer continued: "But we also have many hidden dangers. First of all, because the nuclear power plant was blown up, two of the units were completely unusable. Although we restored the operation of the remaining three units, they only had 20% of the energy supply. No Sufficient energy supply prevents many factories in the city from operating normally. Although we have made deployments to meet the limited power consumption of military factories, our production capacity is still less than half. Therefore, after the full-scale war, our ammunition supplies and logistics Maintenance work will be greatly affected."

"Ha! There's nothing to worry about in a mere ruined city! Even our existing ammunition is enough to blow up their pile of rubbish!" Ou Tieqiang, the commander of the First Infantry Division, laughed loudly.

"Since it is an all-out war, everything must be fully prepared." Ni Dong squinted at Ou Tieqiang, and the division commander immediately lowered his head and stopped talking. However, the corner of his mouth still glanced with disdain.

Ni Dong shook his head slightly. The fact that the clones are destroying everywhere is only known to a small group of people, and it is considered top secret. Therefore, these officers are still somewhat disapproving of dispatching 40,000 troops to deal with the small ruined city, which is inevitable.

Unlike GDI, which is basically a mature and developed national system, the Brotherhood of Nod is much looser. The major warlords fight independently and are independent of each other. Only the headquarters of Nod, including Kane himself, has the ability to integrate these forces. So relatively, the quality of Nod officers is much worse than that of GDI officers trained strictly from regular military academies.

The senior staff officer over there continued to say: "As for the lack of energy, the staff department suggested that the 30 repair tanks of the 1st Armored Division be gathered together and set up as a temporary maintenance point, which can provide us with a relatively reliable logistics. Guarantee. But in this case... some damaged tanks of the 1st Armored Division may need to be returned to the rear for processing, or simply abandoned."

Robert, the commander of Nod's 12th Armored Division in the Eastern Region, who had been sitting there upright, waved his hands impatiently and said, "You can do whatever you want! It's so damn long-winded to attack a small town."

Lu Weiwei and the others just nodded silently and did not speak. Because the 12th Armored Division led by Robert was the army that Nod had reinforced from the Eastern Region Headquarters, strictly speaking, it was not under the jurisdiction of Torch City. Now that Robert's cooperative attitude is the best result, naturally he dare not care whether his words are a little rude.

The senior staff officer continued: "Now our plan is to use the 12th Armored Division as the arrow of the attack, use one tank regiment to directly attack the opponent's gateway Hammer Town, and use the other tank regiment to outflank the two wings and block the ruins. The west direction of the entire city. The north direction of the ruined city is full of ruins of high-rise buildings, which is completely impassable. We will send an engineering battalion there to see if we can open a road."

After finishing speaking, he took a sip of water, and continued: "The situation in the south of the ruined city is more complicated. There are also ruins there, but the ruins in the south of the city have collapsed relatively thoroughly, basically a thick layer of rubble. So Although the vehicles are impassable, the infantry can still go with some effort. However, our previous plans to enter from the south of the ruined city all failed, and no one came back. The situation is completely unknown. This time we plan to use special tanks to carry out a storm.

In fact, the biggest problem we are facing now is that the terrain of the ruined city makes it difficult to deploy all our troops. Therefore, we plan to take the risk of dispatching an independent armored regiment, go directly into the red zone, outflank and attack the ruined city from the northwest, and achieve a three-sided attack situation. And our main goal is still Hammer Town. As long as Iron Hammer Town can be captured, our armored troops can use the roads of Iron Hammer Town to drive straight into the core of the ruined city! "

"The other party has a terrorist robot, have you considered this issue?" Lu Weiwei asked coldly.

"Yes. Because the distance from Torch City to Ruin City is only 200 kilometers, we can slow down our advance speed appropriately and let the First Infantry Division assist in the advance. As long as we press the battle line at the gate of the Ruin City, their terrorist robots will not be enough. For fear. And the Second Infantry Division serves as the strategic general reserve in the rear, ready to reinforce the key areas ahead.”

Lu Weiwei nodded, stood up and said loudly: "This combat operation is named 'Operation Bug Net'! Let the ruined city be crushed to death like a bug!! The whole army attacks!!"

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