442: Ghost

"A translucent figure?" Chunyuyan thought for a while, then suddenly opened his eyes and said loudly: "Come back immediately! It's a ghost!!"

"Ghost? You mean the kind of ghost that comes out after death?" Chris was shocked.

"Where do ghosts come from in this world! Chun Yuyan! Don't..." Jill opened her mouth subconsciously, but she stopped in the middle of her words, because she saw the extremely terrifying scene happening in the square ! !

"Dad!! The black below suddenly became a lot!!" Yiyi ran over and said eagerly.

"Something happened!" Chunyuyan looked at the transfer station, then at Claire and Rebecca who were full of worries, cursed in his heart, and then said: "Go! Let's go to meet you! Ghost! Come out and meet us! "

"Okay." The ghost's gloomy voice came from the communicator.

"Chris! What's the situation with you? I... Fu*k!!" Before Chunyuyan finished speaking, he had already seen the situation at the transfer station clearly, and the next half of the sentence turned into a curse .

"Boss Yan... I think... the situation is a little dangerous..." Chris's voice was very low, as if he was afraid that an accident would happen if he made his voice a little louder.

Jill Valentine just stayed by the bed, staring at the scene in front of her in a daze. It's not because she's timid, but because... what happened in front of her has completely exceeded her cognition and subverted her worldview. and……

Let her really feel the fear of death! !

In the loading and unloading square of the transfer station at this time, a layer of mist emitting a green light began to appear on the ground at some point, and as Chris said before, this green light seemed to be shining, but in fact does not illuminate anything.

Immediately afterwards, in the midst of this miserable green mist, translucent figures rose from the ground! Each of these figures exuded a miserable green light, and after rising from the ground, they floated half a meter above the ground. There are men and women, but each of them is dressed in rags, and they still maintain the hideous and terrifying appearance when they died!

There are hanged ghosts with tongues sticking out half a meter long, drowned ghosts with swollen bodies, house ghosts with their heads held in their hands, dead ghosts with scars on their bodies, everything is there. Just seeing their appearance can completely scare an ordinary person out of his wits!

After these ghosts emerged from the ground, they began to wander aimlessly around, and some ghosts had already started to float towards Jill's building!

Looking at these hundreds of ghosts, Jill and Chris were stiff, as if a bucket of ice water was poured from head to toe, and their bodies began to tremble slightly.

"I don't think we can get out..." Chris whispered, "We have to wait for Boss Yan to save us. He said it was magic, and now I'm beginning to believe it..."

Jill didn't speak, her body was still trembling, biting her lower lip tightly, and she didn't know whether it was because of fear or anger.

While running wildly, Chunyuyan took out a few laser rifles from his personal space and distributed them to everyone, "These are laser guns, and they are fired in the same way as ordinary firearms! Ghosts have no entity, only energy weapons can cause damage to them!!"

Claire and Rebecca couldn't understand why this kind of laser gun, which was obviously beyond the technology of this era, appeared in Chun Yuyan's hands, and these laser guns looked quite old-fashioned, definitely not the shape of an experimental weapon. Strictly speaking, it is such a simple and efficient form that has been streamlined in many places after mass production has flooded.

"Why do you have a laser gun?" Claire asked.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. Next, we will cover Yiyi, and she will help us open a way! There are a lot of ghosts, so don't love to fight!" Chunyuyan immediately made arrangements, and then said in the communication: "Chris ! You rushed out immediately after starting the battle on my side! Ghosts without entities can imagine that they would have difficulty attacking us with entities!"

While he was talking, the laser rifle in Chunyuyan's hand had already fired! Whoosh! The red laser beam pierced through the air and accurately irradiated the ghosts in the loading and unloading square. The ghosts irradiated by the laser beam suddenly let out an illusory scream, and their bodies became thinner.

It was like stabbing an ant's nest, hundreds of ghosts turned their heads almost at the same time, looking at Chunyuyan and the others with empty eyes. Immediately afterwards, these ghosts flew over here almost at the same time. Their speed is not fast, but nothing can stop them. Cars, walls, and fences are all passed through directly.

The four eyes moved quickly, and they had entered the shooting position and aimed at the front for a burst of shooting. Several ghosts were dimmed by the laser beam, and they immediately sank directly into the ground and disappeared. Seeing this, Claire and Rebecca gritted their teeth and raised their guns to shoot, although they were terrified.

Beltway was the one who had the most troubles, and while shooting awkwardly with the laser gun that was a size smaller than him, he yelled loudly: "Boss Yan! Are the bombs useful? I just made some bombs recently. Absolutely!" Strong enough!!"

Chunyuyan looked around, pointed to the side with the most ghosts and said, "Is there an incendiary bomb? Blow it over there."

"Hahahaha!! Yaho!! Explode! Burn! Hahahaha!!" Beltway laughed wildly and ran over there.

Claire leaned over and said, "Boss Yan, do you have any plan to send the big guy to blow up there?"

"No plan, just let him vent his excess energy, anyway, he's rough and thick and won't die for a while." Chunyuyan waved his hand as he fired, "You two go over there and suppress the ghost in the direction of the iron fence !!"

The red laser beam kept flashing, and more than a dozen ghosts were directly scattered by the laser beam, and some of them sank into the ground after being injured, but more ghosts floated over from all directions! For ghosts, the terrain is meaningless, and there are only smooth roads where they pass.

At this time, Yiyi showed great power. Instead of holding a gun, she held the alloy long sword. At the same time, she used the burning hand, and the flames gushed out along the long sword, just like a flaming sword. However, holding the red-hot sword hilt in Yiyi's hand seemed to have no temperature at all, and it had no effect at all. But if you look carefully, you will find a light green light covering her palm, and all the heat of the sword hilt is absorbed by this burst of light.

Facing the crowds of ghosts flying over every now and then, a cold light flashed in Yiyi's eyes, and the flaming sword swept out! Swish! ! ! The flames spewed out and the ghost howled, reflecting her beautiful face that had not completely faded away.

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