All Heavens Unlimited Base

Chapter 419 Giant Net


Georgia is a small country located on the east coast of the Black Sea in western Asia.

Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. This is a city that has been under construction since the former Soviet Union. The urban population accounts for one-fifth of the entire Georgia. Even in the general economic decline of the former Soviet Union, this beautiful city still exudes vigor and vitality.

A civilian SA360 Dolphin helicopter landed slowly over Tbilisi International Airport, and the tower staff guided the aircraft to land on the dedicated apron for private business jets. The landing gear unfolded from the belly, the helicopter landed firmly on the tarmac, the hatch opened, and Beltway jumped down first.

However, Chunyuyan did not get off the plane. He picked up the satellite phone on the plane and connected to Luper's communication, "How is the situation now?"

"We are now in Kazbek in northern Georgia, and we will enter Russia further north. The Caucasus Research Institute, the last base of Umbrella, is in the Caucasus Mountains in Russia, specifically the Alagir region near Beslan. .Because we need to transport a lot of weapons and equipment, we can only go from Georgia. In fact, whether it is the military operations of H.C.F, or the operations of Ghost and Hank, they also rely on Georgia." Luper replied.

Chun Yuyan nodded. In this era, the aftermath of the disintegration of the former Soviet Union has not completely dissipated. The economies of the former federations are in a mess, and the international situation is also very chaotic. So small countries like Georgia actually have a lot of loopholes to exploit, at least it is much more convenient for them to transport all kinds of weapons and equipment to the past.

"Is the equipment all delivered?" he asked.

"It's still on the way, and Kazbek is only suitable as our logistics base. Our equipment is sent to the north of Kazbek, in a remote village at the foot of Kazbek Mountain. It's relatively closed there, and even if the villagers see those Weapons also dare not have any dissent." Luper replied.

"What about the ghosts?"

"They chose another village as their forward base. After we are ready, we need to go there first."

"Okay, I'll come over right away. Don't act rashly, let Yiyi take a look at everything. Although she doesn't understand magic, she can detect the fluctuation of magic."

"Magic? So what Bertha said is true?"

"Of course it's true. Our opponent this time is a magician. To be more precise, a necromancer."

"It's a novel experience."

"It's dangerous at the same time, and we'll see more of it in the future."

"Well, anyway, we'll wait for you here, and we'll try to keep a low profile before that."

Chunyuyan hung up the phone and said to Lin Huo, "Go to Mount Kazbek...Beltway! Don't fucking jump! Come up for me!! Let the airport fill us up with gas!!"

An airport worker came over and asked a question in the local Georgian, and the driver they brought quickly explained in Georgian: "They are coming from the United States for vacation and are going to Kazbek Mountain!!"

What did the staff say again? The driver shook his head and said, "We won't go deep! The farthest we will go is Ushguli!"

The staff member's face changed drastically, he waved his hands vigorously, and spoke much faster, Barabara said a lot. The driver turned around and said to Chunyuyan: "Boss Yan, he said that there are a lot of missing people in Wushuguli recently, and there are rumors of ghosts. Now even the postal staff are afraid to go."

Chunyuyan frowned, he picked up the map and looked at it, and said, "Then we won't go that far, go to Stepantsminda for a few days and come back after a few days, and tell him."

The driver turned around and translated for him, and then took out a stack of dollars and stuffed them in. The staff's expression eased a little, and after a while of instructing, they picked up the communicator, called the tanker, and began to refuel the helicopter.

After the fuel was filled, the pilot returned to the helicopter and closed the hatch, and turned to Chun Yuyan and said, "He also told us not to enter the Russian border. Recently, many people died on the border. The two countries are arguing in private. Boss Yan, are we really going?"

Chun Yuyan looked at the pilot in his 40s. He was a pilot hired by the Ruins World Group. I used to fly a Cobra helicopter when I was fighting in Afghanistan, and after retiring, I helped people spray pesticides on farms in Texas. Later, I heard that the Ruin World Group recruited experienced pilots, so I came to apply for the job. Here, he can get five times more salary than before, and his work enthusiasm is very high. Boss Yan and Boss Yan are always on call and willing to work hard. .

Seeing that there are more and more employees who can be used in this way, the shelf of Ruin World Group is slowly being built!

Chunyuyan sighed secretly, and smiled at the uncle: "It's okay, you just stay in Kazbek. Keep an eye on our plane." He pointed to an AK-47 hanging behind the cockpit. It was full of silver bullets.

After arriving in Kazbek, Chun Yuyan, Beltway and Lin Huo found a jeep and left on their own, while the driver uncle was free to move around.

There are actually quite a few people who travel to Kazbek every year, so the town is relatively open and doesn't particularly care about outsiders. But on the road, Chunyuyan noticed something different in the eyes of the passers-by around him. Is that...fear?

"The situation seems to be a bit wrong. The Necromancer has a wide range of activities in this area, and it should have caused a relatively large impact." Chun Yuyan said.

"In my opinion, this is simply obvious. Since entering the Caucasus Mountains, the stench of necromancy has been permeating the air." The forest fire was also very serious.

Beltway sniffled as he drove and asked, "Why don't I smell bad?"

"This is just a metaphor. Among several different schools of magic, the traces of necromancer magic are the most obvious, because what they play with is death and soul." Lin Huo said.

Beltway whistled happily, "So we're going to deal with a magician this time? Hahahaha! Then we can see the skeleton soldiers, ghosts, death knights and so on in the comics?"

"You'd better pray that we don't see the death knight, because of the existence of that level, even if a T-72 is placed in front of it, it will only take a few seconds for it to dismantle the tank." Lin Huo gave him a blank look. .

"Have you seen it?" Chunyuyan asked curiously.

"According to the DND rules, the minimum requirement for a death knight to transform is level 6, but in fact, all existences above level 10 are transformed. After the transformation is completed, most death knights are above level 15, which is already close to legendary It is." Lin Huo explained.

"Hahahaha!! I knew it!! It's fun to follow Boss Yan!! Maybe one day I can ride a black dragon! Hahahahaha!!" Beltway let go of the steering wheel with one hand and patted Chunyuyan vigorously shoulders.

"I think you are more likely to carry anti-aircraft missiles to attack gangsters... Be careful of someone!!!" Chunyuyan yelled.

Beltway, who was distracted, saw a figure shaking in front of the car, and he quickly turned the steering wheel. The jeep made a screeching sound of brakes, drew an arc and slammed into the stone pile on the side of the road with a bang, and then stopped.

Only then did they realize that it was an old woman wandering in the middle of the road. She staggered on the road, and when she walked, her hands didn't move at all, and she was still chanting words.

"Hey, you stinky old woman! You're fucking dead, aren't you!!" Beltway had a bad temper, and started cursing as soon as he walked up. If he hadn't considered that the other party was an old woman, he would have already started fighting.

"Wait a minute, don't go there!" Lin Huo snarled to block Beltway, "She has been corrupted by necromancy! If there is no accident, she won't wake up after falling asleep tonight, when she wakes up again Open your eyes and you will become a ghoul!"

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