All Heavens Unlimited Base

Chapter 412 These Chapters Are the Transition

412、These chapters are the transition

"Develop large-scale manufacturing with all our strength?" Huo Na was taken aback by Chun Yuyan's strategy, but she immediately reacted and said, "There are problems with this. Large-scale manufacturing is like a national treasure for every country. This will force us to stand in line instead!"

"No! Wait a minute, it's possible!" Igor suddenly added: "Last year, oh no, the year before last, at the end of 1977, the governments of Britain, France and Germany were calling on their companies to unite and carry out Integration. Only in this way can we compete with those super-large groups in the United States! In their first report, they submitted it to Airbus and wanted to make an acquisition! 【Note 1】”

Liang Li also took up the conversation and said: "Actually, Yan Kingdom also has similar actions. The background of their Shenya Group is related to several large multinational conglomerates in Eastern Asia."

"H.C.F and Umbrella are also such multinational groups. For example, the three directors of Umbrella, Oswell-E-Spencer is a British nobleman, Edward Ashford is a German nobleman, James Marcus is a Scientists from the United States." Tomoko Gao Liang adjusted his glasses, "I understand what they mean, that is, let us base ourselves on several countries from the beginning and develop as a multinational group. But there are still many things to do... "

Horna stood up and said: "If this is the case, we can act in response to the call of the British, French and German governments, register investment companies in Britain, France and Germany, and then form a multinational group in Europe in the name of the investment company. After that Extend our capital to the three major countries of Yan, the United States and Russia."

"It's not that easy. The remaining three big countries are the most difficult to mess with. The relationship between the United States and Europe is very sensitive now. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Europe has no real threat. They are facing parting ways. Russia has always been politically strong. Moreover, their current economy is in a stagnant pool, so it is hard to say what they will do. As for Yan Kingdom... their stance on international trade is different from other countries, and it is difficult to deal with them from our standpoint." Tomoko Gao Liang He said lightly with his hands on his chest.

"So you have a solution?" Chunyuyan asked.

"I can't say I'm absolutely sure, but I'd better give it a try. You can't let Huo Na and the others who have just graduated not long ago deal with those old and cunning politicians? If you trust me, this I have been staying in this world for a while." Gao Liang Zhizi said.

"What can I not trust you? Just go ahead and do it. The framework of our Ruins World Group is still too small to accommodate our gains this time, so you need to set up the shelf for us. The content inside will be handed over to I will fill in, and Huo Na, I will leave the operation to you." Chun Yuyan said.

"Okay...Okay." Huo Na nodded in a daze, and she didn't know what happened at all. It seemed that she was discussing how to start a company a week ago, and she was going to talk to the top five in a few days Dealing with rogue politicians?

Chunyuyan clapped his hands again, and said loudly: "Then our plan will be determined like this! First of all, we must make good use of our strengths in the field of robotics, and we must not shrink back just because it may cause social problems. But for now , our goal is still to point to the upper class crowd.

Horna, you guys need to keep buying cheap land near the chihuahua desert in Texas, we're going to put robot factories together with garbage disposal plants in the future. Energy supply through Tiberium mines, and large-scale distribution substations will also be built there. Then we need to increase the production of protector robots, and then prepare to introduce Mr. Handy robots to the market.

Then we invested and set up factories in the direction of Yanguo in Southeast Asia, and the factories for the first batch of Prydwin-class civil airships began to be set up in that place. "

Tomoko Gao Liang interjected: "When I invest in the three countries of Britain, France and Germany, I can also talk to Airbus about the construction plan of the civilian version of the super airship. This airship can be directly used to open a super luxurious air hotel. But you need your technicians to come up with a modification plan as soon as possible."

"Leave it to me." Chunyuyan responded, and then said to Ellie and Justin: "Then you follow me, I have a large-scale research base in Antarctica and the Atlantic Ocean respectively. But these research Most of the facilities in the base have been damaged and need to be rebuilt. It just happened to be built according to our current research direction."

"So what kind of research project do we need to carry out?" Justin Ayer asked.

"First, life sciences. The world is very developed in this area, and relevant talents are emerging in an endless stream. We cannot lag behind in this area. Second, the research and development of Tiberium mines is the top priority, and it is also the key to our future development. In addition, what you have to do is to try your best to understand these worlds of ours, relearn the basic knowledge, and not let yourself get out of touch." Chun Yuyan replied.

"Then we don't have a specific goal?" Ellie Filmore asked.

"There is no goal for the time being. In this world, it is only in the state of paving the way. The existing technology is enough for a long time, and the direction of continuing technological breakthroughs is mostly focused on Tiberium mines. You still need to learn about this. Next The second batch of academy members sent over will also focus on this aspect." Chun Yuyan said.

After the arrangement was completed, Huo Na and the others went to work immediately. Tomoko Gao Liang also seized the time to fly to Europe. She will invest in several shell companies in Europe for operation, and then she will also seek loans to solve the current problem of insufficient cash flow of AW Group.

Then Chun Yuyan said to Lin Huo: "Now, I think our development in these worlds must be targeted. Currently, the world of "Resident Evil" has two values—technical support and reward point support. I asked the system before about the size of Umbrella Corporation. If it was replaced by the power of the experimenter, the rating given by the system would be at the national level, with a daily income of 2,000 points.

With these points, we can solve material problems to a large extent, so the activities in the world of "Resident Evil" start with such a paving. Liang Li's question just now is very important. What do we do to make money in this world? The answer is to spread your power and gain points. "

Lin Huo nodded and said: "Indeed, in the world of "Resident Evil", it is not suitable to fight for hegemony. This will instead collapse the system we have now. Starting with business in this world is a way."

"Then in the world of "Radiation", it is the mode of hegemony. That world is currently sparsely populated, but all kinds of strange technologies emerge in endlessly, and there are certain difficulties. However, if you start a war in that world, you don't have to worry about causing any damage at all. Yes, because there are not many things in the first place. Therefore, the Volunteer Army will be our foundation in that world. We will first occupy the entire Boston area, then occupy the Federation, and then launch a conquest operation on the east coast of the United States." Chun Yuyan said again.

"But there is always a priority, right? I know you can build that kind of very advanced unmanned factory, but your production capacity is also limited. First of all, you need to set up the academy's research facilities in the world of "Resident Evil". Build a production line for robots. Then, in the Fallout world you have to start industrializing as early as possible, which also takes capacity. What about the Command \u0026 Conquer world? Don’t forget that’s where our foundation is.” Forest Fire Said, "I'm worried that you're going to make a fuss if you take too long a step."

"There are more things I can do than you can imagine. Slowly you will know." Chunyuyan smiled enigmatically, and patted Lin Huo on the shoulder, "Wang Jinsong will return to Iron Man soon. Long’s territory to find out news for us, and next, I will go to Torch City to see what’s going on with that Lu Weiwei. If necessary, I will find a way to hold them back.”

The two chatted along the way, and they took Ellie and Justin to visit the Antarctic base and the Atlantic base respectively, so that they could understand their basics in these worlds. Next, let Carly Lloyd take them to the streets of Dallas, take some videos and take them back to the world of "Radiation" by the way, so that the scientists of the academy waiting there can relax.


[Note 1]: This is the European Aerospace Defense Group, EADS. Well, just understand it, it has nothing to do with the plot.

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