All Heavens Unlimited Base

Chapter 378 What is a Human

378、What is a person?

Almost all the forces in Bunker Hill left during the counter-attack just now, and only a small number of left-behind personnel remained. It took the independent regiment less than 10 minutes to control the entire Bunker Mountain. Facing this clean-up army, the soldiers of the caravan did not have any intention of daring to contend with it.

Chun Yuyan went directly to a small room in the underground base of Baobao Mountain, and he saw four synthetic humans coweringly hiding in it.

"B2-57, F6-33, Y9-15, Z3-22, are you the four synthetics?" Chunyuyan asked with a smile.

"Yes... yes, are you here to save us?" One of the short-haired women quickly stood up and said with a look of hope.

" should I put it? In order to catch you, the academy spent a lot of money and sent thousands of synthetics! However, the good news is that the synthetics they sent suffered heavy losses, and they should be retreating soon." Chunyu Yan said, "By the way, who are you?"

"I am... B2-57..." The woman seemed very reluctant to mention her number, and she asked eagerly: "You mean, the academy has already retreated? So we are safe?"

"No, they haven't retreated yet, but they are coming soon, at most, there are still 10 minutes." Chunyuyan shook his head.

"Are you short of the last blow?" A bald synthetic man let out a long sigh of relief.

"Let's put it this way, because they only need to bring you with them, and they can retreat immediately." Chunyuyan said seriously.

The four synths suddenly turned pale with shock, "What did you say?! are here to catch us?"

"In a sense, yes." Chunyuyan replied. Seeing that the four people seemed to want to resist, he sighed and said, "Resisting is futile. Instead of wasting your energy, why not talk to me about it?" chat."

At the same time, Yiyi has already picked up a dark-skinned synthetic man with a short cut and pressed it against the wall. Even if the strength of a synthetic human is much greater than that of an ordinary person, he has no ability to resist at all!

Seeing this scene, the other three immediately became honest. They were terrified, shivering at the foot of the wall one by one, "No! I don't want to go back!!!" The bald synthetic man said loudly.

Chunyuyan walked over, grabbed a chair and sat down, and asked, "Can you tell me why you don't want to go back to the academy?"

B2-57 showed a painful look on her face, and she whispered: "The life of the like hell! Those scientists don't treat us as human beings at all! In their eyes, we are just tools, tools that can be sacrificed at any time! Every day we do extremely heavy, extremely dangerous and mechanically repetitive work!

I'm done! I want to see a wider world! I want to know more! But...they never give us a chance. And as long as we make a slight mistake in our work, what awaits us is destruction and reconstruction! Even sometimes when they are in a bad mood, they will find fault with their eggs and find some reason to destroy us! "

"We would rather die than go back!" the bald synthetic man added.

"Then what if you escaped? The railway will also brainwash you, implant a new memory into you, and then put you into human society to fend for yourself. In a sense , you did escape, but you were also dead. If so, why did you run away?" Chunyuyan asked.

"Because we're free," B2-57 said.

"But you don't exist either."

"We still exist, it's just a different set of procedures. And at that time, we were out of the control of the academy, and we... were free!"

Chunyuyan was silent, in fact, what she said had some truth. Because although their memories have been replaced, they still exist in a physical sense. They are standing here as a whole, without missing arms or legs, able to run, jump, think and talk, who can say that they do not exist anymore?

But from a human point of view, they really don't exist anymore. Because their spirits, their memories, and their cognition are all gone, who can say that they are still the same people as before?

Chunyuyan remembered what Knight had told him before, about the views of the scientists of the academy on human beings. They believe that human beings polluted by nuclear radiation are no longer human beings. That's why they are looking for pure human DNA, and that's why they claim to 'redefine human beings'. From their point of view, it is actually very similar to the views of those synthetic humans. Should it be said that it is the reason why they came from the same place?

Thinking further, the synthetic humans in front of them are no different from humans except for the implants in their brains. And these synthetic humans in front of them are afraid, happy, thinking, and learning, so are they human? Or is it still just a tool?

This is a very philosophical topic, Chunyuyan smiled, and decided not to pay attention to it, he didn't want to care about people or synthetic people, he just wanted to follow his intuition.

"Go back." Chunyuyan said, "The academy won't destroy you." He didn't say much, stood up and knocked on the door, and several soldiers from the independent regiment who had been waiting outside immediately walked in and took the 4 synths dragged out.


Boom~~! ! ! There was a violent explosion, the sound of the wreckage of a pre-war nuclear-powered car that crashed into a house. The small nuclear explosion emptied a large area of ​​the surrounding synthetic soldiers!

Paladin Dance couldn't help squatting down and gasping for breath. Even with the assistance of power armor, he was exhausted and almost collapsed under the siege of hundreds of synthetic human soldiers. Just now he almost relied on the power armor to resist the small nuclear explosion, because he knew that this would give him a little breathing time.

Just half an hour ago, all the academy synthetics pointed in his direction and attacked wildly as if they were going crazy. After paying the price of more than 200 synths, Danse's team was successfully separated from the Brotherhood of Steel's large force, and 4 or 5 knights were killed or injured by the Brotherhood of Steel.

If it weren't for Danse's iron will and skilled combat skills, he and his team would have been wiped out long ago. But now, their downfall seems to be only a matter of time.

However, Dance didn't notice at this time that there was another synthetic man under his feet that hadn't been completely destroyed. The only remaining electronic eye on the head of this synthetic man was constantly flashing, sending an encrypted signal to it.

"It has been confirmed that the paladin Danse is indeed the missing synthetic man of the academy, numbered M7-97, he has queried the database and obtained his shutdown password." X4-18 turned to Knight and said.

"Understood, let me 'recover' him." Knight nodded, driving the T-51B power armor and rushing towards Paladin Dance!

Dans saw a man in white powered armor rushing towards him, and immediately pulled himself together, stood up, picked up his laser rifle and fired a burst of fire! However, the person who came was moving very fast, and was still changing direction irregularly while rushing forward. Most of the laser beams hit the ground, and the few laser beams that hit were also blocked by the T-51B power armor with silver ablation coating, which was useless. .

Boom! With a loud bang, Knight punched Danse! Dan Si was staggered from the beating, and he was furious in his heart. He also threw away the laser rifle and smashed it with an iron fist!

The two people wearing the most advanced power armor fought together in the most primitive way, and even rolled several times on the ground!

bang bang bang! ! There was another heavy punch and kick, and Knight took two steps back. He felt that if Dance was in full condition, he would be no less powerful than him. He shook his head, turned on the loudspeaker on the power armor, and said loudly: "Enough! Synth Danse! Number M7-97, now, stop it!!"

Thank you for the 1,000 starting coins rewarded by Star Sea Rangers! !

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