All Heavens Unlimited Base

Chapter 364 The Older Son

364、The son who is older than me

Another day later, Chunyuyan suddenly received a communication from Knight.

"Nate! You're not dead?! Where are you now?!" Chunyuyan said loudly in great surprise. If there is any good news about the development of things, then the fact that Knight is still alive is definitely good news among the good news!

"Yes, I'm not dead. In fact, I returned to the ground yesterday, but I helped the academy do something, and went to a cargo ship to recover a synthetic man who became the leader of the predators." Knight's tone It was a little strange, and the content of his speech was even more strange, which made Chunyuyan a little unpredictable.

"Don't talk about that yet, where are you now? Let's talk face to face." Chunyuyan said.

"I'm on my way to Sanctuary Hills, but I don't want to go in. Let's meet at the Red Rocket pit," Knight said.

This guy is very strange... Chunyuyan frowned, he was already thinking about whether Knight had been replaced by the academy. He thought for a while and said to the communication: "No problem, just go to the Red Rocket maintenance station. Yiyi and I will go there right away."

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Knight seemed very tired, and cut off the communication after speaking.

But he didn't let Chunyuyan go there alone, which made it much less likely that he had set a trap. Chunyuyan took Yiyi with him and immediately set off for the Red Rocket maintenance station.

Now Chunyuyan has three places that produce Tiberium mines. The Red Rocket Repair Station is the largest one, followed by the Keweijia Assembly Plant in Lexington Town, and the smallest is the castle that has just started building a refinery. But in fact, Chunyuyan didn't plan to expand the scale of the castle, and mainly used the Tiberium mine to deal with some domestic waste.

And the main source of raw materials for the Tiberium at the Keweijia Assembly Factory is the hordes of wild ghouls in Lexington Town, who were hunted and killed by the independent group and thrown into metal cans to convert them into Tiberium.

The source of Tiberium at the Red Rocket maintenance station is much more common, mainly dealing with domestic garbage from the surrounding volunteer army strongholds. Don't underestimate this. In fact, the domestic garbage in the surrounding strongholds is definitely not a small amount. There are even several teams that use two-headed bulls to pull garbage from other strongholds for disposal.

Because of the accumulation of garbage, the air around the Red Rocket maintenance station became very bad. Chun Yuyan asked NS-4 civilian robots to plant a huge number of flowers and trees around to cover up the smell. But even so, the Red Rocket maintenance station has become a place where strangers are not allowed to enter, usually only robots come and go.

Did Knight choose this place because he didn't want people to know that he was back?

Shelter Hill is very close to the Red Rocket maintenance station, Chunyuyan and Yiyi waited for about an hour or two after Knight arrived here.

"He's not a synthetic human." Yiyi whispered behind Chunyuyan, she had already used the magic of detecting life in the first place.

Chunyuyan nodded, and stood up to meet Knight. He felt that the process of Knight going to the academy this time might be much more complicated than the most complicated situation he imagined.

"Boss Yan...I..." Nat walked over with a complicated expression, hesitating to speak.

"Sit down and talk slowly. We have a lot of time." Chunyuyan pointed to a few discarded tires beside him.

Knight nodded, walked over and sat down, Chunyuyan handed him another cigarette. After lighting it up and taking a deep breath, Nate's blurred eyes regained some of his spirit, "I... saw Sean."

"It's a good thing, is he okay?" Chunyuyan asked.

"Actually, he's better than I thought, ten thousand times better." Knight sighed, "I was misled by him, I always thought it was ten years before Kroger took Sean and killed Nora. years ago, but in fact, it has been sixty years."

Chunyuyan's eyes widened, and he couldn't digest the news, "60 years? Didn't it mean... Xiao En..."

"Yes, he is sixty years old."

"Sixty years old? Your son is already sixty years old!" Chunyuyan was dumbfounded, and continued after a long time: "By the way, how did we determine the time? Kroger, and the ten-year-old child he brought with him. In other words, that kid isn't Sean?"

"That's right. Kroger has been transformed by the academy, so his lifespan is much longer than we thought, so I didn't feel the passage of time when I saw him. And that ten-year-old kid, Sean A synthetic human made from his own appearance," Knight said.

"Then why did he do this? To make you misunderstand time?"

This question caught Knight. He hadn't thought about this question before, so naturally he couldn't answer it now. He said nah-na: "I don't want to lure my investigation direction to another direction?"

"Sean... seems to be able to do a lot of things? Doesn't sound like a kidnapped person?"

"He is already the leader of the academy, and everyone in the academy calls him—Holy Father." After Knight finished speaking, he talked about the relationship between the pure DNA on Sean and the third-generation synthetic man. come out.

Chunyuyan sighed again and rubbed his forehead. The development of the matter was like a wild horse that had run wild and was racing towards a completely unpredictable direction. Even if he had 10,000 brains to imagine, he would not be able to come up with this result. Because he, like Knight, was convinced that only 10 years had passed after receiving Kroger's information.

Who would have thought that 60 years had passed? And the scene where Sean was kidnapped by the academy and even locked in the dungeon they thought didn't happen at all? Not only is Sean doing well, he's even become the leader of the academy!

Academy! This organization, which is ubiquitous in the Federation and has used synthetic humans to become the worst nightmare in the hearts of Federation residents for decades, is actually led by Knight's kidnapped son? ! ? ! ? ! ?

"Well, at least your wish has come true." Chun Yuyan said: "The predecessor of the college is the Federal Institute of Technology C.I.T. Isn't your wish that Sean can be admitted to the Federal Institute of Technology, or Harvard University, a top university in the Boston area? Is it? Now he not only did it, he was admitted to the Federal Institute of Technology and became the principal."

"Don't laugh at me, okay, now facing someone who is older than me, wiser than me, mature than me, like an elder... Son, I am completely confused! I don't even dare Appearing in front of the rest of the Volunteer Army... because now I don't know what my position is." Knight put his head in his hands, bowed his head and said.

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