All Heavens Unlimited Base

Chapter 310 Synthetic Mayor

310. Synthetic Mayor

Walking in through the rolling door, it looks like it should be the entrance for fans to enter the stadium. There are stairs leading to three directions in front of you. If you go up, you should be able to go to the stands. There are also some guards in catcher's armor patrolling around, and there are also automatic machine guns next to the stairs.

From a defensive point of view, this section of stairs that originally diverted the fans who flocked in can actually bring a very good defensive ability after the enemy breaks through the gate. The guards of Diamond City can easily commandeer and shoot those intruders with poor marksmanship.

In such an apocalypse, this is the basis for such a city to gain a foothold.

"Okay, don't tell me you lied to me again, Piper." The voice from the intercom just now came from the next security room, and only a 20-year-old security guard with a very strong body was in the security room .

"I'm not lying to you, Sullivan, these handsome men and beauties are really volunteers." Piper said.

"But that means they're not actually traveling with you, right?" Sullivan asked.

"Oh, maybe." Pyp spread his hands and shrugged.

"Are you the security officer here?" Knight stepped forward and asked, "I'm looking for my one-year-old son, Sean, who has been kidnapped. Did you see a baby here who was swaddled by a face?" A bald head with a scar on it?"

Sullivan thought for a while and replied: "Probably not. According to what you said, this combination should be quite conspicuous, but I haven't seen it."

"Wait a minute, your son was kidnapped?" Pip was surprised beside him.

Knight's expression darkened, "Yes, and that man also killed my wife."

Pip shook his head, with an indignant look on his face, "That's really... so insane! What do you have..."

Before she could finish her sentence, another voice came from behind them, "Hey! Pip! Why are you still here? Sullivan, you let her in again, didn't you?"

Chunyuyan turned his head, only to see a fat middle-aged man walking over with two guards. He was wearing a shabby but neat suit, a hat with a big brimmed hat, and a yellow flower pinned to his chest.

"That's not the case. I just let these volunteers come in, and then Pip squeezed in together." Sullivan quickly argued.

"Oh, look, this is our Mr. Mayor! A mayor who kicked out someone for telling the truth! Diamond of the Federation-Mayor of Diamond City, Mr. McDonagh!" Piper said When he saw this fat man, he became furious and mocked sharply.

"Put that up! Pip! If you spread that devilish rumor in my city again, I'll dismantle the printing press in your broken newspaper and sell the parts!" Madonna was furious , pointing at Pyp's nose and yelling.

Piper raised his hands and said loudly to the crowd: "Wow! Did you hear that? Everyone! The mad mayor wants to tear down the only newspaper office in Diamond City that tells the truth! Just sing your praises, if you dare to complain, you will be kicked out immediately!!"

"This mayor also has a different color." Yiyi leaned over and whispered in Chunyuyan's ear.

Chunyuyan was shocked, this mayor is also a synthetic human? Just kidding! The academy has penetrated to this point? What exactly are they trying to do?

Seeing the pedestrians around looking at him, Maidona immediately admitted his cowardice, pointed at Pip sternly and shouted: "Enough! Anyway, be more honest from now on!"

"Oh, you're right! To tell the truth, you need to be 'honest'!" Pip had a very rich expression on her face, she winked and imitated Madonna's expression in an extremely exaggerated way.

Mayor McDonagh was completely defeated in the aspect of lip service. He quickly turned around and said to Knight, "I'm sorry to make you laugh. This is just a trivial matter. Anyway, welcome to Diamond City! Here It is the most prosperous city in the federation, where you can spend money, shop, and stay happily, in short, everything you can think of can be found here."

"Really? Then I'm looking forward to this place too." Chunyuyan said.

"This fat man is right. Anyway, the leading figures you are familiar with in the Federation were either born in Diamond City, or have been in Diamond City, and some were kicked out. There are schools, hospitals, food, giant walls, and so on. There's a mayor who's full of lies," Piper continued beside him.

"If you don't say the last sentence, then I think we can still get along happily." McDonagh said angrily.

"This gentleman from the Volunteer Army came to look for his kidnapped son. You, the mayor, should be able to help him?" Piper said.

"Oh? Your son was kidnapped?" Madonna asked.

"Yes, my one-year-old," Knight replied.

"This is really too bad." McDonagh said, but there was no more.

"What? Shouldn't you send the guards of Diamond City to help him find it?" Piper said.

"You have to know that the guards of Diamond City have to protect a huge city, and their strength is limited. I can't use the power of the guards for everything." After finishing speaking, Madonna said to Knight: "But don't worry, there are thousands of residents in Diamond City, and there is no bigger and more perfect city in the entire Federation. I believe there must be someone who can help you among so many people."

Chunyuyan saw that this guy kept pushing back and forth, and he felt a little upset. He said, "So you want to tell us that in the city, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack to find someone who might help? As a mayor, even yourself Don’t you even know the situation in the city? Or do you not want to talk about it at all?”

"Haha! You're so right!" Pip winked at Chunyuyan, "The title of the next issue of the newspaper is already there—the five-year-old mayor knows nothing about the city, is it because he is forgetful or something else?" Concealment?"

"Enough!" Madonna jumped up angrily, "Before I get someone to beat you out, you disappear immediately!"

"Then why don't you type it? This way I will have new material for my newspaper!" Pip confronted.

"Oh my are simply a demon!" McDonagh wailed, covering his forehead, shaking his head, determined not to provoke the reporter, and said to Knight: "I know there is a private person in Diamond City Detective, Nick Valentine, maybe he can help find it. Anyway, he's going to help the city people find lost cats and dogs or something."

After speaking, he took the two guards and left as if fleeing.

Pip shook his fist at his back, "You are the one who should get out! The lackey of the academy!"

"A running dog of the academy? What's the situation?" Chunyuyan suddenly caught Pip's words.

And Piper suddenly became interested, she shook her finger, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Oh? You know the academy? It seems that we have something to talk about. How about going to my office?"

Knight is now full of his son's affairs, he said: "Then you go, I will ask that private detective."

Thank you for the 1,000 starting point coins rewarded by the Star Sea Rangers! !

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