All Heavens Unlimited Base

Chapter 186 Starting a Business

186. Start doing business

Chun Yuyan spent a lot of effort here at the Atlantic Research Institute. He not only built a protector robot factory to produce robots all the time, but also built two Tiberium power stations and Red Queen 00004.

A total of 3,000 points were spent before and after, which reduced his reward points to 7,150 points, and he was in a hurry again.

As for the long-term source of Tiberium, Chunyu Yan won a cold storage behind the research institute. As we all know, the erosion of Tiberium mines on metals is extremely slow, so before the emergence of more advanced technology, it is relatively safe to lock Tiberium mines in metal boxes.

Moreover, the cold storage is a sealed environment, so there is no need to worry about the dust from the Tiberium mine spilling out.

This freezer was filled with a lot of supplies and food. After Murphys was fired and the institute was closed, the contents inside began to rot and mold, but these organic matter happened to be used to grow Tiberium mines.

There is also a waste treatment plant in the rear corner of the Atlantic Research Institute, but it is not large. Chun Yuyan plans to find more workers in the future, so he will renovate the processing plant, and hand over all the experimental waste to the Tiberium mine for processing.

Thinking of this, Chunyuyan turned his head and asked Murphys, "Are there any other islands near the island of the Institute of Atlantic Ocean? It's better to be a deserted island."

Murphys thought for a while and said: "About 5 kilometers to the northeast, there is a coral island with an area of ​​about 4,500 square kilometers. Except for some trees and occasional birds, there is nothing else on it."

"In the future, we will also transform that deserted island as our waste disposal base, and then put the Tiberium mine there to dispose of those garbage and waste. In the future, we can also import nuclear waste and throw it here for Tiberium The disintegration of the Tiberium mine is a huge amount of money." Chun Yuyan said, "Then send people to the five hooligans to register the patent of the Tiberium mine, and firmly hold the proceeds in this regard."

Murphys frowned and said, "These all require a lot of manpower and funds, do we have a solution?"

"How much money do we have now?" Chunyuyan asked.

"My girlfriend sold 7 protector robots in her circle, earning 21 million US dollars, and then I gave her an extra one." Murphys replied.

"Your girlfriend, it's time to introduce me." Chunyuyan said with a laugh.

Murphys looked at Chunyuyan with strange eyes, sized him up and said, "No problem, she is indeed unmarried, bad."

Chunyuyan's head was covered with black lines, "Hey!! What do you think I'm going to do?"


Half a day later, in a luxurious restaurant in Dallas, Texas, USA, Chun Yuyan met Murphys' best friend.

"Oh heh heh heh heh~~~~Are you Chunyu Yan? Murphys has told me about you many times." A well-dressed man with glittering gold name tags all over his body and a scarf around his neck A woman with fox fur covered her mouth and greeted with a smile.

"That's right, I'm Chun Yuyan. Nice to meet you, Miss Carly Lloyd." Chun Yuyan stretched out his hand and gently shook this woman who was nearly forty years old and weighed at least 200 kilograms.

"So, what fun things did you bring me this time? Little Murphys. The robot from last time is really good. It even knows my dog ​​and greets it. Oh hehehehe Hehe~~~~~~" Carly and Murphys have a good relationship, and they started chatting as soon as they sat down, laughing so that the fat on their body trembled.

Chunyuyan replied: "It's fun... Well, this thing is really interesting." He raised his hand and turned it over, and took out a glass bottle as if by magic, which contained a cluster of Tiberium crystals.

It has to be said that Chunyuyan grasped the woman's mind very accurately. Although it was an extremely deadly and terrifying mineral, it was also decorated very delicately by him.

Carly was immediately fascinated by the crystal clear green crystal with a hint of fluorescence. She took the glass bottle and observed it carefully, and couldn't help admiring, "Little Murphy, are you planning to start a jewelry business?"

Chunyuyan said mysteriously: "No, this is not jewelry, it is a substance extracted from meteorites. In other words, it comes from an alien planet."

"Alien!" Carly's face suddenly showed excitement, and she refused to let go, "Yan, how much do you plan to sell this crystal for?"

"This kind of thing, if you say it is valuable, you can say how much it costs. But if you say it is worthless, it can bring us tens of billions of dollars in revenue." Chunyuyan said with a smile.

Carly's expression froze and she said: "Yan, when we first met, don't use such lowly tricks to lie to me? I can hear this at least a hundred times a year. Little Murphy, what's going on? ?”

"Listen to him, I'm also working for him now." Murphys replied.

Chunyuyan took out another glass bottle, "This crystal has a characteristic, that is, it can absorb everything, and then it will grow more and bigger."

Carly took the glass bottle and saw that there was a piece of beef inside, which had already been corroded by more than half of this crystal, and the beef piece had already crystallized very clearly. No matter how rich she is, she is also the daughter of a businessman, so she is naturally very sensitive in this regard, and she immediately thought: "Can absorb anything? Garbage can also be used?"

"It's too wasteful to dispose of garbage. I plan to use this crystal to dispose of nuclear waste." Chunyuyan tapped on the table, "You should know how much the world spends on disposing of nuclear waste every year, right? ?”

Carly finally became serious, "But this kind of crystal absorbs nuclear waste, will it become more and more? Is this crystal harmful?"

"It can turn a piece of beef into this, so it can naturally turn a person into this." Chunyuyan said flatly.

Carly's face changed, and she quickly put the glass bottle aside, and wiped her hands vigorously. But she didn't forget to say: "But this doesn't solve the problem at all, and if you dispose of nuclear waste in this way, others only need to get a crystal. This will not bring any benefits at all!"

Chunyuyan raised a finger and said: "This is the most wonderful thing, this kind of crystal is called Tiberium. Other people get this kind of crystal, it is just a kind of highly poisonous substance, but in my hand, there is Countless functions, such as... for generating electricity."

Carly's eyes lit up, and she quickly asked, "What about after the power generation?"

"After power generation, only harmless water vapor is emitted, and I can tell you that the power generation efficiency is very high," Chunyuyan said.

Carly took a breath, "In this way, doesn't it mean that the U.S. government will give us nuclear waste to produce this kind of crystal, and then we will use the crystal to generate electricity and sell it and then we will receive another sum?" Money!! In this way, we can earn two money without spending a penny!!"

"That's right, that's it."

"So what do you want now?" Carly asked eagerly.

"I can handle the construction of refineries and power plants. But I lack business management talents. I need such people to help me register patents and start companies. The most important thing is to negotiate with the US government to introduce nuclear waste. FERC negotiations on grid access and export."

As Chunyuyan said, he glanced at Carly again and said, "We made 21 million US dollars from selling robots before, and we just invested all of it. Later, we can also receive part of the nuclear waste first, receive a further sum of funds, and then use In the construction of infrastructure. So, in fact, in this process, what we lack is not money.”

"My dad knows the president of the University of Texas!! If you need someone, you can go to him!! By the way, can you take me to see that kind of power station?" Carly was very excited.

Thanks for the reward of 100 starting coins under the white moon! !

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