All Heavens Unlimited Base

Chapter 108 Bad Weather

108. Bad weather

[The Cerberus production line has been built, please check with the experimenter. 】


The primary B.O.W, made by mixing the T virus into the hound, is very fast and possesses the awareness of group hunting. But the strength and speed are not much stronger than ordinary hounds.

Build time: 1 hour.

Construction resources: biomass 10Kg, Tiberium crystal 3kg. |

Chunyuyan had already gone outside for a stroll and came back. He used the infinite base system to collect resources much faster than worker ant drones. During the 4 hours of building the Cerberus production line, he collected 600kg of Thai Beria Mine. 100Kg of biomass was also collected from those scattered corpses.

Through the system, the collection mode of worker ant drones was adjusted again, so that 10 drones collected Tiberium crystals, and 10 drones collected surrounding corpses to obtain biomass.

After browsing the Umbrella technology tree, even the cheapest mutated leech technology needs 1000kg of Tiberium crystals. Now he doesn't have so many resources at all, so he can only solve the basic defense problems of the base first.

So Chun Yuyan built two Cerberus production lines successively, which took 8 hours. In fact, this is very uncomfortable, because the manufacturing center can only build one thing at the same time, and can only come one by one. But until more manufacturing centers are built, Chunyuyan can only continue to endure.

This production line is actually a small laboratory with a glass culture tank surrounded by some power supplies and instruments. The production process is to generate an embryo in a glass culture tank, and then grow at a high speed under the action of T virus, and grow into a hound within 1 hour.

Then, use all the resources to produce Cerberus! The three production lines are in full swing!

During this period of time, Chunyuyan also let the idle manufacturing center manufacture a Hummer Jeep - this is naturally something he scanned in the world of "Resident Evil". The cost is 5 tons of metal and 200Kg of Tiberium crystal.

When the third Cerberus production line was completed, there were already 12 Cerberus in the base, and the resources had basically bottomed out, especially biomass and Tiberium crystals. The surrounding crystals have been mined, and the biomass that can be collected from those dried up corpses is very limited. Generally, only 4 or 5kg of biomass can be collected from a corpse.

Most importantly, Chunyuyan discovered a very serious problem - he didn't have anything to eat! !

When he came back from "Resident Evil", he didn't expect this. After he came back, he remembered that the infinite base can scan everything and make everything, but it can't produce a piece of bread for him!

If it doesn't work, I can only open the world of "Resident Evil", and then go there to chat with the wolf pack team, and exchange life with the four-eyed negative distance by the way, and then use the points to bring back a batch of food.

Jumping into a brand-new jeep, Chun Yuyan took two Cerberus dogs and let them lie on the back seat of the jeep, leaving the tracker and 10 Cerberus dogs to defend the base, and ordered the intruders to be shot or killed. Eat the opponent's head.

This can try to prevent the spread of T virus. In fact, this problem no longer exists after the B.O.W of the T virus series develops to the later stage. People killed by advanced B.O.W will not become zombies, such as the tyrant T-103. The tracker is a bit different, because it is implanted with parasites, so it mutates very quickly. But according to Four Eyes, after adopting the more advanced NE-beta parasite, this problem can be solved.

Just like that, Chunyuyan drove on the journey.

The newly produced Cerberus looks similar to a German Spaniel, but it doesn't wag its tail, doesn't lick its tongue, and its eyes are full of confusion and dullness. Those hellhounds with ferocious faces and tattered appearance did not become like this immediately after the mutation, but became tattered when they were hurt during their actions.

Chun Yuyan recalled the conversation he had when he killed that young man named Hu Ao. After half a year, he had forgotten most of it, but he still roughly remembered the direction Hu Ao was pointing at that time. It is said that there is a settlement there called Happy Village?


The sun still shines on the earth through the layer of yellow mist, making the surroundings present a disturbing light yellow color, and there is a slightly pungent smell in the air, which can be smelled even through a filter mask—since it is to go to happiness Chunyuyan naturally didn't wear the all-weather combat uniform for those who came into contact with the aborigines of this world, for fear of scaring people. He just wore a suit of civilian clothes and a filter mask.

However, there was no danger on this road. Not only that, the places seen on the road, the road has also been cleaned up briefly, and most of the car wreckage on the road can be seen being pushed aside, and some collapsed buildings also have traces of cleaning up . It's just that there are many shallow potholes everywhere on the ground, which seem to be bomb craters.

After the apocalypse, is civilization gradually recovering? Chunyuyan thought to himself, and couldn't help but relax the accelerator, slow down the speed of the jeep, and carefully observe the surrounding scenery.

After wandering in this direction for more than 30 minutes, a dull thunder suddenly came from the sky. Chunyuyan was startled suddenly, and raised his head, the sight in front of him made his pupils constrict instantly!

I only saw the yellow dark clouds in the sky gather together at an extremely fast speed, forming a huge cyclone very quickly. In this terrifying vortex, there were flashes of lightning from time to time, and the air did not know When did the smell of rotten eggs start to appear.

This scene, this doomsday scene, is exactly the same as when he just crossed over! Chunyuyan's expression changed drastically, and he started to speed up without hesitation, only to hear the rumbling sound in the sky getting louder and getting closer. Suddenly, with a click, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and hit a tall building in the distance. Immediately, gravel splashed, and a large piece of the roof of that building could be seen flying off from a distance!

Is this still lightning? It was clearly the god of death who fell from the sky! Chunyuyan's face changed drastically when he saw this scene, bang~~ click! ! Another bolt of lightning fell from the sky and I don't know where it hit, followed by another one, and another one! There are more and more lightning bolts, and they are getting denser!

Chunyuyan looked up, only to see countless electric lights in the huge cyclone in the sky that were already visible to the naked eye! Those electric lights are like electric snakes swimming in the air, waiting for the opportunity to devour and destroy all living things on the land!

Such a terrifying sight made Chunyuyan drive a little faster, and then he suddenly felt a chill on the top of his head. The jeep was open, so it was raindrops! ? It's raining? Oops! The ground soaked by rain will undoubtedly become the best conductor of lightning. If there is lightning striking the ground at this time, a fatal step voltage will be generated within a hundred meters around. can not imagine!

The surrounding buildings are all severely damaged ruins. There is no doubt that the lightning protection facilities of these ruins are completely useless. Hiding in such a terrible lightning storm is not much different from courting death.

Click! Click! ! The lightning kept falling, and the nearest one even struck the ruins of a building not far from Chunyuyan. It was like a bomb exploded, and the building that was already on the verge of collapse completely collapsed this time. The powerful electric charge made Chunyuyan's hair stand on end.

Now he can only hope to find the Happy Village that Hu Ao mentioned as soon as possible before the heavy rain. Since these people live here, they must have experienced such terrible weather, and they must have a way to prevent it. If he really couldn't find the Happy Village, then Chunyuyan had no choice but to take the risk of hiding in the surrounding building wreckage.

The rain also began to gradually increase, and the surrounding ground became wetter. Under such circumstances, lightning storms will become more deadly. Fortunately, he was lucky, and after driving for another ten minutes, he finally saw a light ahead!

Thanks to Zurück for the reward of 500 starting coins! !

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