All Heavens: Starting from Becoming a God

Chapter 78 is all under control (please follow up!!!)

When Bai Suzhen saw the beggar come in, she didn't look anxious at all. Instead, she smiled slightly:

"Husband, don't panic. Not only can I make you famous again this time, but I can also help you completely get rid of those people from the Three Emperors Patriarch Association."

Now everything is under Bai Suzhen's control.

While the servants of the Xu family came to give Zheng Taisheng a reply, she kept a close eye on the movements of the group of people from the Three Emperors Patriarch Association. During this period, Zheng Taisheng's every move was under Bai Suzhen's surveillance.

In Baohe Hall.

"Xu Xuan", who was holding the beggar in his arms, was trying his best to save him.

Wang Yu could tell at a glance that the beggar had been poisoned, but he didn't know what kind of poison it was.

Since there is no way to find an antidote based on the symptoms of the disease, the top priority is to induce vomiting, so that the beggar can vomit out the poison in his stomach, and maybe he can still have a glimmer of hope.

"Come here, make a few bowls of salt soup and make it quickly!" Wang Yu said as he took out a portion of melon powder from the medicine cabinet behind him.

At the same time, he ordered someone to beat a few bowls of egg whites.

After giving these instructions, "Xu Xuan" was still afraid that the effect would not be enough, so he ordered someone to cook a bowl of Sophora flavescens soup.

With such a multi-pronged approach, "Xu Xuan" gave the beggar a hard meal. As the so-called doctor's duty is to treat illnesses and save people, Wang Yu now showed a profound understanding of it.

But even under the influence of the medicine, Beggar vomited unconsciously. But the situation still didn't improve, and he even looked like he was about to die.

"Xu Xuan" looked anxious and couldn't think of any better way for a while.

However, behind the exaggerated expression, Wang Yu's heart was not disturbed at all. Under close contact, he could already feel the signs of the beggar's soul leaving his body.

Is the black and white impermanence already seducing the soul?

With the cover of the reincarnation space, Wang Yu can use his spiritual consciousness to cover the body surface to detect the reality when in close contact. Naturally, the signs of the beggar's soul leaving the body cannot be hidden from him.

However, due to the restriction of that inexplicable existence, Wang Yu still does not dare to see through the body. He can only vaguely sense the existence of black and white and impermanence, and cannot see it with his own eyes.

The fact was indeed as Wang Yu expected.

Two figures, one black and one white, quietly appeared above Beggar's head. There was no intelligence in their expressions. They could be said to be some kind of existence that only acted according to established rules.

Just as the beggar in their arms gradually became silent, they threw the chains onto the beggar's body, and a dazed soul was dragged out by them.

Then the two gods turned around and disappeared, dragging the beggar's soul.

At the moment when the black and white impermanence disappeared from the world, Bai Suzhen, who was staying in the dark, knew that it was time for her to take action. She used an escape technique and went to the underworld.

At the same time, Wang Yu saw the limbs of the beggar in his arms gradually becoming cold.

There was no sound in an instant.

When Wang Yu saw this, he knew the show was going to officially begin.

It's just that the decision-making power in this drama is not in his hands, but in Bai Suzhen's hands.

"Bai Suzhen, I think in the future, in addition to poisoning people and killing righteous disciples, you may be accused of one more crime: obstructing the underworld's public officials from enforcing the law, and secretly intercepting the souls of the deceased."

Although Wang Yu was thinking this in his heart, he kept moving his hands, still trying his best to save the silent beggar.

As the saying goes, good things never go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles.

After all, there were many people waiting outside the Baohe Hall. They saw that Wang Yu had not come out of the inner room for a long time, and all kinds of comments were made frequently.

"Did you hear that the beggar came to Baohe Hall yesterday?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't mean that. It's just that Doctor Xu has been in there for a while and there is no movement of going out at all."

"Do you think something happened inside?"

With the help of thoughtful people mixed in the crowd, things suddenly changed. After hearing the words, many people looked inside from time to time, hoping to get a definite answer.

Seeing everyone's performance, Zheng Taisheng knew that the direction of public opinion was already under his control. Now that Xu Xuan's reputation was ruined, only one person was left to take the lead in questioning it.

And this person is naturally Zheng Taisheng.

Zheng Taisheng glanced at Zhang De'an beside him and said with a natural expression: "Let's go and give the most sincere greetings of our Three Emperors Patriarch Association to Divine Doctor Xu."

"Yes Yes."

Facing the ruthless Zheng Taisheng, Zhang De'an looked submissive.

Zheng Taisheng really had nothing to say about his cronies' timidity. He passed Zhang Desheng directly and stopped in front of the Baohe Hall.

"I, Zheng Taisheng, have heard for a long time that I have great medical skills, so I came here to visit you today. I hope that I will give you some advice!"

After the words fell.

Zheng Taisheng first pretended to take a look inside, and seemed to be curious because he could not see Xu Xuan. He deliberately asked loudly: "Hey, where is Mrs. Xu? Why isn't she in the hall?"

After all the commotion, everyone turned their attention to the middle-aged man.

Just when everyone was thinking that this person's name was familiar and couldn't remember who it was, naturally there were shills hidden in the crowd who started to build momentum for Zheng Taisheng.

"Who is this Zheng Taisheng? Why do I have some impression but can't remember it?"

"You idiot, it's Dr. Zheng from the Three Emperors Patriarch Association, our Lin'an Mansion's leading miracle doctor!"

"I remembered, it was him!"

"That Dr. Zheng who treated both the governor and the prince!"

As a few stooges asked and answered questions, everyone realized that this person was the leader of the Three Emperors Patriarch Association, a prominent figure in Lin'an Mansion!

Zheng Taisheng saw that the momentum was almost built, so he asked the nurse beside him: "Hey, where is Mrs. Xu? I see you are all waiting here, why can't I see Mrs. Xu?"

"Doctor Xu is treating a disease in the back room!"

"Why did you go to the back room to treat your illness? How about you tell me?" Zheng Taisheng looked curious.

The shill made a show of explaining everything that happened in the lobby just now.

Zheng Taisheng seemed to be deep in thought after hearing this.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on Zheng Taisheng, Youli took a step forward and asked Zheng Taisheng: "Miracle Doctor Zheng, this, could it be that something went wrong with Doctor Xu's soup yesterday?"

"It's hard to say." Zheng Taisheng shook his head, looking thoughtful.

"I, Zheng, don't dare to judge this situation arbitrarily, but I heard from you that the beggar has suffered from repeated abdominal pain today, so I'm afraid there is a slight possibility."

As the only authoritative person present, the famous Dr. Zheng from Lin'an Mansion spoke like this, which aroused everyone's surprise.

Zheng Taisheng's ambiguous words seemed to be excusing Xu Xuan on the surface, but in fact they were secretly pointing out the worsening of the disease.

"Here, isn't there really something wrong with the soup?"

"Is it possible that the decoction has side effects, and drinking it will only temporarily relieve the pain, but the abdominal pain will worsen in the future, directly killing people's lives?"

"I, I won't drink that soup anymore!"


The stooges mixed in the crowd took the opportunity to fan the flames. They had already received Zheng Taisheng's instructions, and now that they saw the limelight that was not conducive to Xu Xuan, they stepped up their efforts to slander Xu Xuan.

After hearing these remarks, the people naturally began to doubt Xu Xuanlai.

Zheng Taisheng was secretly happy, knowing that he had to kill all the snakes within a few inches of him. However, he remained very calm on his face and said to everyone:

"Don't be so suspicious of Dr. Xu! As the saying goes, what you hear is false and what you see is true. There are so many empty words here. Why don't we go into the inner hall and take a look and know whether the beggar is dead or alive!"

There is a high probability that two chapters will be released after 12 o'clock in the future! Again, please read it! Thank you everyone!

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