Bishop Joshua led people to stop this group of soldiers who were armed with live ammunition.

"Everyone, please wait."

Facing the Archbishop of Wudu Diocese, the current officers were in no mood to chat with him. After this fierce battle, they lost hundreds of well-trained elite infantry.

And the most important thing is.

They actually let this group of thugs run away.

Major Brandon seemed to be gritting his teeth, and he cursed in his heart: "It was just a little bit close, just a little bit close! What kind of witchcraft did they use on the eastern position to allow them to successfully break out!"

Even though the other party left many corpses of their companions, this was simply a great shame and humiliation for the Guards Corps.

The furious General Louis had ordered them to clear the battlefield, allowing them to cover up the facts and lay the blame on the fleeing thugs.

The meaning is obvious, no one will be left alive.

And Major Brandon has obviously become the worst scapegoat.

"Bishop Joshua, the church must not interfere with the military's behavior. This is the consensus reached by the archbishop and the military." Facing the old man who came to stop him, Major Brandon could only explain this.

How could Bishop Joshua not know what the other party was going to do next?

It's just a scene talk.

He could even guess that the reason why the Guards appeared here was because of the Archbishop's personal instruction. Otherwise, how could the military dare to mobilize troops to enter the foggy capital in advance without authorization.

But Bishop Joshua chose to play dumb. He pointed to the square in front of him: "Major, these are innocent civilians! There are even many believers of the Lord inside."

Facing Bishop Joshua’s question, Major Brandon spoke righteously:

"They are not now. Those wizards have infected their minds. They have been contaminated by Satan."

"Major Brandon, you are trying to inflict a crime!"

Major Brandon waved his hand and asked his soldiers to guard Joshua and his party while he led a large force to surround the entire square again.

"He, what do they want to do!" Sheriff Anson, who was lucky enough to survive, was the first to notice something was wrong.

Dr. Kevin, who was lying next to him, covered the wound on his chest and said feebly: "Oh, these soldiers seem to be trying to cover up the heinous crimes they committed."

"How dare they!" Anson was a little unbelievable.

"As long as the blame is passed on those weirdos, the only way to survive now is to hope that they will spare our lives for the sake of our status." Dr. Kevin has a clear view.

"Damn it!" Anson looked very ugly.

Whether it was Chris's assassination or the turmoil in the square, everything exceeded his expectations.

Looking at the wreckage on the ground, Anson's hands couldn't stop shaking.

Not out of fear, but out of anger.

As Anson, who has been on the front line of homicide cases all year round, he is used to seeing life and death, but he cannot accept that civilians are treated with contempt.

"They should protect civilians!" Anson looked at the army a few hundred meters away angrily.

This group of soldiers was driving the remaining survivors together in an orderly manner. Even though this was not what they wanted, they had to do so under the orders of their superiors.

Bishop Joshua who was further away saw this scene but said nothing.

He knew Mr. Chris's back-up plan, which should be arriving soon.

Irena shrank in her mother's arms in horror as she watched this group of executioner-like soldiers driving everyone together.

"Mom, are they going to kill us?"

"Don't be afraid, Irena. Mom will protect you no matter what." The woman held the girl in her arms tightly. She would not let her daughter die before her.

She had already lost her husband in the turmoil.

The woman would never allow her daughter to fall in front of her again.

The encirclement gradually narrowed under the driving of the soldiers, and the surviving people were forced to step on the blurred flesh and blood on the ground. They were helplessly driven to the center of the square by the soldiers.

The only more than a thousand people left in the square endured the stench in the air, helplessly facing the dark muzzles of the soldiers' guns.

Someone was sobbing quietly.

They don't want to die.

Claude stood up at this time and asked the soldiers in front of him: "What are you doing?"


Before he finished speaking, he was knocked down by Major Brandon's rifle butt.

"Who gave you permission to speak?" Major Brandon scanned the crowd coldly.

Those falcon-like eyes made everyone who looked at him lower their heads in fear.

Except Anson.

He turned a blind eye to the gun in front of him: "I am the second son of the Evans family, and I need to meet your commander!"

"I am the person in charge of this operation." Major Brandon looked at the middle-aged police officer quietly.

If this man hadn't seemed to have some background, Brandon would have killed him with a single shot.

Anson stared at the officer who made the noise, and asked word for word: "Do you know what you are doing? I need you to give everyone an explanation!"

"It's a pity, Mr. Evans, your family will receive a reasonable explanation." Major Brandon shook his head.

After speaking, he looked at his soldiers.

Many of these veterans who enforced orders showed signs of intolerance. If they had accidentally injured civilians in order to exterminate thugs before, there was nothing they could do about it.

But now the behavior.

It was a massacre of defenseless compatriots.

In order to prevent mutiny, Major Brandon had to find a suitable excuse for everyone:

"Soldiers, it was the wizards sent by Satan who killed our compatriots, and the aura left by those thugs will infect everyone to transform into inhuman creatures.

If they don't die here today, more people will die for this in the future! "

This excuse that Brandon made casually was just the last fig leaf.

"Do you think we won't believe it? If you have the ability, use this explanation to explain to the citizens of the entire empire!" Anson looked at the officer with a calm expression and spat at him fiercely.

As Anson finished speaking, this group of innocent civilians mustered up their last courage and asked in their crying voices:

"Why! You can decide our life or death with just one word."

"We are innocent!"

"Let us get out of here! Won't your conscience be condemned by doing this?"

"Just to prevent your atrocities from being leaked, you are going to kill us like this? What is the difference between you and those thugs!"

Everyone rushed up.


Facing the riot of the crowd, Major Brandon wiped the liquid from his face and fired directly into the sky!

The soldiers beside him subconsciously raised their rifles. The civilians who had just gained courage retreated in fear when they faced the black muzzles of the guns.

Anson was left alone standing in front of Brandon.

Major Brandon didn't say anything after seeing this. He would use his own actions to bring an end to this incident.

Major Brandon raised his right hand.

"First line ready!"

The soldiers aimed at the people in front of them with unbearable expressions. They must know that the group of people in front of them are not enemies, but their compatriots. Some of them may even be friends of their relatives.

Looking at the hesitant soldiers beside him.

Major Brandon sighed secretly. He could not let this group of people go. Only if these people were all dead could they use public opinion to rewrite everything today.

"Soldiers, for the Empire."

At Major Brandon's signal, the supervising team took a step forward.

The soldiers had no retreat. They closed their eyes and aimed their guns at their compatriots, just before Major Brandon gave the order to fire.

He heard the shout of the messenger behind him.

"Major! Someone, many civilians broke through our outer defense line!"

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