“Mom, when you first came here, you favored the castle master and the boss. I am your biological son!”

 Ping Shiyi, who was fighting for favor, followed Ping's mother like a big tail, with two small tails.

The three of them seriously affected Ping's mother, who continued to cook. She turned around and slapped each of the three children angrily.

 “You nuisance, just stay away!

The castle owner and the eldest son worked hard to bring us back to Daxia Bay, shouldn't we be nice to them?

How come you forgot what you said yesterday? Do you want me to remind you? "

“Hahaha, remember, remember, the child will never forget it.

 But you, old man, must also remember that I am your biological son! "

Hearing the footsteps outside, Ping Shiyi immediately put away his playful smile and stood at the door to wait for the person who had just returned.

"Fortmaster, you ran out to find someone in such a hurry. Is there something urgent?"

“It’s not an urgent matter, I almost forgot about the reward I promised.

Once you say it out, won't you lose the face of the Lord of the castle?

 Be true to your word, do you understand? "

Ziyu was glad that she arrived in time, otherwise she would have had to drag someone away, which would have seemed like she had no credibility in what she said.

When they received the silver reward, the five village chiefs, Lao Zhang, left a deep impression on Ziyu.

 To put it bluntly, they are all poor families. They suddenly received a huge sum of money compared to them, and they looked like they were falling from the sky.

Jang Ziyu wanted to give each family two taels of silver, but she gave up the idea after thinking that it was inappropriate.

   【Don't let them develop the habit of being idle and indolent! 】


“By the way, Li Bai and I will leave in the afternoon!”

“Master, why don’t you stay a few more days?

The Queen’s natal family of the Southern Kingdom would send people to look for the castle owner every once in a while.

I don’t know what’s important, and I won’t tell anyone who comes. "Ping Shiyi frowned.

 Because it involved the Queen of the Southern Kingdom’s natal family, Ping Shiyi did not dare to be negligent and always dealt with it carefully.

“It’s okay, you’ll know when the time comes!

There is a saying that "if you are rich in the mountains, you have distant relatives, but if you are poor in the city, you have no one to care about". "

Ziyu waved her hand nonchalantly, what is supposed to come will always come, let’s talk about it when we meet her!

She will not be in one place, waiting for someone to come to her door.

 If you have anything else to do, you have to wait until she is finished with the autumn harvest!

 Let the Mei family wait slowly!

 She is not the one who is in a hurry anyway, so why do you care so much!


When a few people sat down to eat, Ping Shiyi thought about it every time he took a bite of the food, which made Ziyu speechless for a while.

  【Show off that you have a mother who cooks! 】

The food that may be delicious to others is ordinary to Ziyu and Libai, and has nothing to do with delicious food.

 After dinner, Ping Shiyi entrusted his family to Ziyu Dao.

“Fortmaster, my father’s leg injury has not recovered yet, and I want them to follow him back to Daxia Bay.

I also ask the owner of the castle to ask Doctor Du and Miss Shaoyao to take action. I will write a letter to Ms. Yang and ask her to take care of her parents. "

After much thought, Ping Shiyi still felt that Daxia Bay was the safest place.

The life there is quiet and you don't have to worry about food and clothing. My younger brother can also go to a private school, and Lan'er can also go to a clothing workshop to learn skills.

 The family's health is severely deficient and needs to be replenished. He is busy with official duties all day long and has no time to take care of his family.


“It’s okay to go back with me, but you have to communicate with them. The best way is to go back to Daxia Bay with my uncle’s boat.

 We have to go to Xingyuan Prefecture and Dujiang Prefecture along the way. We have official business to discuss! "

If it weren't for sending money and food to the two governments, Ziyu would have to take a boat back to Daxia Bay, at least she wouldn't have to rush! “That’s right, I’m worried!

My uncle's ship is estimated to arrive in ten days, so you go ahead and I will convey to my uncle that you will come back safely. "

Ping Shiyi agreed after thinking about it. Of course he knew what business the castle owner and boss had to do.

The two of them have been away for nearly three months, and the three houses are running out of money and food.

 The daily food expenditure is an amount that is so huge that no one continent can support it.

In order to save food, everyone in the government office mainly eats gruel, just to ensure that the workers have enough food.


Ziyu knew that Shi San had something to do in Ronghe Mansion, so she didn't even want him, and directly handed him over to Ping Shiyi.

She and Li Bai left on horseback. The rice along the way had been harvested, and the late rice was also put into the fields.

The closer to Xingyuanfu City, the greater the difference. Xingyuanfu, surrounded by mountains on three sides, has different terrain, so the wheat has just turned yellow and the rice is still in the filling stage.

The heavy ears of wheat made the old farmer squatting on the edge of the field smile and narrow his eyes. Those who carefully guarded the wheat field were either old people or children.

Each person held a long bird-catching pole in his hand, with several rag strips tied to the top of the pole.

“Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!” The sound kept coming. Children with fast legs and feet were running around the wheat field. Even the most playful boy was not lazy.

 The smooth official road, occasionally an ox cart or donkey cart passes by.

The crisp sound of ‘嘘嘚’ hoofbeats adds a brisk melody to the earth that is about to be harvested.


Ziyu and Libai reined in the reins, jumped off their horses and let the two of them follow behind and walked leisurely.

The smart two sniffed the familiar wheat ears on the ground, then lowered their heads and ate the weeds on the roadside leisurely.

 “Old man, what’s the harvest like this year?”

Ziyu and Libai, who were wearing straw hats and covering most of their faces, walked up to the old farmer in the field and asked kindly.

 “Hahaha, how good you two gentlemen are!

 This year’s harvest is great!

 One acre can yield three and a half quintals of refined wheat. My family has planted ten acres of wheat, five acres of rice, ten acres of cobs, and sweet potatoes.

 It’s enough food for the whole family for two years. After the autumn harvest, you can also plant autumn vegetables for a season, so you don’t have to worry about anything in the coming year.

The old man has never grown such good crops in his more than fifty years of life.


 To say the least, the new policy of our new government is better, not only exempting taxes but also providing seeds to the people.

He is the great master of our people! "

When the old man talked about the good things about the new government, he smiled so much that he showed big yellow teeth and wrinkles on his face.

 “Old man, it’s good to have food!

You can sell the uneaten food to the government for money. Do you trust the government? "

Ziyu and the two simply sat on the ridge and talked with the old man. The people were very satisfied with their current life, and their efforts were not in vain.

 “Believe, believe!

 As long as the government issues an announcement to collect grain, I, Lao Liutou, will be the first to support it.

 The good life we ​​have now is all brought about by the government. I believe the government will not treat us badly. "

The old man beat his chest loudly, but his words were watertight.

“The old man is right, the government is the government of the people, and it will definitely not treat everyone badly.

 After the autumn harvest, notices will be posted to purchase grain at clearly marked prices, and profiteers are not allowed to maliciously hoard grain. Everyone is welcome to participate. "

Ziyu listened to the old man talking about home affairs for a while, then stood up and left.

 On the way, I randomly picked a few old farmers in the fields to talk to, and I felt more confident about the harvest this season.

 As long as the people's livelihood issue of food is solved, subsequent development can proceed steadily.

 Otherwise, she would have to find ways to loot the Northern Kingdom's military supplies.

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