The half-meter-long eaves on the wall where the announcement was posted could barely block the rainwater from flying into his eyes. Liu Ji opened his eyes wide and looked from left to right. While looking, he patted the shoulder under his buttocks and said, "Right, right, and a little further to the right."

Awang couldn't hold it back anymore and complained in a low voice: "In that case, why don't you start from the last one?"

The man on his shoulder didn't respond, and he didn't know if he was pretending not to hear or if he was really fascinated.

Despite the complaints from the crowd, the two walked all the way from the left to the far right.

Awang no longer had any expectations in his heart. After all, he knew very well what level his eldest master was.

If your foundation is too poor, even if you have some understanding, you won't be able to have good luck every time.

However, Awang had just thought so a second ago.

The next second, I heard a gasp of cold air coming from above my head.

Awang's heart suddenly tightened, and he felt a bit of expectation for no reason. He raised his head and asked, "Master, what's the result?"

"No. 20 in Class A, Qi Xianguan." Liu Ji read out the ranking of his junior senior brother with a complicated mood.

The list is posted horizontally, with Grade A in the front rows, Grade B and Grade C in the middle and lower rows, and the further back the rankings are, the further to the right.

Awang: Sure enough, you shouldn’t expect too much from the great master!

With this ranking method, it's no wonder that Shitou and Agu searched for a long time but couldn't find the name of their young master.

Liu Ji calmed down and looked down.

I was afraid that I would miss it if I read it too quickly, but I also wanted to read the last few lines of names right away and find my own name from the crowd.

Awang felt that the hand holding his head was sweaty, and it made his head numb.

I don't know when the heavy rain subsided, leaving only a pattering of rain and mist. Liu Ji wiped the rain from his face and signaled Awang to put him down.

Only the bottom three lines remain.

Awang lowered his shoulders, put down his eldest father, and raised his eyes inadvertently. His whole body paused for an instant, and his eyes slowly opened wide.

"Liu Ji. Liu Ji!" Awang didn't even know why he was so clumsy with his mouth. He originally wanted to say, Sir, look at the names on the list, but he only managed to hold it in for a long time and only these two words came out.

Liu Ji, who was named, raised his eyes and was shocked. He pointed at the word "Liu Ji" on the list and looked at Awang excitedly.

Awang nodded sharply, pointed to the place of origin written on the back, and asked with his eyes whether he had read it correctly.

"That's right, it's me, your handsome and handsome elder!" Liu Ji looked up to the sky and laughed three times, and his hanging heart finally fell.

Now I can go back and give the evil woman an explanation!

The master and the servant looked at each other and smiled, and then carefully looked at the ranking three times. It was C and twenty-nine.

There are only thirty places in total, and Liu Ji is second to last.

But even if it’s second to last, it’s still on the list.

Liu Ji didn't know how to express his joy. He stepped on the puddle and turned around several times, muttering:

"I hit, I hit, I hit"

He walked all the way out of the crowd looking at the list, attracting countless envious, jealous and hateful looks. He didn't realize it or take it to heart. He didn't stop until he bumped into the carriage with a bang.

Liu Ji composed himself, lifted the car curtain, stuck his head in, and said seriously to the teacher and junior brother who were frightened again in the car:

"Teacher, little senior brother, I won the exam!"

After saying that, he withdrew his head, took out the yellow talisman that he had gone to the Taoist temple to ask for the day before leaving home, and kissed it twice.

This Taoist spiritual watcher will definitely donate a sum of money to repair the broken Taoist temple when he is honored in the temple in the future.

It would be best to erect another monument with all his life stories written on it and place it in front of the mountain gate for future generations to admire.

Thinking of those pleasant things in life, the corners of Liu Jigang's suppressed mouth rose again uncontrollably.

Qi Xianguan got out of the carriage and wanted to say something, but looking at his junior brother's confused look, he suddenly remembered the wild article he had read in that book.

It was said that he was a poor scholar who had been struggling for most of his life but could not win the lottery. One day he did win the lottery, but he was so excited that he went crazy.

Therefore, Qi Xianguan stopped what he said and signaled to Awang to help Liu Ji onto the carriage, and the group returned to the temporarily rented courtyard first.

Liu Ji's excited heart finally calmed down and confidently told Awang: "I want to eat fish tonight."

Awang said oh, picked up the vegetable basket in the kitchen, and went out to buy fish for him.

After all, today is indeed a day to celebrate.

Upon seeing this, Gong Liangliao and Qi Xianguan were full of expectations for tonight's dinner.

Ever since Liu Ji took Nga Wang on board the ship, Gong Liangliao would no longer eat the meals prepared by the maids.

After all, he is a teacher, and it is reasonable for him to eat three meals a day with his apprentice.

As for Qi Xianguan, he was too embarrassed to trouble Awang at first and ate alone for two days. Finally, under Liu Ji's polite invitation, he did not collapse. From then on, he was out of control.

Awang doesn't think it's hard to cook two more meals. He is quite free now and is quite happy to spend more time studying food.

Being fed by Awang, Gong Liangxiao grew a belly, and Qi Xianguan's height also increased significantly.

But Liu Ji didn't see how he was gaining weight, so he asked, "My wife doesn't like strong men, so I have to eat less."

Qi Xianguan said in confusion, "So this is what you married people want to do?"

Having said that, Qi Xianguan had already expected that he would be on the list this time.

In order to keep a low profile, he also restrained his strength a little and only took the last place in Class A.

But if we want to compete for the top spot on the list, we are absolutely sure.

However, Liu Ji was still on the list, which was not expected by Qi Xianguan.

If they hadn't been staying together for more than two months, he couldn't help but wonder if his junior brother had been brain-changed by some ghost after today's results came out.

Qi Xianguan kept this doubt in his mind until Awang brought dinner to the table, and then he couldn't help but ask.

Afraid that his suspicion would hurt his junior brother, he asked very tactfully.

"Junior brother, what did you write in the article for this college examination?"

Gong Liangxiao ate his food calmly. Not only was the old man not interested in the matter at all, he was also indifferent to Liu Ji's inclusion on the list today.

Qi Xianguan didn't pay attention before, but when he looked at the teacher again, he suddenly noticed something.

There is no set theme for the essays in this college examination, allowing candidates to express themselves freely.

This kind of question is actually more difficult to write well than an article on a proposed theme, and it also tests the candidates' personal experience and family heritage.

Therefore, it is not so much a free explanation as it is a screening of the candidates' vision and identity.

For ordinary people like Liu Ji, if they want to be ranked in this scientific examination, it is not something they can achieve by just being lucky.

Faced with the curious inquiry from his junior brother, Liu Jixian finished slurping the fish head in the bowl, then put a piece of his favorite fish belly into the teacher's bowl, then coughed twice and said seriously and solemnly:

"The article I wrote is titled - Daily Anecdotes Between Me and My Great Confucian Teacher and My Junior Brother, a Prodigy from a Family."

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