Some Internet cafes will have the kind of cute girls wearing sailor suits to play with, but the starting price of that kind of Internet café is at least six or seven yuan.

And now I only spent four dollars to realize it, but it's not a cute girl, it's a group of big guys.

Most of the people on the second floor of the Internet café gathered around me to watch me play games, and I felt flattered.

Nervous, I blushed and heartbeat, made frequent mistakes, and wanted to get into the computer and go into battle in person and slap the person opposite.

On the other hand, there was no one on Bai Ge's side, obviously he had gone crazy, those slender fingers were beating at high speed on the keyboard and the mouse, it was a pity not to play the piano with such a pair of hands.

On the screen, the character controlled by Bai Ge chased and beat the five people opposite, and I was chased and beaten by the five people opposite.

Although I think it's already very showy, but it's still a bit reluctant to fight with five people, and now I really regret opening the microphone just now, they were normal before the microphone was opened, and after opening the microphone, the teammates were like playing chicken blood, and they rushed directly to three to five, and then it became like this.

My face was flushed, my fingers felt like I was about to cramp when I hit the keyboard, and I was nervous and there were so many people watching, I felt that it would be a shame to lose.

"Five kills!"

As the screen dimmed, I was killed by the group of hungry wolf-like opponents, and Bai Ge also killed them all, and the other side directly surrendered.

"Whew..... It's finally over...", I exhaled deeply, feeling relieved.

I picked up the nutrition express that was put aside and took a sip, and when I looked up slightly, I saw that the melon-eating crowd present also exhaled deeply, as if I was more nervous to play than they were to play by themselves.


As soon as I swallowed the nutrition express in my mouth, I heard someone call me, probably calling me, after all, I swept around and there were no other women here.

"Did you call me?" I was a little dissatisfied, "Call me handsome." "

The person who spoke was a tall and thin student, still wearing a school uniform, and I glanced at the school uniform logo on his chest, Big Fat Sheep School, what a strange school name.

He was so choked by my words that he didn't know what to say, and suddenly there was a burst of laughter at the scene, and he didn't have to guess to know their thoughts.

They're definitely not watching me play games.,It's the people who come to watch the game.,As the so-called viewers are intentional.,The players don't want to.,So I don't have a good impression of them.,I can't say I hate it.,After all, I used to be a man.,Occasionally I see a beautiful girl and I look at it twice.。

"What's the matter, don't surround me if it's okay, you smell of smoke on you." Glancing around these melon-eating people, I was about to open another handful with the nutrition express in one hand, but the middle school student I choked on spoke again.

"Beauty, I've seen you play for a long time, it's so boring to match, do you want to have a heads-up with me, I will cover all the Internet fees after you win the Internet!"

Tilted his head, looked this person up and down, very neat flat head, very clean body, no tattoos or anything, it shouldn't be that kind of gangster.

"Okay, do you have any requirements if you lose?" I don't care if I open my mouth, I'm single-handed, who's afraid of whom.

After a moment of silence he spoke, looking a little shy.

"Can you be my girlfriend?"


I pulled the corners of my mouth, this is the second time I have been confessed today, I don't know what to say, I just wanted to refuse and thought of Bai Ge, and a genius idea suddenly flashed in my mind.


"Well, actually, I'm just going to open one—" He was stunned halfway through.

"What did you just say?"

"I said yes." I try to be serious.

"But I'm so good, I definitely can't beat you, how about you fight with my brother?"

I'm brainless and confident about Bai Ge, this guy has always been an all-round excellent hexagonal warrior, and he is very good at learning Xi or games.

"Huh?" This person was stunned for a moment, probably not expecting me to agree, and suddenly laughed.

"Well, it's no problem to fight anyone! Today is the arrival of the king of heaven, and I can also have a five-five fight with him! As he spoke, he stroked his hair with both hands, making a handsome appearance, but his flat head was still like that for a long time, and I was embarrassed for him.

"Help me, Brother Bai~~~" I deliberately shouted very sweet and greasy, I don't know how to clip this sound myself, it seems to be natural.

Bai Ge shuddered unprepared, his face seemed to be a little gloomy, he didn't raise his head but said lightly, "Above."

Ten minutes later, this old brother was killed by Bai Ge in the spring, he looked like a dog, but he didn't expect it to be an embroidered pillow, and he was killed in the spring water after a few rounds and couldn't get out.

In the past, Bai Ge would not have abused Quan, but this time I don't know why, I have been abusing until this little brother surrenders, watching the

battle feels so relaxed, I am enthusiastic when I see it, and I think I can do it.


The crystal exploded, and the people who ate melons shook their heads, feeling sorry for this old brother, looking at the network card in my hand, I almost laughed, but I didn't expect to really give me the network card directly, I almost jumped up happily.

"If there is anything else to challenge, line up and come one by one!"

Pinching my waist, I feel that I must be high-spirited now, just like the ancient Mulan, but my daughter's body is domineering, and I have even forgotten the pain of the menstrual period for the time being, but it is a pity that there is no willow tree here, otherwise I can still perform a Lin Daiyu upside down weeping willow.

This group of melon-eating people can see that they are all ready to move, but none of them dare to move forward.


A familiar male voice suddenly came from beside me, which scared me, and when I looked up, I saw Bai Ge's familiar face.

I frowned, I hadn't played enough, and I wanted to have two more, but Bai Ge took my hand and walked out.

"Stop playing, it's too late."

Bai Ge's voice was still so calm, but I had the illusion that he seemed to be a little angry.

Although I didn't know what was going on with Bai Ge, I still walked out with him from the heart.

was led by him all the way out of the Internet café, and I felt a little dazed looking at Bai Ge's side face.

Because I am walking on a small road, there are basically no cars, even there are few pedestrians, it is very quiet, only the footsteps of me and Bai Ge, and even the sound of clear breathing, this tranquility is really rare in the city.


Bai Ge stopped suddenly, and I hit him directly on the back in a hurry, feeling like my chest was deflated.

"Why did it stop all of a sudden?"

Bai Ge didn't speak, turned around and stared at my eyes, those eyes were so cold, I was so scared that I didn't dare to speak for a while.

"Smack," a palm slapped on the wall next to me at once, because this alley is very narrow, the two of them walked side by side almost against the wall, and I had nowhere to escape if I was blocked by Bai Ge like this.

Am I being knocked on by the wall?

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