A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 795 Kandu breaks into Yuhong City

"I will not betray my Pokémon."

After a pause, Xiaozhi held the brim of his hat: "Speaking of which, you are really powerful. Brother Qiaoqiao, I really lost to you."

"It's nothing, nothing. My level of fighting is only marginal." Jon said with rare humility, "Think about it more and practice more, and you can do it too."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but recall the dirty trick of shrinking auspicious eggs + laying eggs + throwing on the earth, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Even if he tried to break his brain, he couldn't develop such a quality tactic.

Could it be that the true meaning of Pokémon battle is who is 'dirtier' than the other?

Shaking his head hard and suppressing the messy thoughts, Xiaozhi decided to go his own way and win with hard power and less bells and whistles...

On the side, Xiaogang, who was acting as the referee, cleared his throat: "Then I hereby announce that the winner of this battle is - Qiao Qiao."

"It's my complete defeat." A trace of despair flashed across Xiaozhi's face, but he quickly cheered up and said with a stern look: "When I get the Water Drop Badge, Brother Qiaoqiao, let's fight again then! Hum, next time Once, I will break through the auspicious egg barrier no matter what."

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Jon smiled.

Things on Xiaozhi's side came to an end. A certain person, with narrowed eyes and unwilling to be lonely, looked at Jon and rubbed his hands: "Then what..."

Unexpectedly, Jon refused decisively: "Next time, next time for sure."

Xiaogang felt very regretful that he didn't get a chance to fight.

After chatting for a while, the two sides parted.

Xiaozhi was going to challenge the Cerulean Gym, but Jon had already given the task to the three sisters, so he didn't go over to join in the fun.

I thought it was another day of boring waiting.

Unexpectedly, after lunch, his Pokémon Navigator rang.

"It's amazing, Qiaoqiao, for doing that kind of thing again without saying a word." Dawu's voice was as gentle as ever, with a hint of kindness and a hint of ridicule in his tone.

A question mark popped up above Jon's head, "What did you say?"

"Don't you dare to admit it if you dare to do it? Now it's spread all over the Pokémon League. The brave trainer single-handedly forced the mysterious Pokémon to retreat."

"Oh, that's what happened~" Jon said angrily: "I don't know why, I thought you were implying that I was stealing people behind my back, you made it so mysterious."

Scratching his eyebrows, he asked, "So you, the Fengyuan Champion, also want to ask me for first-hand information?"

At this point, Daigo's tone became a little more serious, "The emergence of a new type of Pokémon involves a lot of things, especially according to what you said, it is a Pokémon that has mental abilities, super high IQ, and can communicate with humans. Meng, to be honest, the alliance has not had such an emergency for a long time.”

Is Mewtwo's influence so great?

Jon frowned secretly.

In the original plot in the game, only Kanto and Johto should be paid more attention to.

Why is it that even Hoenn has started investigating now?

But it’s not difficult to understand if you think about it carefully.

‘Humanoid Pokémon’ is like suddenly discovering aliens.

And there are many abilities, the worst of which is at the level of a mythical beast. It would be a shame if the Pokémon Alliance didn't pay attention to it.

As the champion of Hoenn, Daigo is naturally very concerned about this matter.

Jon didn't want to reveal too much about Mewtwo, but he just said vaguely: "The Pokémon was seriously injured at the time, and I struggled to support it before I could save my life in its hands."

"Here we go again~ You are too modest, Qiaoqiao."

After traveling together in Tsukimiyama for a while, Daigo finally figured out Jon's temper.

He knew that he only needed to believe what this guy said.

Not to mention anything else, just the physique and strength comparable to Metagross, plus the new superpowers revealed by the alliance.

All in all, Qiao Qiao is anything but simple.

Perhaps, unlike what he said, he managed to get rid of the new Pokémon by luck. It was probably that he defeated it but failed to conquer it...

Daigo asked: "You are still in Hualan City now, right? I have also come out of Yuejian Mountain, please stay still, I will find you soon."

A'Du didn't wait, but Dawu came first. Does he have some strange physique that attracts champions?

However, Jon did not refuse and replied: "I am in the VIP room of Hualan Hotel. The room number is XXXXXX."

After announcing his room number, Jon felt something was wrong.

It’s just that Daigo has hung up on the navigator.


How do you feel, Zhencheng stole someone behind his back?

Metagross can fly.

Dawu rushed to Cerulean City much faster than Jon did at the beginning.

Almost two or three hours later, the voice of the Fengyuan Champion came from outside the door: "Open the door, Qiaoqiao, I'm here."

Jon asked the Gilly Egg to open the door for him.

But I saw Dawu standing outside the door covered in dust, with a full backpack. It was obvious that he had made a good harvest in Yuejian Mountain.

"You really know how to enjoy it." Dawu joked as he scanned the decorations in the room.

These words caused Jon to frown and asked, "Aren't you the biggest rich second generation? Who dares to compete with you in terms of financial resources?"

"Haha, this is too exaggerated." Dawu did not deny the fact that he was a rich second generation. He dusted himself off, sat down on the sofa in the guest room, and exhaled comfortably: "I originally dug rocks in Yuejian Mountain. I was so happy, but the alliance called me out with just one phone call. I listened carefully to the whole story, but I didn’t expect that it involved you. What should I say? As expected of you, Qiao Qiao.”

From the moment Jon defeated Team Rocket with his bare hands, Dawu knew that this guy was no ordinary person. Unexpectedly, not long after they were separated, his deeds became more and more exaggerated.

Jon waved his hand and said modestly: "It's just good luck."

A few more pleasantries.

Dawu's expression became serious: "Okay, now let's talk about business."

"What do you want to know? You agreed in advance and let me answer the questions. The reward is not low."

Hearing this, Dawu laughed: "It's easy to talk, I have money."

Now it was Jon's turn and he didn't know how to answer.

He didn't want to deceive Dawu, but said with reservation: "Some of these things involve secrets, I can't..."

"I understand." Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Daigo: "To be honest, I also have experience with "that kind of" Pokémon. Of course, if the two of us are talking about the same type of Pokémon, if. "

As the Champion of Hoenn and one of the top trainers in the world, Daigo himself also had adventures and saw mythical beasts in remote mountains that were inaccessible.

Jon didn't go into details, but selectively talked about Mewtwo's appearance, personality, situation, etc.

After hearing this, Daigo frowned slightly: "You mean, that powerful Pokémon was probably created by man? Tsk, this is going to be difficult."

If it were a divine beast that appeared naturally to protect one side, the alliance's attitude might be more conservative.

However, artificial cultivation...

This is a big deal.

If not done well, it will trigger a world-class crisis!

Jon was not afraid of offending people and took advantage of the situation to sell the Rockets.

After listening, Daigo frowned even more tightly, "You guess it's Team Rocket? Indeed, they are a powerful criminal organization. The Pokémon League and Interpol have been trying hard for many years but have not been able to find them out. Until now, even I don’t even know who the BOSS is behind the scenes.”

Each region has its own unique evil organization.

However, there is only one company with as much influence as the Rockets.

"That's all I know. I don't know if this answer can satisfy you, Mr. Champion." Jon shrugged and leaned back on the sofa.

Dawu acted the same way, "To be honest, I'm not very satisfied...forget it, that's okay."

He smiled easily and took out a crystal-clear stone from his bag, "I know this thing is not enough to buy your exclusive information, but since we are friends, there should be some discounts, so you can reluctantly accept it."

Jon's eyes lit up.

What Daiwu gave him was a fire stone of extremely high quality.

"How can such a good thing be found in Yue Jian Mountain?" Jon asked curiously.

Speaking of his field of success, Daigo's expression changed somewhat, "Don't underestimate the perseverance and luck of an ore enthusiast!"

'Not only is he rich, but he is also a European emperor, damn it.' Similar thoughts flashed through Jon's mind.

At this time, Daiwu suddenly said: "Speaking of which, do you want to visit our Fengyuan?"


Jon was a little moved, but he still said to Daigo: "Everything has its order. I plan to attend the Quartz Conference first, and then go to Hoenn after winning the championship."

"The Quartz Conference... seems to be a few months away. It's such a pity that I can't be here with you because I have something to do."

Jon expressed his understanding, "After all, you are the champion."

"No, no, no, I meant to dig rocks somewhere else."

Hearing this, a question mark appeared above Jon's head.

You are such a leisurely champion.

But thinking about it, I know that some complicated and trivial matters should be arranged by Dawu to others.

If it weren't for a big event like Kyogre and Groudon waking up, Master Fucciz would usually not show up...

With the ability to lead the way, Dawu soon took up residence in the room next to Jon.

And just when the two were 'like a stick' and 'idle around' all day long, Adu, the double champion of Johto and Kanto, finally came to Cerulean City.

A'Du is a tall, serious young man with fiery hair.

He was wearing the attire of a Pokémon League inspector, with a cape draped behind his back, and he looked majestic.

"Dawu, long time no see. I didn't expect you to be here." A'Du greeted Dawu in a friendly manner, and then turned his attention to Qiao Qiao, "You are Qiao Qiao, the first witness to the "White Devil" incident and the person who experienced it personally. Right? Hello, I am Yulongdu, Champion of Kanto, and Special Inspector of the Alliance. "

As he said that, he stretched out his hand and said, "It's our first time meeting you. Please take care of me."

From a simple self-introduction, you can see A'Du's character, which is courageous, capable, generous and generous.

"Please also take care of me." Jon shook hands with A'Du.

After pondering for a moment, he said: "I have detailed everything about the new Pokémon and submitted it all in writing to the alliance."

"I've seen it, but I think it's necessary to ask you something personally." A'Du's attitude was very serious and responsible, much better than a certain champion who only knew about mining.

He took out a notebook from his chest pocket and recorded in detail what he wanted to know.

Jon answered one by one.

Actually, it's nothing, just some very common questions that Daigo has asked before.

The question and answer session is over.

A'Du thought for a moment and signaled that it was over.

He then discussed with Jon about using championship privileges to waive badge collection.

"My original plan was to confirm your strength by fighting you, but now the situation has changed..."

Qiao Wen heard this.

If it breaks down, I am afraid that I will be arrested and used as a coolie.

Sure enough, they learned from Adukou that after the "White Devil" in the Cerulean Cave escaped, the originally silent Team Rocket had recently made big moves.

A'Du: "Yuhong City, we have received secret information. A large number of Team Rocket members have gathered in Yuhong City with the intention of taking action. As a member of the alliance, I cannot sit idly by. Moreover, I want to draw conclusions through actual combat. It’s more reliable than normal battles. Come join us, Qiao Qiao. Although it’s a privilege, to be honest, I don’t want to use it lightly… But if you have done something that contributes to the alliance, that’s another matter.”

Jon was a little embarrassed.

After thinking about it for a while, I finally agreed.

Anyway, it's impossible for him and the Rockets to get together, and it won't have any impact if they break up.

But before setting off, we have to find a way to inform Kojiro and the others, so that they don't go to Yuhong City to gather and get caught by two champions again.

Yuhong City is a city located in the central part of Kandu. It is also one of the largest cities in Kandu, second only to Golden City in size.

Cerulean City, where Jon spent many days before, was prosperous enough.

However, compared with Yuhong City, it is completely worth mentioning.

There is a lot of traffic and lots of signboards.

It is hard to imagine that the base of a transnational criminal group would be here.

Maybe this is the so-called "hidden in the city"...

"Thank you for your hard work, Champion Adu and Champion Daigo." At the Yuhong City branch of the Pokémon League, Jon and the others met Li Jia, the gym leader of Yuhong City.

She is a woman with sweet appearance and gentle personality. Wearing traditional clothes, there is always a slight smile on his face, as well as a hint of unnoticeable tiredness.

A'Du nodded and asked Li Jia: "How is the situation? Are Team Rocket's actions still under our control?"

Li Jia forced herself to speak: "Because of the early warning, the alliance moved very quickly. In the Yuhong Game Hall, which is suspected to be the Rockets' secret base, we have placed many secret sentries to monitor their actions at all times. .”

"Very good!" A gleam burst out from A'du's eyes, "Although there is no definite evidence, the "white devil" in the Cerulean Cave is most likely a secret product of Team Rocket, that's why those guys are so concerned about it! This time, we must eradicate this cancer! "

Hearing this, Jon couldn't help but give A'Du a thumbs up in his heart.

My intuition is so keen~

A'Du had never been one to procrastinate, and regardless of the fact that he had just arrived, he slapped the table and said, "Now that we have all the people, act immediately to arrest Team Rocket!"

"Okay, Champion Adu, I'll give my orders now." Lijia saluted and went to arrange the arrangements in an orderly manner.

A'Du turned to look at Dawu and Qiaoen.

He first said to Daiwu: "We also ask the champion Daiwu to hold the battle for us in this operation."

"What do you mean? Isn't it our duty as members of the alliance and regional champions to fight against evil organizations? Let me tell you first, I will not stand idly by."

Hearing this, a faint smile appeared on A'Du's face, "I knew you would say that."

"Okay, you plot against me." Dawu and A'Du had a relationship before, and they were not too polite when talking.

When it was Jon's turn, A'Du looked serious: "Qiao Qiao, you can choose not to participate in this operation, and the alliance will not deduct any rewards. But if you choose to participate, then I must warn you that you will fight Team Rocket. , may be life-threatening.”

Jon blinked: "Don't worry, I will try not to beat people to death."


Isn't that what he meant? (End of chapter)

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