The universe is deep and infinite.

The only light source is the faint purple light emitted from the top of the Kirita battleship.

At the last moment, Tony relaxed.

That'll be fine.

After a few breaths, the nuclear bomb finally detonated.


Tony sighed and simply closed his eyes, "Jarvis, good night."

Jarvis was silent for a moment.

[Good night, sir. 】

I thought Tony Stark's legendary life would come to an end here.

Unexpectedly, something weird happened!

Space freezes.

Time goes back inexplicably.

The detonated nuclear bomb mysteriously recovered and was taken away by a figure.

【gentlemen. 】

Jarvis reminded.

"What's wrong, Jarvis, are we already in hell?" A wry smile appeared on Tony's lips.

[I don’t know whether there is heaven and hell, but I can clearly capture the life form three meters directly in front of you, and he is greeting you. 】


open one's eyes.

What comes into view is a handsome face with sharp edges and strong lines.

The man looked young, probably in his early twenties.

Tony was stunned for a moment.

Immediately, he came back to his senses and whispered: "Jarvis, I need you to analyze this guy's detailed information as soon as possible."

About three or four seconds later, Jarvis responded.

[I'm sorry, I can't do it. 】

[Sir, there is a magnetic field around the life form in front of you that I cannot understand. 】

[Based on the environment we are in, it is estimated that his physical strength is at least a hundred times that of normal humans. 】

[And just now, the other party showed a method similar to magic. 】

[Sir, please be careful. 】

Tony became more and more frightened as he listened.

The aliens who invaded Manhattan Island before were just appetizers. The main meal is here.

Take a deep breath.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Jarvis, with MARK7's current energy reserve, how many times can we fire laser cannons?"

[Reiji, sir, we no longer have enough energy to return to Earth, let alone fire a laser cannon. ] Jarvis' tone was as usual.

Tony twitched his lips.

All right.

He had already expected this.

At this moment, the black-haired young man who looked very much like an Earthling flew over.

Tony immediately became extremely vigilant.

"I said, why are you here?" the black-haired young man said with a puzzled look on his face.

Tony was confused.

Why am I here?

For the sake of those innocent civilians, I, the billionaire Tony Stark, chose to sacrifice myself. Ask me why I am here!


This guy actually knows English?

"Who are you?" Tony asked.

"Me, I'm Jon, Jon Joestar."

The black-haired young man introduced himself.

After pondering for a moment, he added, "The astral wandering god who swims in infinite time and space."

"Star World Traveler"

Another ‘god’?


Why do I say ‘again’.

The figure of a certain blond muscular man flashed in Tony's mind.

Just wanted to say something.

Jon Joestar, who calls himself the 'Star World Traveler', waved his hand, "Okay, now is not the time to talk."


The Kirita army is still watching eagerly from a distance.

Tony opened his mouth and had to temporarily suppress the doubts in his heart.

Jon smiled and said: "Although it is different from what I remember, meeting us is fate.

I came all the way and didn't bring any gifts, so I just helped you get rid of those guys. "

As he spoke, he pointed to the Kiritan army over there.

Tony:? ? ?

‘Easy solution’


You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately.

The alien army that almost wiped out the Avengers turned into cats and dogs that you could kill easily?

‘Iron Man’ instinctively disbelieved.


What happened next completely changed his perception.

I saw a giant beast thousands of meters long appearing out of thin air.

Open your mouth and spit.

The azure atomic breath extends infinitely in the vast starry sky.




The Chiritan warships were severely damaged.

Patting Tony's shoulder armor, Jon smiled and said, "My pet is very cute."

"Haha." Tony laughed dryly.

If that mutated lizard-like monster were placed on the earth, it would undoubtedly be a moving natural disaster!

No matter how you look at it, it has nothing to do with cuteness.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath.

I felt more and more uneasy.

On the frontal battlefield, Godzilla, who was carefully raised by Jon, was still wreaking havoc among the Chiritans' battleships.

Although compared with the huge alien fleet, this 'King of Monsters' is as small as an ant, but it cannot withstand its high attack speed and high health.

He devoured the ‘Emperor Level Devouring Beast’ and just chewed a nuclear bomb alive.

Godzilla was so happy that he flew into the air.

Not only that.

When the Kirita people's energy weapons hit it, it is also pure scraping + charging.

For example, the current Godzilla is like an eighteenth-level Darkin Sword Demon with a six-god outfit, and the Kirita people opposite him are like endless sports car soldiers.

After a series of fierce battles, the sword demon's blood had changed several rounds, and those sports car soldiers could not break through the defense.

In short, the Chiritans were retreating steadily and their decline was evident.

Jon saw the opportunity, opened the "Gate of Time and Space" directly, and summoned countless "Flowers of Mana".

The ‘Flower of Mana’ quickly took root, sprouted branches and bloomed.

Breeding a tide of pole-devouring beasts.

The herd swept.

The Chiritan fleet finally collapsed.

Tony stared blankly at everything in front of him, and he, who had always been quick-thinking, completely lost the ability to think.



It was an effortless massacre!

In the eyes of this mysterious being who calls himself the 'Star World Wandering God', a crisis that could threaten the earth is probably just a pastime after dinner.



Just a pet, defeated the arrogant alien fleet.

What about himself?

What kind of supernatural powers does Jon Joestar possess? !

Tony shuddered slightly.

Even when he decided to sacrifice himself for the island of Manhattan, the playboy and tech titan never trembled.

but now.

He was afraid.


Tony wasn't worried about himself.

But worry about the planet.

"I can't be a traitor to the earth." Tony blinked and said secretly in his heart.

Jon's perception is so sharp.

He noticed Tony's strangeness almost immediately, "Hey, what are you thinking about?"

Tony didn't know what to say.

Meeting those eyes, he smiled with relief, "It's nothing, I'm just afraid, that's right. Fear is human instinct, even the great Tony Stark is no exception."

When people are nervous, most people tend to talk a lot.

Jon didn't interrupt and listened silently.

"The Earth is too fragile."

"Human beings are too fragile."

"They were not prepared."

"The world doesn't need gods."

"No need at all."

"Of course, I will not betray myself, because I am Tony Stark!"

After talking for a long time, Jon vaguely understood.

This is, you don’t want to be the leader or the second or fifth son?

Laughing to death.

Who said they were going to invade the earth?

Jon couldn't help but interrupt the other person's thoughts, "Stop, stop, stop it."

Tony reacted with a stern expression.

Shame on you.

How could I lose my sense of proportion so easily?

At this time, Jon said: "Put yourself in your shoes, I understand your feelings, but you don't have to worry, I won't do anything to the earth, because I am also an earthling."

He pointed at himself, "Don't I look like that?"

Like, doesn't mean yes.

Tony looked Jon up and down without saying anything.

Jon scratched his eyebrows and said, "What I'm telling you is the truth. It's up to you to believe it or not."

Of course I don't believe it.

I have never seen anyone on Earth who is as unfathomable as you.

Tony frowned secretly.

Suddenly, Jon put his hand on Tony's shoulder, "Okay, I told you this is not a good place to talk. Let's go back to Earth."

Hearing this, Tony was shocked.


You can’t go back to Earth!


His ideas were trivial.

Time and space change.

Tony, who was in outer space one second, was back on earth the next second.

Teleport to an empty street somewhere.

Overhead, the bright moon hung high.

Tony looked a little dazed.

Jarvis reminded.

[Sir, we should have performed some kind of phase shift just now. I'm sorry, I can't analyze its principle. 】

[According to Stark's satellite positioning, we should be in New York now]

Hearing this, Tony was not very surprised, and slightly twitched the corners of his mouth.

The thing I was most worried about happened.

This evil star, ‘Jon Joestar’, has arrived!

"I said, you are quite popular here." Jon said with interest as he glanced around.

Tony escaped from self-blame and regret and followed Jon's eyes.

But he saw his own portraits all around him.

‘Tony Stark, R.I.P’

'Iron men never die, they just wither'

'Salute to the greatest hero'

'The True Guardian of New York'

'Thank you for saving Manhattan Island'



I'm not dead yet.

The portraits and wreaths are ready, right?

"What exactly is going on?"

Tony was extremely puzzled.

"The rules of space and time. Ahem, that is, 'one day in the sky, one year underground'." Jon kindly explained the other party's confusion, "Although you only stayed in outer space for less than half an hour, it was countless light years away. space."

After a pause, he spread his hands and said, "In other words, you should have been 'dead' for a while on earth."

Tony has a very high IQ and understood what Jon meant almost instantly.

He was anxious, "Jarvis, call Pepper quickly."

Halfway through, he reacted.


Now is not the time for affection between children!

So, he changed his words: "Call SHIELD and tell them there's 'big trouble' coming!"

Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D., was shaken awake by his subordinates.

Sit up straight from the chair, the bald man's face is so dark.

"You better have something urgent to do." He stared at Agent Hill expressionlessly.

Agent Hill was familiar with the temper of his boss and was not afraid. He lowered his voice and said, "A minute ago, the bureau received a call from Stark."

"Which Stark?" Nick Fury, who was still asleep just now, was a little confused.

But soon, he came to his senses and stood up.

"Stark? Tony Stark!"


Agent Hill looked solemn, "Tony Stark is back, and he said that a 'big trouble' is back with him."

"big trouble"!

Nick Fury's sleepiness suddenly disappeared.

"Hill, summon all the Avengers immediately! The sooner the better!"

Fifteen minutes later.

SHIELD's armed reconnaissance plane landed at a private airport.

Steve Rogers and others stepped off the plane fully armed.

The next second.

They were dumbfounded.

Because the expected situation did not happen.

Not only is there no danger.

On the contrary, the atmosphere is quite harmonious.

Stark, who had been missing for more than half a month, was seen sitting on the ground, devouring a burger.

Next to him, there was a young man with black hair, saying something from time to time.

Steve and others looked at each other.

Finally, Steve himself came forward and said loudly: "Stark?"

"team leader!"

Tony's eyes lit up when he saw the visitor.

He raised the burger in his hand and said, "Want some?"

We got up in the middle of the night, not here for a late-night snack.

Steve grasped the strap of the shield tightly, did not answer, and asked in a deep voice: "Stark, it's great to see you.

But before reminiscing, I need you to tell me, who is the person next to you? "

"Him? He calls himself "Star World Traveler" Jon Joestar. Tony said as if he was resigned to his fate, "This guy is very dangerous. He destroyed that alien fleet all by himself." "

Danger. Are you still sitting here eating burgers like a human?

Steve's eyelids twitched slightly.

The warrior's instinct reminded him crazily that that 'young man' was quite dangerous.

"First meeting, Captain Rogers, I am Jon Joestar." Jon stood up on his own initiative and extended his hand to 'Captain America'.

Steve hesitated again and again, but still held hands with that hand.

After a few seconds of silence, he spoke: "Jostar, why did you come to Earth?"

"I'm here for the 'Cosmic Cube', I'm here for the 'Eye of Agamotto'." Jon said, raising the fingers on his palm, "In short, my goal is the 'Infinity Stones'."

Although he doesn't understand what the 'Infinity Stones' are, Steve is still familiar with the 'Cosmic Cube'.

He thought for a while and said truthfully: "The 'Cosmic Cube' is no longer on earth."

"I know." Jon nodded, "So, I don't plan to stay here for too long. In fact, I am going to Asgard soon."

As he said that, he looked towards a deserted place, "But when I collect the other 'Infinity Stones', I will come back and take away the 'Eye of Agamotto'."

The wind blows.

The scene was silent.

No one answered.

Jon didn't care either.

He knew that ‘Supreme Mage’ Gu Yizheng was looking at him.

The reason why he didn't take action was simply because he was afraid of his power.

Steve was confused.

He obviously knew every word.

But put together.

Tony swallowed the last bite of his burger and shrugged, "Captain, that's what it is.

As you can see, the earth is facing its greatest crisis in history. If it is not handled properly, I think we will all die at the hands of this guy. "

Are you scared?

That is indeed fear.


That was quite frightening.


No matter how scared or frightened you are.

It's of no use either.

Instead of wasting energy on useless emotions, it is better to fill up your stomach quickly, return to your laboratory, and research a new set of armor.

Tony already had a name figured out.

It's called Mark8-anti-'Jon' armor.

Wrong, wrong, stop scolding, stop scolding, oooooooooooo

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