Chapter 411 Chicken and Dog

 “Xiaoya, go get the scissors.”

 The scissors were just delivered by Jiang Weiguo in the morning. There were two pairs, one large and one small, both brand new.

 The larger ones are specially used for cutting fabrics, while the smaller ones can be used for cutting small things.

Li Jing didn’t say take the big one and take the small one, so Jiang Xiaoya took the big one.

 Li Jing took it in her hand.

The one with the size of scissors was bigger than Li Jing's hands. She took out a chicken from the chicken coop.

The first bird to be shot is the one born first.

 Put the scissors down and click a few times to cut the wings bare.

After cutting it, he temporarily threw it into the vegetable field. He took a kitchen knife and threatened: "If you dare to run around and poop, I will kill you now!"

The little pheasant whose wings were clipped uncomfortably flapped its wings and chirped, then looked at Li Jing with its big chicken eyes and continued to reach into the chicken coop.

 Another one was brought out, and its wings were cut off, making it even balder than it was.

 Catch them one by one, but they cannot escape the fate of having their wings clipped.

The chicken was finally satisfied, chirped and took a bite of the green vegetables.

As soon as he took a small bite, Li Jing caught him and held him in the air.

“Take another bite and I’ll twist your mouth off!”

The chicken originally wanted to crow, but Li Jing was too frightened to do so. The chicken's eyes became cross-eyed.

 The first chicken born is indeed much smarter than the other chickens.

Li Jing threw the chicken out and warned: "Look after the chickens at home from now on. If these chickens dare to run around, you will be the first to deal with them!"


 The little pheasant flapped its wings and jumped in the air for a while, but unfortunately it couldn't fly. As soon as this fighting chicken landed on the ground, it lowered its head.

 “Prosperous wealth!”

Li Jing called the dog who opened the door at home.

Wangcai was always poking his head there. Apart from him, these few pheasants in the house were barely his kind. Unfortunately, they were kept in a cage and couldn't play with them.

After finally being released, Wangcai, a dog with a childlike nature, was already there and ready to move. As soon as Li Jing called him, he let out a "ouch", stuck out his tongue, and ran over happily.

 Comparing with the joy of wealth, these little pheasants were so frightened that they fluttered their wings. The boldest pheasant also spread its arms, as if it dared to act rashly because of wealth, and it was as desperate as it could be.

Wang Cai will inevitably give "ooh" to the little pheasants twice to express his friendliness.

But his dog mouth was open when he howled, and the dog mouth did not almost swallow the little pheasant that was squawking at him.

 But even so, a lot of chicken feathers were bitten off.


These little pheasants were really frightened now. They were running around all over the place, and their claws destroyed a lot of the vegetables she planted.

Li Jing’s face turned dark and she shouted coldly: “Prosperous wealth!”

Wangcai barked "oooooooooo", his dog face was innocent and ignorant.

It just wants to play with these chickens. How did it know that they are all so afraid of this dog?

 This dog is not scary!

Li Jing did not listen to Wangcai's explanation and only ordered: "Take care of these chickens. Don't allow them to run around or peck at vegetables. If you can't do anything, you will be imprisoned with them." Cage it!”


Wangcai screamed in grievance, but unfortunately she couldn't get Li Jing's sympathy. She took the scissors, packed up the remaining chicken feathers, and stood up.

Jiang Xiaoya stretched out her hand at the side, wanting to touch Wangcai as a comfort. However, Wangcai was so persecuted by her that she thought she wanted to grab it and ravage it again, so she couldn't help but bark.

The little milk dog's body was straightened up, its fangs bared, and it looked unusually ferocious.

 (End of this chapter)

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