Chapter 337 Pig Raising

Feng Dandan looked deeply at Xia Chunlan's proud expression and bit her lip.

 She didn't know what Xia Chunlan wanted to do before, but now she has an idea.

Xia Chunlan wanted to deal with Li Jing.

 Feng Dandan really wanted to tell her that there were many ways to deal with Li Jing.

She is just a country girl. Her parents, her lover, or her current husband are all her fatal points. There is no need to kill an old turtle to indirectly frame Li Jing. This kind of The method is really stupid.

How did Feng Dandan know what Xia Chunlan was thinking? On the one hand, Xia Chunlan wanted to deal with Li Jing, but on the other hand, she was worried about the backlash from the heroine Li Jing's koi physique.

However, the obedient Feng Dandan at this moment gave Xia Chunlan an idea.

“Dandan, I heard that your family’s conditions are not good, right?”

Feng Dandan’s eyes moved and he looked at Xia Chunlan timidly.

 When the two women looked at each other, it seemed as if some invisible cooperation had been achieved.

Li Jing did not expect that the team leader would arrange for her to feed pigs in the pig pen, mix pig food, shovel pig manure, and cut pig grass. They were all simple tasks that could not be simpler.

There is no feed at this time, so to feed pigs, corn stalks and dried grass are usually crushed, added with sweet potato seedlings and wild vegetables, and mixed into pig food.

Their production team feeds a total of 7 pigs. After more than a year of feeding, one pig weighs about 100 pounds. By the end of the year, most of them will be handed over to the meat department of the supply and marketing cooperative, and only one pig will be left. Let everyone have a good year.

“Don’t think raising pigs is easy! There’s a lot of knowledge involved!”

 The person who brought Li Jing over was scorekeeper Jiang Fuxi.

 Actually, he would not agree with Li Jingqian raising pigs.

This work must be done by people who are patient, practical and responsible. After all, it is not easy to raise a half-grown fat pig. If something goes wrong, no one can bear the responsibility! But apart from this job, there is no other job suitable for her. After all, she was still sick before!

Jiang Fuxi sighed in his heart, and then said: "Come, come here, I will tell you a few points to pay attention to. We have built a total of 9 pig pens. It doesn't matter what you feed. Just when you clean the pig pens, you If you want to jump in, there are two pigs who are more temperamental.”

 Jiang Fuxi walked into the pig pen and pointed in the left and right directions.

“Hey, these two pigs may attack people. When you clean the pigsty, you can drive them to other pigsties. There are empty pigsties next to these two pigs.”

“Also, when feeding, don’t be greedy for too much. Pigs are just like people. They also have a fixed amount of food. If they eat too much, they will get sick and feel uncomfortable. So don’t feed pigs food all the time just for the sake of showing off. "

“It’s getting hotter day by day. The pigs definitely need to drink water, but you must remember to feed the pigs water. If the weather gets hotter, you have to pour water into the pig pen from time to time to cool down the pigs.”

"You have been assigned this job, so you must do your best. Whenever the pig becomes unhappy and lies still, or eats less food, or the pig needs to mate, you must pay attention. Don't be careless!"

Li Jing nodded repeatedly.

 She wrote it down.

Jiang Fuxi explained carefully for a long time, and even asked an experienced person to demonstrate to Li Jing how to feed the pigs.

 After explaining everything clearly, I left.

Li Jing stood quietly outside the pig pen and watched the pigs eat for a while.

The two pigs Jiang Fuxi mentioned were really good-tempered. They even thought the pig food was not tasty and kept grunting.

 Li Jing’s goal as a pig feeder is to make the pigs fat, so naturally she will not just watch the pigs not eat.

I randomly cut a handful of wild vegetables nearby, chopped them into pieces, and mixed them into the pig food that had been put into the pig trough.

At this time, Xia Chunlan has probably forgotten that she is a confinement child.

 (End of this chapter)

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