Chapter 325: Holding a grudge

 “From the Huzi family!”

Xu Gairong couldn't stand it any longer and scolded him loudly, but at this time Zhang Fang also became tyrannical.

"Auntie, this is a family matter of our family. You can't interfere in this, right? I was frightened by Jiang Wei's country and framed by her. Shouldn't my head of the family seek justice for me? If he were a man, he would Will stand up for me!"

Li Jing's hesitation just now has dissipated. Such a person is not worth saving.

Although the baby in her belly is innocent, it may be a good thing for the baby that she does not have such a mother.

Li Jing dug the hole carefully and began to bury the old turtle.

The old turtle didn't eat its meat, but had to help it bury its body. Li Jing still thought it was quite fantasy.

The old turtle was buried deeply, and Li Jing used a shovel to flatten the soil.

Seeing that Li Hu actually listened to Zhang Fang and came towards her, she jumped into the pit.

Before Li Hu could speak, she asked directly: "How do you want to seek justice for your troubled wife?"

She is indeed a mess. She just grabbed an old turtle and handed it over to others before taking it home. Now that the old turtle was killed, can she be blamed?

 What Zhang Fang said was illogical at first glance, but Li Hu actually came over obediently.

Whether he just wants to stabilize Zhang Fang temporarily or really wants to seek justice for her, Li Jing doesn't have a good feeling about him. She doesn't like people who don't have her own bottom line of principles.

 “Brother, younger brother and sister…”

Li Hu's voice was a little dry and hoarse when he opened his mouth. He didn't know if it was because of nervousness.

Li Jing raised her eyebrows when she heard his "brother and sister", "There's no need to get closer, just tell me what you think!"

Li Jing felt a sense of oppression that couldn't be ignored even if she didn't speak. When she opened her mouth, she immediately silenced Li Hu.

 What ideas could he have?

He just wanted to stabilize his wife, and by the way, simply asked what the situation was.


Li Jing narrowed her eyes and suddenly asked a question, which startled Li Hu. Under Li Jing's gaze, his eyes flickered and he opened his mouth, "I just, I just want to know if my brother and sister are not willing to let the old turtle go, so..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Hu got stuck.

 He knew he had said the wrong thing.

 This is putting the blame directly on Li Jing’s head.

 Zhang Fang had quietly gotten up from the ground.

Her stomach was still painful and swollen, but there was no bleeding from her lower body, so the baby probably hadn't fallen out, so she didn't continue to sit on the ground.

After listening to Li Hu's words, Zhang Fang's eyes lit up, as if he had found evidence, and he shouted loudly.

"That's right, you must be dissatisfied with the villagers for letting the old turtle you caught go free, and you are holding a grudge. It's you, you insidious villain!"

The old turtle caught by Li Jing was suddenly killed, and died in such a miserable way, it must be because she was dissatisfied with the villagers asking her to let the old turtle go, so she didn't do anything.

  Yes, that’s right, that’s it.

Zhang Fang couldn't help laughing.

 She was caught.

 What Zhang Fang said before was illogical and she only wanted to blame Li Jing. The thinking of Li Hu, a grown man, gave him a perfect explanation.

Strange to say, no one in the village said that Li Jing was unwilling to let go of Lao Turtle's hand, but Li Hu took it out.

Li Jing nodded calmly, "That's good, but I can also doubt that someone had a grudge against me, killed the old turtle, and pushed it on me!"

Li Hu nodded quickly in order to make up for the mistake in his previous words, "Yes, it is possible!"

 (End of this chapter)

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