Chapter 141 Pork Vermicelli Buns

 Jiang Xiaowen couldn't help but look up at Li Xiaopang.

That chubby little face looks honest and honest, but everyone knows that he is an extremely shrewd fellow.

Just by looking at how he fooled his stupid brother's friends into a few words, you can tell that it's unusual.

But Jiang Xiaowen didn’t pay much attention to this. His father once said that when making friends, don’t worry about the purpose, but start from the heart.

 He raised his lips and replied: "Okay!"

As soon as Jiang Xiaowen replied "Hello", Jiang Xiaoxin patted his thigh and replied louder than him: "Okay!"

 Actually, Jiang Xiaoxin was just waiting for Jiang Xiaowen's answer. It was his brother who always made the decision on these matters.

 It doesn’t matter, these are not important, what is important is that both brothers agreed.

Jiang Xiaoxin poked Li Xiaopang with his elbow and winked at him.

"I have wanted to learn to read for a long time, but unfortunately I have never had the chance. I heard that your boy did well in school and got very good grades. Although, I don't really believe it. But you have been studying for so long, and you shouldn't be able to teach me and my brother. Problem?"

 “No problem, definitely no problem.”

 Li Xiaopang can guarantee this by patting his chest.

Although going to school is boring, his father said that if he wants to make a lot of money to buy meat in the future, he must first learn to read and write. For the sake of the future, he doesn't know how serious he should study.

“That’s good, come, I’ll teach you! But it’s just a matter of teaching, we don’t provide bamboo sticks. This thing is very troublesome to deal with. Now you have to go to the mountain to chop bamboo and bring it back.”

 “Okay, I’ll chop it down.”

Li Xiaopang is a good gentleman, and Jiang Xiaoxin will do whatever he says.

 Jiang Xiaoxin was not timid either. Although he did not know how to do it himself, he started teaching others seriously.

"Look, first take a few bamboo strips like this, place them vertically, and then add them horizontally..."


 Stove fire.

 A pot of steamed buns was finished, and Li Jing took one stuffed with pig head vermicelli.

The fennel and amaranth she prepared were made into a filling, but the pork vermicelli that Jiang Weiguo mentioned was more tempting to her. She ignored the burning and took a bite. As the aroma went down, she felt happy bubbles popping up.

 The pork is soft and rotten, the vermicelli is delicious, fresh and fragrant, and the flavor is amazing after being stir-fried with spices.

Jiang Weiguo also picked up one and tasted it. After tasting it carefully, he shook his head and said, "There is not enough seasoning and the bun wrapper is too thick. It would be nice if it were thinner!"

Li Jing rolled out the dumpling wrappers. She worked neatly. Seeing that Jiang Weiguo had been busy doing other things, she rolled out the dumpling wrappers and wrapped them. After doing this, Jiang Weiguo discovered it.

 She specially rolled the buns into thick skin, and she likes to eat white flour.

Li Jing tilted her head, thinking.

 So, she did a disservice?

However, it tastes delicious this way. After the shortcomings he mentioned are corrected, will it be delicious enough to swallow the tongue?

Li Jing silently took another bite of the bun, suppressing her desire to move.

Jiang Weiguo curled his lips without leaving any trace, and looked at Li Jing's side face seriously, with a soft wave in his eyes, "It doesn't matter, I will cook it for you next time!"

Li Jing nodded heavily.

While she was eating, she took out a bun and put it in a bowl, waiting to be cooled for Xiaoya to eat.

Xiaoya sat obediently by the stove to light the fire today, and she was doing very well. Li Jing was very satisfied with her progress.

 She bent over, nodded her nose without hesitation, and praised, "Xiaoya is so awesome, I will reward you with a big bun later!"


Jiang Xiaoya hugged Li Jing's legs and acted coquettishly. Her smile was cute and sweet, but it was a little obstructive to have one arm hanging.

Li Jing thought for a moment and pulled the gauze on it, "Xiaoya, is this in the way? Mom, help you remove it!"

Jiang Xiaoya shook her head.

Although her hands no longer hurt, she still had vague concepts that no one could know.

 (End of this chapter)

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