The advantage of being a younger secretary is that she can keep up physically and mentally.

Sometimes being a secretary needs to run errands back and forth here and there. At least the physical strength of the young people will not be too tired to run after running.

To sum up, in Lan Shu's opinion, the conditions that must be met to be a secretary, after screening, there are only three people in the factory who meet the standards.

Fortunately, this time the recruitment in the factory is not only internal, but a notice has been posted at the gate of the factory in advance.

So, this time, there were eight people who came to run for the secretary of the factory director, including three people from the factory.

Among the eight people, there are six men and two women. The youngest is twenty-one, and the oldest is just twenty-five.

Lan Shu is very cautious in choosing the secretary who will work next to her in the future.

So for this reason, she also created some special assessment levels.

In addition to the first level of questions to test whether the knowledge level of several people is consistent with their academic qualifications, the second level is to test everyone's resilience, and the last is character.

Eight people, four desks, two people at a table, Lan Shu personally set the questions and invigilated the exam.

Because it was not a formal exam, she only asked a few questions that could reflect the corresponding learning level.

Half an hour later, six of the eight passed.

Lan Shu didn't ask for all the questions to be correct, but she couldn't know everything.

The two eliminated have obviously graduated for a long time, so they have almost forgotten what they have learned.

And in this level, the 21-year-old applicant girl scored the highest.

In the assessment of adaptability, Lan Shu asked everyone a question about the workplace.

"If someone calls and wants to order products from our factory, because the leader is not here, you need to introduce the product types and prices. Your purpose is to retain customers and let them successfully place orders. What should you say at this time. "

After speaking, Lan Shu handed over a basic introduction and price list of sanitary napkins to the first applicant.

Then the second.

"If your leader assigns you a work task, but before that, you are already busy with other work tasks, and you may be overwhelmed by the next task and delay other work, what should you do?"


"What kind of person do you think is the most difficult to work with at work, and if you meet such a person, what kind of method should you use to work with this kind of person?"


"What should I do if I am not reused by the leader?"


Lan Shu prepared a lot of questions, and listened to the answers of the six people one by one.

Among them, a 21-year-old girl with a ponytail answered questions that were not reused by leaders.

She said, "Not everyone can be reused by leaders at work. Being reused is just an affirmation of my ability to work by leaders. At work, I will do my job well and strive to be reused by leaders, not Make this the object of my work."

There was also a twenty-three-year-old young man who answered another question, which also satisfied Lan Shu.

"For the fact that the leader has a lot of tasks, first of all, I will analyze whether I can complete it. If it cannot be completed, I will report to the leader and explain the reason why it cannot be completed."

"If it can be completed, but other conditions are required, I will also explain the situation to the leader and ask the leader for support. If it can be completed through my own ability, such as working overtime, then I will work hard to complete it."

There is only one chance, and if you don't grasp it, it will be gone, so the second round of six-in-two will directly eliminate the other four people.

The third level focuses on a person's character.

Lan Shu thought for a while, and then asked, "Do you have many friends around you? Tell me why you make these friends."

Whether a person is introverted or extroverted can be seen from the number of friends around him.

And what this person's character looks like can also be seen from the reasons why he makes friends and the character of his friends.

Those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black. The appearance of a friend is also a reflection of a part of oneself.

The 21-year-old girl with ponytails doesn't have many friends, only two or three friends are classmates and neighbors.

From her narration to her friends, Lan Shu could see that the girl had a relatively simple personality. Apart from studying hard with her classmates, she talked about everything with the good sisters who grew up with her neighbors.

The 23-year-old youth has a little more friends, six or seven, including classmates, some from childhood, and colleagues who worked together before.

The young man's name is Qu Zhou, and he used to work in the machinery factory next door. His daily work content is a part of the production of machine parts.

He joined the factory after graduating from high school, working on the assembly line without any room for advancement.

He didn't want to be an assembly line worker for the rest of his life, so he signed up for the recruitment after seeing the job advertisement in a nearby paper mill.

If he can apply for the position of secretary to the factory director, he will immediately resign from his job at the machinery factory.

If it doesn't work, he doesn't plan to work in the machinery factory anymore, but plans to prepare well and take the night school exam next year.

Lan Shu could tell that Qu Zhou was a more self-motivated person, and he answered questions comprehensively before. Compared with Tang Chu, a girl with ponytails, Qu Zhou obviously had more work experience and was more suitable for the job of the factory manager's secretary. .

But the girl Tang Chu also performed very well, at least Lan Shu felt that she was worthy of being cultivated.

So in the end, Lan Shu made a decision——

"Both of you stay here, Qu Zhou, and you will be my secretary from now on. Tang Chu, I also have a small clothing factory that is in the process of starting a business. I need a secretary who can take care of finances temporarily. Would you like to go? "

Although Lan Shu had promoted Ah Xing to be in charge of the clothing workshop before, Ah Xing was still able to run errands to buy fabrics, deliver goods, and look after the store.

But because of A Xing's low education, Lan Shu has always been in charge of finances.

In addition, during this period of time, Lan Shu's small clothing workshop has made some money again, and she plans to expand the scale, just as she is also short of people there.

When Qu Zhou and Tang Chu heard what Director Lan said, they naturally had no objection.

So, Lan Shu originally just recruited herself a secretary in a toilet paper factory, but in the end she got the extra reward of Tang Chu~!

On the other side, Lan Weicheng and Xu Shan arrived in Linjiang City from Kyoto, and then transferred to Qingyang County.

Along the way, the two hardly spoke, and most of the time they looked at each other in silence.

After getting off the bus and standing on the boundary of Qingyang County, Xu Shan finally couldn't hold back anymore!

The expression on her face was tense, so tense that she even felt pain in her heart, she couldn't control her emotions, and tears kept flowing out of her eyes.

"If, I mean if, we really had the wrong baby..."

Xu Shan didn't continue talking. In her opinion, the following words were simply hard to say!

Lan Weicheng frowned, with a sullen face, then took out a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket, took out one and lit it with a match, put it near his mouth and took a deep puff——

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