1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 632: The attitude of the Northern Democratic Party

Chapter 625 The attitude of the Northern Democratic Party

The three west coast states seceded from the Union, making Lincoln and Republican politicians realize that it was only a matter of time before the United States lost half of the country west of the Rocky Mountains.

The large tracts of territory that have been forcibly seized since the two U.S.-Mexican wars will fall into the hands of the "pseudo" regime in the west that is about to be established.

The United States of America will be reduced from a top regional power with a territory of more than 9 million square kilometers and spanning two oceans from east to west to a medium-sized country.

"Abraham, your former boss, your old friend gave us a big gift!"

In the Willard Hotel in Washington, Seward, who had just returned from North Carolina in embarrassment, felt dizzy after learning the news that the three West Coast states had announced their secession from the Union, and he said in a weird voice.

"The separation of the West from the Union will cause us great strategic passivity." Scott said worriedly, "The worst result is that after the war breaks out, our soldiers will have to face the dilemma of fighting on two fronts."

Scott had no plan for the emergency situation in which the three west coast states would secede from the Union. For a time, the seventy-year-old general and the only lieutenant general in the United States felt at a loss as to how to deal with this crisis.

"I won't let this happen!" Lincoln pretended to be calm in front of his colleagues. He looked calm and collected. "Mr. Vanderbilt is a famous patriot, and I don't think he wants to see a great country torn apart. . I will meet him personally and talk to him, and Mr. Vanderbilt will certainly be more than happy to go to Sacramento and meet his son-in-law.”

"The relationship between a son-in-law and a son-in-law is not worth mentioning in the face of power." Chase worried, "We cannot place our hopes on the relationship between Vanderbilt and Liang Yao. Furthermore, Liang Yao also married Bell's daughter. "

"I know." Lincoln said after thinking for a long time, "I have prepared for the worst, but this worst plan is not to fight on two fronts. I want to meet with the British, French, Qing Dynasty, Tsarist Russia, and Spain Ambassador to the United States, but I hope to receive them in a formal presidential capacity.”

After the South moved its capital to Richmond, Jefferson Davis officially declared his inauguration and became the interim president of the Confederate States of America. His old friend Alexander Stephens became Vice President of the Confederate States of America.

Lincoln decided to take office early. He wanted to contact these major foreign powers before they recognized the puppet regimes in the south and west, thereby diplomatically isolating the south and west.

"Formally taking office and assuming power is the most important thing at the moment!" Chase agreed deeply, "I will arrange the inauguration right away."

"I called Colonel Sumner and asked him to move troops into Washington and be responsible for maintaining security in Washington." Scott said, "Your inauguration this time is different from previous ones. There are many southern killers lurking in Washington. We must ensure that We will put you in place when it is safe for you.”

Lincoln did not reject Scott's proposal and nodded slightly. Colonel Sumner was an old member of the Republican Party and someone he could absolutely trust.

Lincoln himself also knew that he had offended too many people along the way, and there were many southerners who wanted to kill him. His presidential inauguration is bound to be uneventful.

"It is better to reduce the number of participants in the inauguration ceremony and cancel the inaugural speech to the public." Seward suggested, "In this way, we can save a lot of time, and you can enter the White House as quickly as possible."

"No! You cannot reduce the number of people attending the ceremony, let alone cancel any part of it." Although Lincoln knew that Seward's original intention was good and reasonable, he still rejected Seward's suggestion. Lincoln said His reasons for not taking Seward's advice.

"Once we do that, we will send a signal to the outside world that we are weak, which will have a negative impact on myself and the Republican Party."

This is the first time that he has been in power, and it is also the first time that the Republican Party, an emerging political party, has entered the historical stage as the ruling party.

The inauguration ceremony is the best platform to promote the new government. If the ceremony is done well, it can play a role in uniting people's hearts. Lincoln hoped that his inauguration could be carried out without any compromise to boost the morale of Northern soldiers and civilians in this critical autumn. The federal government needs unity now more than ever.

"The three states in the Western Sea have officially announced their secession from the Union. Should we revoke the appointments of Garrett and Rong Hong?" Bates said worriedly, "Obviously, they are not a symbol of national unity, but more likely to be senior spies sent by the Civic Party. ”

"Changing orders day and night before our foothold is stable will damage the credibility of our Republican Party and the new government. Furthermore, Garrett and Rong Hong are not serving in key departments of the core and have no access to secrets." Lincoln still decided to keep it. Appointments of Garrett and Rong Hong.

In the past two days, he has frequently made public appearances with Garrett and Rong Hong. If he revokes the appointments of Garrett and Rong Hong at this time, wouldn't he be a slap in the face?

While the Republicans were discussing the inauguration, Douglass, a representative of the Northern Democrats and Lincoln's old political enemy, came to visit.

Lincoln and Douglas had been fighting for many years, from the Illinois House of Representatives race to the recent presidential race.

"Let me guess Douglas's purpose here. He must be promoting his ideas to appease the Southerners, or he is here to ridicule us." Wells sneered and said.

"Maybe he'll ask us for a coalition," Dayton said.

Douglas's arrival was not welcomed not only by Wells and Dayton, but also by others in the room.

Compared with the Republican Party's tough attitude towards the South and other separatist forces, the Northern Democratic Party's attitude was much milder and advocated compromise with the South.

"I believe in Douglass's character. He is a man with a bottom line." Lincoln said very firmly, "No one knows Douglass better than I do."

Having fought with Douglas for many years, Lincoln believed that as an old rival, he understood Douglas better than Douglas's closest friends. He believed that Douglas could handle the big issues concerning principle.

"We northern Democrats are by no means the ones who add insult to injury." As he spoke, Douglas pushed in the door uninvited. "I, Douglas, and all members of the northern Democratic Party will not take advantage of the chaos to seek any political gain."

Douglas's words made Wells and Dayton, who had just been prejudiced against Douglas, ashamed. They had just judged the gentleman with a villain's heart.

"Thank you, Douglas." This was the first time in Lincoln's life that he said thank you to Douglas. His thank you was not a false politeness, but came from the bottom of his heart.

Not long ago, though, they had greeted each other in the most obscene terms, overtly or covertly.

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